
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-09-26 15:46:44 四年级 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  生活在这个地球上的人类,不管是古人还是我们现代人,每天都会经历各种各样的事情。有开心的,有难过的,它们就像音乐谱上的一个个动人的符号,构成了美妙的乐章。老师教我们:不管遇到什么事情都应该坦然面对,不骄不躁。可是,我却做不到,最近遇到了一件事情让我烦死了。


夜上海论坛  People living on this earth, whether ancient or modern, experience all kinds of things every day. There are happy ones and sad ones. They are like moving symbols on the music score, forming a wonderful movement. The teacher taught us: no matter what happens, we should face it calmly and not be arrogant or impetuous. However, I cant do it. Im so bored by something recently.


夜上海论坛  This matter has to start with the mid-term exam last year, which was a mess. Although I spent all my time studying, the final exam was still unsatisfactory. My mother saw that other childrens exam results were very good. She was so worried that she scratched her head. Although she didnt scold me, I knew in her eyes that she hated iron but not steel! Just at the beginning of school, my mother asked everywhere how to make the children progress quickly. Its said that some students are sent to the teachers house. Their daily life is with the teacher, and their mothers eyes are bright. She moved this thought, tidied up for me to let me go to the teachers house to live in the dormitory.

夜上海论坛  我实在是接受不了,为什么要这个样子呢?我一直在努力学习,虽然失败了可是我认真总结失败的原因,也有了一定的进步呀!学习知识是丰富我们的大脑,丰满我们的灵魂的呀!只要我坚持不懈,努力学习,热爱学习,我觉得我一定会取得优秀的成绩呀!

夜上海论坛  I really cant accept it. Why do you want to look like this? I have been studying hard. Although I failed, I have made some progress in summing up the reasons for my failure! Learning knowledge enriches our brain and soul! As long as I persevere, study hard and love learning, I think I will achieve excellent results!

夜上海论坛  不想去老师家,请妈妈理解我!不要让我觉得因为学习不好,而被父母抛弃了的那种孤独感。父母的信任与支持才是我进步的最大动力。

夜上海论坛  Dont want to go to the teachers house, please understand me! Dont let me feel the loneliness that my parents abandoned because of my poor study. The trust and support of my parents is the biggest driving force for my progress.










