
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-11-20 17:43:49 初一 我要投稿


夜上海论坛  一的生活不知不觉间结束了,一定有不少感想,让我们一起认真地写一篇日记吧。那么什么样的日记才合适呢?下面是小编精心整理的初一英语日记带翻译,希望能够帮助到大家。


  初一英语日记带翻译 篇1

  Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.

夜上海论坛  现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇2

夜上海论坛  July 19 20xx

  Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to complete the homework as soon as I have time.


  初一英语日记带翻译 篇3

  do you mind being called a bad student? of course not. so far as i know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

  however,to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. first, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. a man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. secondly, he must remember to improve his health. only a strong man can do great tasks. thirdly, he should receive moral education. if his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.


夜上海论坛  然而,做模范学生绝不是一件容易的事情。第一,他必须尽力获得知识。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的。

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇4


夜上海论坛  On May 4, my father took me to Ningbo with my mother, grandma and my fathers good friends. This is my first trip to Ningbo. I am very excited.

夜上海论坛  一早我们开车来到四明山度假山庄。山庄里到处是又高又大的山和郁郁葱葱的大树。我们先去钓鱼,接着沿着弯弯曲曲和高低不平的山路来到鹁鸪岩,看着飞流直下的瀑布,我和爸爸在它的下面戏水和往水里丢石块,我笑得合不拢嘴。

  In the morning, we drove to Siming Mountain Resort. The villa is full of tall and big mountains and lush trees. We went fishing first, then came to the langu rock along the winding and uneven mountain road, and watched the waterfall flying straight down. My father and I splashed under it and threw stones into the water, and I couldnt laugh.

夜上海论坛  第二天我们又来到旅游胜地东钱湖,那里风景怡人,四面环水,我们慢慢的散步进去,最后我们乘者快艇返回目的地。

  The next day we came to Dongqian Lake, a tourist resort, where the scenery is pleasant and surrounded by water. We walked in slowly, and finally returned to our destination by speedboat.


  I had a good time on May Day.

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇5

夜上海论坛  ”江上往来人,但爱鲈鱼美“,虽然我钓不上来鲈鱼,但我能钓上大鱼。

夜上海论坛  ”Although I cant catch bass, I can catch big fish.

夜上海论坛  今天,我和妈妈去农庄钓鱼。我用饭粒做诱饵挂在鱼钩上,使劲一甩,浮标立了起来,我就平心静气的等待鱼儿上钩,这时,浮标沉了下去,我知道鱼儿上钩了,心里大喜,但是我告诉自己可千万不能着急,过了一会儿,浮标又往上窜了窜,我心里连连叫好,赶紧收杆,一条大鱼在我眼前活蹦乱跳,一条、两条……我一连钓了7条,就这样,我满载而归。

夜上海论坛  Today, my mother and I went fishing on the farm. I used rice grains as bait to hang on the hook. I swung hard, and the buoy stood up. I waited for the fish to hook calmly. At this time, the buoy sank. I knew that the fish had hooked, and I was very happy. But I told myself not to worry. After a while, the buoy ran up again. I cried in my heart, and quickly closed the bar. A big fish jumped in front of me Jump around, one or two , I fished seven in a row. Thats it. I came back with full load.

夜上海论坛  今天,我真高兴!

夜上海论坛  Today, Im so happy!

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇6


  Today is my birthday. Its a very happy day.


  In the evening, when I went to the song bar for my birthday, my mother said to me, "there will be many children in the song bar." Im thrilled to say that.


夜上海论坛  Come to the song in the evening. My mother gave me a teddy bear. Its lovely with black eyes. I really like it. When I arrived, singing began. I wanted to eat cake for a long time, but my mother said that I could eat it at nine oclock. My mouth watering. Finally, at nine oclock, my mother lit a happy birthday song for me, then lit a birthday candle, let me make a wish, and my friends sang a happy birthday song for me. After I made a wish, I cut a cake for every child. Its so busy!


  I really want to be more wonderful next year!

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇7


  At seven oclock in the morning, its drizzling outside the window. Its really a disgusting weather. I walked out of the door slowly with my umbrella and took the bus to school.


夜上海论坛  The air on the car is very stuffy, the floor is wet, people are crowded and everyone looks anxious. An old man fell down accidentally. I looked out of the window bored and thought that if I invented a high-tech raincoat, it would not rain on the road again, and passers-by would not fall because of the road slide

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇8


  This morning, I played a little game of knowledge in the shop. After playing chess with my classmates, I was not allowed to back when the soldiers were only walking. The soldiers played chess with guns. Like the soldiers in command, the soldiers walked obliquely, like the flying fields, the horses jumped on the day, and the cars crashed.


  Every time I use a carriage, I win two sets of chess. I win the first day of horse jumping, and I win the second day when he is handsome and sent to my cart.

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇9


夜上海论坛  At noon today, I picked up rice when I had nothing to do. I was good at rice washing, but I couldnt pour water. Rice was like naughty children jumping into the basin. I have an idea: wash rice like hand washing. I just did that, but soon the rice was crumpled by me.

夜上海论坛  我说妈妈淘好了。妈妈过来一看米都烂了。吃饭的时候米随然是烂的可我们吃的很香,因为是我做的.。

  I said mom did it. Mom came to see the rice was rotten. When we eat, the rice is rotten, but we eat it very delicious, because its made by me.

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇10

夜上海论坛  6月19日星期二雨

  Tuesday, June 19 rain


夜上海论坛  After dinner, mom was cleaning the table, and Dad brought the bowl to the kitchen. Looking at their busy appearance, I thought: let me help my mother wash chopsticks!


夜上海论坛  I ran to the kitchen, poured water into the basin, and imitated my mothers appearance. I poured some detergent into the water, then put the chopsticks in, and rubbed them up and down with the cleaning ball. Wash again with water, ha ha, chopsticks are clean!


  Mom and dad laughed when they saw the clean chopsticks. My father said to my mother, "our baby has grown up!

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇11

夜上海论坛  今天我们进行了语文单元测验,老师说:“我们今天考的还不错,因为有很多人努力了。”

夜上海论坛  Today we had a Chinese unit test. The teacher said, "we did well in the test today, because there are many people working hard."


  I am very happy that I did better in this test than in the last one, but some people say that my score is covered. I feel very angry and sad. I want to prove that Im not hoodwinked. Im going to show it by action. Im going to work harder for full marks.

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇12


夜上海论坛  This evening after school, I still take the No. 8 bus home, sitting in a chair and looking at the scenery outside the window. After a while, an old lady came up and stood beside the chair with a sigh, leaning on crutches and seeing that there was no seat in the car. I got up and helped my grandmother to sit in my seat. The old lady smiled kindly and said, "what a sensible and good child!"

夜上海论坛  我听了之后心里美滋滋的。

  I was very happy after listening.

  初一英语日记带翻译 篇13


夜上海论坛  Today, my friends and I invited to play basketball. Basketball is a dangerous sport because there will be many collisions between us.

夜上海论坛  当我们打的正激烈时,我用力的向前撞了过去,他摔倒了,并且手肘擦出了血,我当时有点慌张,马上扶他起来,并说了一句对不起,我们并没有吵闹,就这样,我们的友谊长久了一辈子。

  When we were fighting fiercely, I bumped forward hard, and he fell down and wiped blood on his elbow. I was a little flustered at that time. I immediately helped him up and said sorry. We didnt make any noise. In this way, our friendship lasted for a long time.








