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working at home作文及其翻译

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夜上海论坛working at home作文及其翻译

  1working at home

working at home作文及其翻译

夜上海论坛  Thanks to the advancement of the Internet and modern communication technologies, working at home has become a reality for some people. People now can work at home and readily connect themselves with the companies they work forby means of the Internet and other communicating devices. The set of photos above show us some typical pictures of people working at home.

  Even since the advent of this new work pattern, many people highly appreciate and advocate it with great enthusiam, as working at home has some obvious advantages. The biggest advantage is that people can make a better balance between career and family. Since the working schedule becomes flexible, people can manage their own time more efficiently and take more care of their families.

夜上海论坛  In addition, working at home can free people from the sudden changes of weather,and the rush in heavy traffic. For the company, it will be able to reduce the cost by having smaller working space and less money used for daily routines in the offices. But as every coin has two sides, working at home also has some disadvantages, such as less human contact and development of loneliness. Besides,the biggest problem is the loss of team spirit, which is indispensable to the success of the company in the competitive society.

夜上海论坛  It can be said for sure that working at home will became an inevitable trend and that a greater number of people will like to work at home. But in my opinion,this work pattern is only suited to a certain number of people who can accomplish their work individually, and is limited to certain work fields. Enterprises should weigh the pros and cons before making a decision to allow their employees to work at home.

夜上海论坛  由于互联网的发展和现代通信技术,在家工作对一些人来说已经成为一种现实。现在人们可以在家里工作,很容易将自己与他们工作的公司极好的沟通意味着互联网和其他设备。上面的照片向我们展示一些典型的人们在家工作的照片。

夜上海论坛  甚至因为这个新的工作模式的出现,许多人高度赞赏和支持它以极大的热情,为在家工作有一些明显的优势。最大的优势是,人们可以更好的事业与家庭之间的平衡。自工作时间表变得灵活,人们可以更有效地管理自己的时间,把更多的照顾他们的家人。

夜上海论坛  此外,在家工作可以自由的人突然变化的天气,并在交通拥挤高峰。对公司来说,这将能够降低成本通过更小的工作空间和更少的钱用于办公室的日常工作。但事物都有两面性,在家工作也有一些缺点,比如减少人类孤独的联系和发展。除此之外,最大的问题是团队精神的损失,这是必不可少的成功的公司在竞争激烈的社会。


  2Working at home is benefit for employs and employees

夜上海论坛  Nowadays, a grouping number of people are opting for working at home if their boss approved. Especially more and more working women prefer to work at home rather than work at office. In their opinions, there are a multitude of advantages of working at home.

  First and foremost, they can better take care of their family when they work at home. Who are the most important people in your life? That's right, your family! Working women insist that by working at home they will be able to set their own hours and be available when their family needs them. For instance they won't have to ask their boss’s permission if it's okay for them to take their son or daughter to the dentist. Because their bosses are most concerned about was outcomes rather than processes when they allowing their employees to work at home.

夜上海论坛  Besides, being allowed to work at home is also the gospel of the disabled people. Instead of getting up in the early morning and throwing themselves into the crowded bus, they may enjoy a much more flexible schedule and have a better rest. At the same time, they no longer need to worry about the absence of company’s group activities. In addition, they can communicate with their colleagues by telephone and network with more confidence. The proverb says, one door closed, god will open another door to you. Being allowed to work at home must be the “another day” to disabled people.

  Last but not least, allowing employees to work at home can help company save office space and other facilities. Companies can save a lot of money since they don’t have to pay for the office buildings and provide a variety of office equipment. There is no doubt that employees will work hard if the company can put these savings to be used to improve the welfare of employees. Managements no longer need to invest more manpower and energy to deal with conflicts at office between employees. They are just concerned about the results of the work.





夜上海论坛  考虑到所有这些因素,我们得出合理的结论,在家工作不仅是对员工有益,但也使公司受益。越来越多的员工在家工作,我相信它将成为未来的发展趋势。

  3、Working from Home

  Certain companies, especially some small-scale businesses, start to encourage their staff to work from home or use home as their working base for at least part of the week nowadays. Some offer some forms of remote working support to their work-forces, such as equipping them with laptops and installing broadband, and others pay for the telephone bills for these workers.

夜上海论坛  This work pattern is popular because it’s clear that there are a number of benefits for these companies. First, it helps retain employees, especially highly- qualified working parents with childcare responsibilities. Second, it brings higher productivity because the employees have fewer interruptions and less commuting time. Last but not least it offers savings on premises and other facilities.

夜上海论坛  However, there are some potential drawbacks. For one thing, there is difficulty of managing home workers and monitoring their performance and difficulty of maintaining staff development and upgrading skills. For another, it may create a sense of isolation among home workers and it can be harder to maintain team spirit. Therefore, enterprises should weigh the pros and cons before permitting their employees to work at home.

夜上海论坛  某些公司,特别是一些小规模的企业,开始鼓励他们的员工工作,从家里或使用他们的工作基地,因为他们的工作基地,至少一周的今天。有些提供远程工作的支持一些形式工作的力量,如配备笔记本电脑和安装宽带,和别人付电话费对这些工人。


夜上海论坛  然而,也有一些潜在的缺点。一方面,有困难的管理家庭工人和监测他们的表现和维持员工的发展和升级技能的难度。另一方面,它可以创造一个家庭工人之间的隔离感,它可以更难以维持团队精神。因此,企业在允许员工在家工作之前,应该权衡其利弊得失。

  4working at home

  Nowadays, with the development of technology and information networks, Our communication and life become convenient. That’s why more and more people choose work at home, to deal with our work through the Internet Remote Assistance.

  Maybe a lot of people can’t accept this new way of working, and doubt the stability of the work, but it is undeniable that working at home is one kind of way to working and living. If the workplace is not in our hometown, we don’t have to consider the issue of housing and traffic problems, the Internet can be resolved. In addition, network of online shopping is very popular, sellers can solve buyers’ problems over the Internet. The seller only need to stay at home and receive the message, of course sometimes they also go to logistics companies.

夜上海论坛  This way of working in fact won’t produce communication barriers in reality. I like illustration and original painting creation, and would like to go in for this job after graduate. So I am willing to accept this job.


夜上海论坛  也许很多人不能接受这个新工作方式,和怀疑的稳定工作,但不可否认,在家工作是一种工作和生活方式。如果工作不是在我们的家乡,我们不必考虑住房和交通问题的问题,互联网可以解决。此外,网上购物非常流行,网络卖家可以通过互联网解决买家的问题。卖方只需要呆在家里和接收消息,当然有时他们也去物流公司。

夜上海论坛  这实际上的工作方式在现实中不会产生沟通障碍。我喜欢原作创作插图,想毕业后从事这份工作。所以我愿意接受这个工作。

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