
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-12-19 08:21:31 高二 我要投稿





  The fifteenth day of the lunar month every year, China's people's traditional Lantern Festival. On this day each year, every family will hang lantern, fireworks, in the doorway of his coax wood-pile, let the men of his own house in the New Year, thriving, happy!

  Speaking of dumplings, I most like to eat, I even thought, this is the world's first gourmet.

  Today, my mother came back from the store in the evening, brought us "three full ling tangyuan", snow-white tangyuan jumped out at me. It is made of glutinous rice powder, one is rolling rolling rolling, especially attractive, I really want to eat it.

  Mother said: "I'm going to cook dumplings. A little later, dumplings boiled, I smell the fragrance of a tangy, food made my mouth water. Come quickly to give me a bowl, scrutinize ripe glutinous balls, glittering and translucent and transparent, from brown. Wrapped in the inside of the lard oil, sesame, sugar faintly visible. I imagine; With a small spoon scoop up a dumplings into his mouth, a nibble, delicious, fruity filling came out......

  Mother put ChengHaoDe dumplings the table, I shout, can't wait with a small spoon in the bowl, picked one of the biggest, mouth to bite. "Oh, very hot dead me!" I immediately put down the small spoon, opened his mouth, with the hand hard fan in the mouth. Mom and dad saw my mess, couldn't help laughing. Mother scooped up a tangyuan said: "still me a demonstration! See, eat dumplings when should first above bite a small mouth, blow filled some cool, can the big full the luck to eat STH delicious!" "Hey, what you can't eat hot dumplings!" Say that finish, I according to the mother to teach experience, taste it carefully. Dumplings are sweet, sweet in your mouth, not only sweeter through my heart · · · · · ·

  Our feast on a meimei, it seems, are still wanting more. "Three full ling tangyuan" really liked. Who smell taste all want to have a taste.


夜上海论坛  说起汤圆,我最喜欢吃了,我甚至觉得,这是人间第一极品。

夜上海论坛  今天,晚上妈妈从店里回来,给我们带了“三全凌汤圆”,雪白的汤圆就跳到我的眼帘。它是用糯米粉做的,一个个被搓得滚圆滚圆,特别惹人喜爱,我真想一口把它吃掉。





  Make yuanxiao lantern is our Chinese traditional habits. Happy Lantern Festival arrived in an instant, the streets decorated, a beaming.

  After supper, the father, mother and I together happy to drive to the peak mountain park watching lanterns. We came to shun feng mountain park gate, welcome to our "phoenix" is a vivid. "Phoenix" there are two flowers on both sides, there are golden Chinese characters in the two flowers, on the left is everything - meaning, on the other side are the best. "Phoenix" is flashing blue light, flash red, and color, colorful, infinite change, full of festival festival atmosphere. We drove in, found that car can put a maze will do more, want to find a parking place is a little difficult. I saw shun feng mountain park, parking space is not only fast, lined up in an amazing number is the park, people mountain people sea. I found that there are plenty of visitors in our school students, have a plenty of from all the way to the tourists, here also have a plenty of nearby residents dance fitness. Most of the people to see yuanxiao lantern, is only a small portion of the residents of the exercise.

夜上海论坛  In front of the square is lanterns exhibit, colorful lanterns shine in the darkness and attractive luster. The lantern is not only environmental protection, and colorful, brilliant. We found that this year's lanterns to respond to the environmental protection low carbon, are all made of the waste using elaborate. Take "smooth sailing", for instance, using the waste newspapers and old rope spell a sailboat, metaphor luck this year, the people's favorite, so got the silver medal. One of my favorite lanterns lanterns or "snake years of peace". Is it an apple shape mesh lanterns, there is a snake highlight a tongue, modelling is special and lovely. The lanterns made with bamboo and other environmental protection material, do so beautifully chic, creative. I will like to do when I grew up "snake years of peace" lanterns, learn to environmental protection, with unlimited imagination to do some small production of environmental protection, to support environmental protection, do a moral creative civilized people.


夜上海论坛  晚餐过后,我和爸爸、妈妈开开心心一起开车去顺峰山公园看花灯。我们来到顺峰山公园大门前,欢迎我们的是一座栩栩如生的“凤凰”。“凤凰”的两旁还有两朵花,两朵花里还有金色大字,左边的是万事胜意,另外一边是如意吉祥。“凤凰”还一时闪蓝光,一时闪红光,一时又变色,色彩缤纷,变幻无穷,充满节日喜庆气氛。我们开车进去,发现车多得可以摆一个迷宫都行了,想找一个车位停都有点困难。我看见顺峰山公园不但停车位是快停满了,就是公园里人数也多得惊人,人山人海。我发现游人中有的是我们学校的同学,有的是从千里迢迢赶过来的外地游客,还有的是附近的居民来到这里跳舞健身。大部分的人都是来看元宵花灯的,只有少部分是坚持锻炼的居民。










