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  Lizards are members of the reptile family. Other members are snakes, turtles, crocodiles and alligators. Lizards have several things in common with other reptiles. All reptiles are cold-blooded. They cannot control their own body temperature. It is controlled by their surroundings. Lizards must work to maintain their temperature. Another characteristic which lizards have in common with all reptiles is that their skin is made of scales.


夜上海论坛  蜥蜴是爬行动物的一员。爬行动物还包括蛇,龟,鳄鱼和短吻鳄。蜥蜴与其他爬行动物有几个共同点。所有的爬行动物是冷血的。他们无法控制自己的体温。他们的体温由他们所处的环境决定。蜥蜴必须努力保持其温度。而蜥蜴与所有爬行动物的另一个共同点是他们的皮肤是由鳞片组成。

夜上海论坛  Lizards shed their skin frequently because the skin doesn't grow with them. They have lungs and breathe like humans. They breathe through nostrils above their mouths. They have a special organ on the roof of their mouth. It is a Jacobson's organ. Lizards smell with this. They pick up the smells with their tongues. The smells travel to the Jacobson's organ. Lizards can sense prey this way. Their eyes and ears are located on either side of their heads.

夜上海论坛  蜥蜴常常蜕皮是因为他们的皮肤不跟随他们自生成长。他们有肺,像人类一样呼吸。他们通过其嘴巴上面鼻孔呼吸。他们口腔上部有一个特殊的器官,被称为雅各布逊氏器。蜥蜴通过这个器官闻到气味。他们用舌头感知气味,随后气味传递到雅各布逊氏器。蜥蜴也能通过这种方式感知猎物。他们的眼睛和耳朵位于头的两侧。

  Lizards have a simple body shape. They have a head, a pair of legs, a long body, another pair of legs and a tail. Their tails can help them balance, swim, or grab tree branches. Some lizards use their tails as a weapon. They can also wiggle away from a predator which grabs their tail. Certain muscles will cause it to fall off, but the tail still moves. The predator watches the tail, and the lizards can escape. Then lizards can grow a new tail. Lizards range in size from one and one-half inches long to seven and one-half feet. The Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard. The Komodo dragons live in Indonesia. The smallest lizards live in the British Virgin Islands.

夜上海论坛  蜥蜴的体型十分简单。他们有一个头,一双腿,一个修长的身体,另一对腿和一根尾巴。它们的尾巴能帮助他们平衡,游泳,或抓住树枝。有些蜥蜴用它们的尾巴作为武器。当捕食者抓住他们尾巴的时候,他们可以通过扭动尾巴进而逃跑。而某些肌肉会使尾巴脱落,但脱落的尾巴却仍然是活动的。使捕食者盯着蜥蜴的尾巴,蜥蜴便得以逃脱。不久后蜥蜴就长出新的尾巴。蜥蜴的体型从七又二分之一英尺到一又二分英寸不等。科莫多巨蜥是最大的蜥蜴。科莫多巨蜥生活在印度尼西亚。最小的蜥蜴生活在英属维尔京群岛。

  Lizards can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Many live in tropical rain forests. Food is plentiful for them there. The hot damp climate allows them to maintain their body temperatures. They can be found also in deserts and other hot, dry areas. Many of the desert lizards are nocturnal. They come out in the cooler evening. Very hot weather is not good for them. Lizards that live in cold climates hibernate through the winter. Their bodies can't tolerate the cold temperatures. Also, food is not as readily available in the winter.


  Some lizards are carnivores and some are herbivores. Large carnivores like the Komodo dragon will eat anything they can find. They need a lot of food so will hunt bigger prey, like deer and cattle. Gila monsters are also rather large lizards. They usually look for baby birds and mice. They bite their prey. Poison flows from their mouths into the wound. Gila monsters are the only venomous lizards in the United States. Smaller carnivores eat insects, other lizards and small animals. Herbivores eat leaves, fruit, flowers and other plants. They can more easily obtain food. They don't have to hunt or wait in hiding like the carnivores.

夜上海论坛  有些蜥蜴是食肉动物,有些是食草动物。像科莫多巨蜥大型食肉动物会吃任何可以找到的东西。他们需要大量的.食物,所以会寻找更大的猎物,如鹿和牛。毒蜥也是相当大的蜥蜴。他们通常寻找雏鸟和老鼠。他们咬住猎物。毒液从他们口中流入猎物的伤口。毒蜥是美国境内唯一有毒的蜥蜴。小型食肉蜥蜴吃昆虫,其它蜥蜴等小动物。食草动物吃树叶,水果,花卉等植物。他们更容易地获取食物。他们不需要像食肉动物那样去打猎或隐藏等待猎物。

  Lizards are prey to birds, snakes, bears, raccoons, and coyotes. They try to avoid the predators by hiding underground or behind rocks during the day. At night they stay in a nice warm burrow under the ground.

夜上海论坛  蜥蜴是鸟,蛇,熊,浣熊和狼的猎物。他们试图通过白天躲在地下或岩石后面来避免天敌。到了晚上,他们便会把自己埋在温暖的地下洞穴。

  In summary, lizards are members of the reptile family. Like reptiles, they are cold-blooded. Their temperature is controlled by their environment. They have to work at keeping their bodies at a comfortable temperature. Also, like reptiles, their skin is composed of scales.










