
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-11-17 16:14:07 日志日记 我要投稿




  打羽毛球英语日记带翻译 篇1

夜上海论坛  今天下午妈妈和爸爸带着我和弟弟在小区的空地打羽毛球。

夜上海论坛  This afternoon, mom and Dad took my brother and I to play badminton in the open area of the community.


  After dinner, my mother, father and brother began to play badminton. Looking at the fun, I cant wait to serve first. I tried and the ball was low. So my mother said, "its not like this. We should..." I tried, and it was much better than before.


夜上海论坛  Its my brothers turn to send it. It took him a long time to send it. I didnt see it, so I didnt get it.

夜上海论坛  看着爸爸和妈妈打,感觉就像是两位高手在对决。

夜上海论坛  Watching mom and dad fight, it feels like two masters are fighting each other.

  打羽毛球英语日记带翻译 篇2

  今天我和爸爸一起去楼下打羽毛球,打得很开心,爸爸说我有进步。爸爸开始不愿意和我打球的时候,我和家里来的客人一起打球, 开始我根本一个球都接不到,但是我还是坚持着。后来换了一个新的羽毛球,我就能接到球了,也能发球了,也会发球了。我打了好久的时间,一直都没有换人,虽然有点累,但是还是坚持着,我一直在打。因为我喜欢、爱上了球类,我爱上了打羽毛球,好玩的.、有意思的运动我都想参加。

夜上海论坛  Today, my father and I went downstairs to play badminton. We had a good time. My father said that I had made progress. When dad didnt want to play with me at first, I played with the guests from home. At first, I couldnt catch a ball at all, but I persisted. Then I changed a new badminton, and I could receive the ball, serve and serve. Ive played for a long time, but I havent changed people. Although Im a little tired, I still insist. Ive been playing. Because I like, fell in love with the ball, I fell in love with playing badminton, fun, interesting sports I want to participate.

  打羽毛球英语日记带翻译 篇3

  七月九日 星期四 小雨

夜上海论坛  Light rain on Thursday, July 9


夜上海论坛  Today is my third day of playing badminton, but I have experienced a test of life and death.

夜上海论坛  一开始,教练让我和我的朋友打高球,这还好,还有一些体力。可到最后的往返跑,我才跑了十个来回,就累得气喘嘘嘘,腿也很酸,但想到还有五个来回就完了,我咬了咬牙,跑完了五个来回。当我回到家后,我感觉我的腿累的快没知觉了,头上还有好多没晾干的汗。立刻趴在床“倒床不起”了。爷爷看了,笑着说道:“你真是太久没锻炼,体力跟不上了。”所以,以后我一定要把体能拉上去。

  At the beginning, the coach asked me to play high ball with my friends. Its OK. There is still some physical strength. But in the last round-trip run, I only ran ten back and forth, and I was so tired that I gasped for breath and my legs were very sour. But I thought that there were five back and forth, and I bit my teeth and ran five back and forth. When I got home, I felt my legs were almost unconscious and there was a lot of sweat on my head. Immediately lying on the bed "cant get up.". Grandpa looked, smiled and said, "you havent been exercising for a long time. You cant keep up with your physical strength." So, in the future, I must pull up my physical strength.

  打羽毛球英语日记带翻译 篇4

夜上海论坛  今天,我和爸爸到体育中心打羽毛球。风很大,羽毛球被吹得到处乱飞。远看两个人在打羽毛球,近看风在捉弄两个羽毛球手。

  Today, my father and I went to the sports center to play badminton. The wind is so strong that badminton can fly everywhere. From a distance, I can see two people playing badminton, and from a distance, I can see the wind playing tricks on two badminton players.


  The wind is northeast. The direction of the ball is southwest. We just stand in the southwest and play in the northeast. I cry and laugh when we play. Now we turn to fitness equipment, I go to swing, I want my father to push, big brother and big sister swing high, I cant. However, I found a funny thing hanging pile, I played several times, it will be, really practice makes perfect.






高二英语作文范文带翻译:my hobby07-24




