
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-05-30 19:27:12 日志日记 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  一天就要结束了,相信大家都有不少体会吧,此时此刻我们需要写一篇日记了。快来参考日记是怎么写的吧,以下是小编收集整理的捉迷藏英语日记带翻译,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


  捉迷藏英语日记带翻译 篇1


夜上海论坛  My favorite game is hide and seek, which can be played by a lot of people. First, Ill decide who will catch it. Then others will start to hide. Everyone will find a place to hide themselves. As long as one person is caught, they have to catch it with another person until they are all caught. This game is very fun! Next time please drink and lets play together!

  捉迷藏英语日记带翻译 篇2


夜上海论坛  Today, I played with the children outside. We began to play hide and seek game. At the beginning, I caught it. They found a good place after looking for it.

  我就像小猫找来找去就是找不到,妈妈说别着急慢慢来, 妈妈又说你就坐在这里等他们,他总会来的,果然还真来了。

夜上海论坛  I'm like a kitten who can't find it when she looks for it. Her mother said don't worry about it. She said you'll sit here and wait for them. He'll come, and it's true.

  捉迷藏英语日记带翻译 篇3

夜上海论坛  今天,我跟弟弟玩捉迷藏的游戏。弟弟来抓我,我躲在窗帘后面,非常隐蔽,屏住呼吸,一动不动,生怕弟弟把我抓住。结果弟弟走来走去,一眼望不到我。他开始想出一个好主意了,他说:姐姐,我找到你了,你快出来吧!我一句话也不理他,我可不会上他的当!后来弟弟真的快找到我的时候,我很害怕,就从窗帘后面跳了出来,吓他一大跳!我在哈哈大笑,弟弟傻傻地也跟着我笑了。

  Today, I played hide and seek with my brother. My brother came to catch me. I hid behind the curtain. I held my breath. I didn't move. I was afraid my brother would catch me. As a result, my brother walked around and couldn't see me at a glance. He began to think of a good idea, he said: sister, I found you, you come out quickly! I don't pay any attention to him. I won't be fooled by him! Later, when my brother really found me, I was afraid, so I jumped out from behind the curtain and scared him! I was laughing, and my brother followed me.

  捉迷藏英语日记带翻译 篇4


夜上海论坛  Today, my mom and dad are playing hide and seek at home. I'll catch it for the first time. I looked around the room looking for her. She was so funny and hid behind me. As soon as I turned around, my mother was caught by me. The next one is to find dad. I look under the bed and I don't look at the balcony. I think, "where is Dad hiding?" finally, I found dad in the closet. We laugh so much that we can't close our mouths. I love playing hide and seek.

  捉迷藏英语日记带翻译 篇5


夜上海论坛  Last Saturday, I played hide and seek with Jiang Xinyi, Chen Hao and Deng Mingqi on the lawn in front of the community. The environment there was very good, there were many trees and grass, it was easy to hide. We used stone, scissors and cloth to decide who was caught. After three rounds, Jiang Xinyi, Chen Hao and I were caught. Deng Mingqi was the one who caught us.


  When the game started, Deng Mingqi also began to count: "1、2、3、4、5、6" I hid behind a tree, Jiang Xinyi hid behind a grass, Chen Hao hid behind a trash can, Jiang Xinyi and I both laughed that Chen Hao hid there was too dirty, and later came out and became a kitten! Chen Hao ignores. Deng Mingqi comes here and we shut up. She looks for every tree. As soon as I get there, I run to the grass behind and she can't find it. Chen Hao can't help sneezing: "a sneeze!!!" Deng Mingqi was attracted. Deng Mingqi followed the voice, and Chen Hao was eliminated. Only Jiang Xinyi and I were left. I hid behind Deng Mingqi, and Jiang Xinyi hid in front of Deng Mingqi, and was discovered by Deng Mingqi. Deng Mingqi was very happy to see that I was in a hurry before I was found, and shouted, "come out, I see you!" I'm not so stupid! I didn't expect that Deng Mingqi really found me. She came to me and dragged me out. I asked her how to find me, but she didn't say it. I was pissed off.


夜上海论坛  What a happy day!

  捉迷藏英语日记带翻译 篇6

夜上海论坛  清明节,爸爸妈妈带我去春游。

夜上海论坛  On Qingming Festival, my parents took me to spring outing.


  Walking to a flower cluster in the Development Zone, we got off to take photos. The flowers here are beautiful, red, yellow and white. I suddenly think of a game of hide and seek in flowers. Let's start with scissors, stones, cloth, the losers, the winners. I won in the end. Mom and dad hid. I counted to 50 and began to look. I first looked in the flowers, then behind the flowers. The little flying insects in the flowers flew around happily because of my arrival, as if they were playing hide and seek with me. Why are mom and dad missing? Later, I went to the back of the tree to look for it. I saw a pair of feet. It turned out that mom and Dad were hiding behind the tree!

夜上海论坛  这个游戏我玩的非常开心,和爸爸妈妈在一起真幸福!

  I have a great time playing this game. I'm so happy with my parents!





高二英语作文范文带翻译:my hobby07-24





