

发布时间:2017-11-04  编辑:cgf 手机版



  Thanksgiving in the United States is a time to gather with family and friends, share a traditional meal and express gratitude for the good things in life. It can also be a time of service to others in the community.

夜上海论坛  美国每年一度的感恩节(Thanksgiving)是家人和朋友团聚的日子。在这一天,亲朋好友共进传统风格的大餐,对生活中的诸多恩惠表示感激。还有很多人为邻里社区的其他人提供服务。

  Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving traces its origins to harvest festivals. It was customary to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest in the cultures of both the Pilgrims who sailed from England in 1620 and the Native Americans they encountered.


  Thanksgiving was observed on various dates in the states until 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as the national Thanksgiving holiday. In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt signed a law fixing Thanksgiving on the fourth (not always the last) Thursday in November.

  1863年前,各州往往在不同日子庆祝感恩节。1863年,林肯(Abraham Lincoln)总统宣布11月份的最后一个星期四为全国感恩节。1941年,罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)总统签署法律,将感恩节确定为11月的第四个星期四(因为第四个星期四不一定总是最后一个星期四)。

夜上海论坛  Many Thanksgiving traditions come from that 1621 harvest celebration. Sheaves of wheat or corn are often used as decorations. Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie are commonly served at Thanksgiving dinner. But as the U.S. population becomes more diverse, so does the Thanksgiving meal. Nowadays, sitting next to the turkey might be a dish of tamales, tabbouleh, couscous or sauerkraut.

夜上海论坛  许多感恩节传统始于1621年的丰收庆典。人们通常用一捆捆的小麦或玉米作节日装饰。烤火鸡、越橘浆、红薯和南瓜攀都是感恩节晚餐常见的食物。随着美国人口的日益多样性,感恩节大餐的内容也更丰富多样。如今,摆在火鸡旁的可能是一盘玉米粉蒸肉(tamales)、塔博勒色拉(tabbouleh)、蒸粗麦粉(couscous)或泡菜(sauerkraut)。

  Thanksgiving is the busiest travel period of the year because families make a special effort to be together. Some favorite pastimes include watching television coverage of the annual Macy’s Department Store parade in New York and of American football games played around the country. The day after Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season, an importanttime for U.S. retailers.

  感恩节是一年中旅行最繁忙的时期。许多家庭会想一切办法举家团聚。人们喜爱的一些娱乐活动有,观看电视直播纽约市(New York)每年一度梅西百货商店(Macy’s Department Store)的大游行以及全国各地举行的美式足球比赛。感恩节后第二天意味着圣诞购物季节的开始,这对美国零售商来说是一个重要的促销季节。

  One whimsical Thanksgiving tradition is the annual “pardoning” of a turkey by the U.S. president, who spares the bird from the dinner table. The bird goes on to live out its life at a petting zoo.


