
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-05-22 12:10:35 高三 我要投稿




高三英语作文 篇1

夜上海论坛  A sall tree finall pened its ees, with the first sight f the wrld .But the land was bare, with little green. Everthing was uch different fr what it dreaed in the earth,

夜上海论坛  An ld an . waled int his sight and sat in frnt f the tree ,gazing at it .

  “wh are u ?” ased the tree, happil. But there sae n answers.

  After a shrt silence , the ld an stared at the gre s.

  “what are u ding?” ased the tree, again.

夜上海论坛  “I’ erizing,” the an said with a trebling vice.”

夜上海论坛  “when I first arrived here ……”he had a sudden cngh fr pause . “when I first arrived, here are an trees which as enthusiastic as u, but taller than u.”

夜上海论坛  “ Reall ! Where are the nw?” The tree ased happil, as happ as a id finding a cand.

夜上海论坛  But the ld an nl glanced arund quietl with ees full f sadness and quilt. Then cntinued his wrds.

  “Then I settle dwn. It was the st wnderful tie that I had ever ened at beginning. I can appreciated the flwers in springs, slept in the shade in suers, picaed up the gd fruits in falls and ade fires fr warth with wd in winters,” With the wrds, happiness and indness aurred in the an’s face.

  “But thirteen ears later, I fund gasline under grund.” Suddenl, he clsed his ees, buried his head in his hand.

  “what’s that ?” the sall tree ased frightenedl.

  “abe a gd thing.” the an finall becae cal, “In rder t ship the gasline awa, I cut dwn an trees t build big bats. At last, few trees left. Ling at the trees staps, I felt guilt. But I was swallwed b ne and frgt the happ das and despair f the trees. The gas was ined assivel and as a result, the grund began t fall dwn. I had t answer fr what I had dne. One da ust befre I left a big lightning struc gas, everthing then burned. Therefre, the trees, the gas. The bats including heart were gne.”

  The sall tree ept silent.

夜上海论坛  “Nw, I want t d sething t iprve, but nthing can be dwn. I fund the seed f u fr the sea several ears ag. S please help return the green !” cried the an.

  “s u are sure that u wn’t cut dwn the trees an re?” the ld an ndded .

夜上海论坛  “the gasline?” ndded again.

夜上海论坛  “and u green t plant seeds everwhere and sta here frever?”

夜上海论坛  “es, I d!”

  The sall tree led at the an, then turn its face t the sining sun, which is lie a rising sun. In the island, the shadw f the tw cbined tgether.

夜上海论坛  A light wind cae, the green leaves ade a gentle sund.

高三英语作文 篇2

夜上海论坛  Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger.

夜上海论坛  First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance.

  We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly.

  A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

  We must act now before it is too late!

高三英语作文 篇3

  I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my health and make me catch up with the time.


  When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye away from the match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many matches and got to know more about the game.

夜上海论坛  当我还小的时候,一天,当我放学回家后,我觉得很无聊,打开电视机,然后看到了网球比赛。两个美丽的女孩子正在激烈地打着球,比赛很精彩,我的目光无法转移。从那时候起,我开始爱上了网球,我看了很多网球比赛,对网球有了更多的了解。

夜上海论坛  Tennis sport is the combination of power and asthetics. The tennis players dress the beautiful clothes and their power make the ball fly quickly. The other tennis players will return the tennis ball with their rightly power. The game is so wonderful, if we watch the match alive.

夜上海论坛  网球运动是力与美的'结合。网球运动员穿着美丽的衣服,他们的力量让球快速飞走。另一个网球运动员会正确地使用他们的力量,让球返回去。比赛很精彩,如果我们在现场看的话。

夜上海论坛  There is no doubt that I am a big fan of the tennis sport. I find so much fun from it, it enriches my life.


高三英语作文 篇4

夜上海论坛  Health is an eternal topic.so we should pay more attention to itEspecially in the summer.


  In summer people need to pay special attention on it. Otherwise they will get ill easily. In such high temperature if people don’t pay attention to their health they may get sunstroke. But if they often eat the food that can decrease internal heat they will have less chance to get sunstroke. In addition in summer people always have hot temper because of the hot temperature. And it is easy to feel tired. So they need to have enough rest to adjust themselves. In a word people need to pay special attention in summer to live a healthy life.


高三英语作文 篇5

夜上海论坛  It also has another disadvantage——the communication problem .Since teachers are strict, we never tell teachers our personal affairs or secrets. Mostly we just tell them to our friends, but as students too, they couldn’t help to solve our problem, such as puppy love, communication problems or study problems .Not being solved completely, they always disturb us, influencing our daily life and study. I’m sure that you think that making friends with teachers can solve the problem, and you are eager to do so as well. But if we do so, new problems will come out .You see, an adult couldn't control himself well at times, let alone us students. However if teachers are our friends, I doubt whether their orders will take effect any more .You see, have we ever treated our friends’ orders as orders? We think they’re only jokes. This is another difficulty for teachers.

  Additionally, our parents have the same problem. Yes, we need to be friends, but not complete friends. We need to keep a certain distance, making us communicate well and willing to take your orders. I remember a story.

夜上海论坛  One day, a lady had her rest room decorated. And a skilled worker was bricking up the wall. Seeing large cracks between the bricks, she questioned why. The worker told her after this summer, the bricks would become bigger, and those cracks would disappear.

高三英语作文 篇6

  Though we are told that alcohol is dangerous, especially driving a car after drinking alcohol, we can see the news about car accidents because of the driver drinking alcohol everyday, still people ignore the danger of drinking alcohol. Life is precious, no one will take responsibility of our lives except ourselves. Drinking too much will do harm to our body, even if you don’t cherish your life, while when you drive the car after drinking, you will take away other people’s lives. That is unforgivable, people have a happy family, they die because of your careless driving, and you will never have a chance to make up. Our government is very strict to the driver, the law clearly claims that drinking driver will be heavily punished. In order to make sure other people’s safety, we should not drive the car after drinking alcohol, or we ask friends to take us home.

夜上海论坛  虽然我们被告知酒精很危险,特别是酒后驾车,我们每天都可以起看到喝酒后驾车而引发的车祸,人们仍然无视喝酒的危害。生命是很宝贵的,没有人会对我们的生命负责除了我们自己。过度喝酒会损害我们的身体,即使你不珍惜自己的生命,但是当你酒后驾车,你会危害到别人的生命。这是不可饶恕的,人们本来有一个幸福的家庭,他们因为你粗心的驾驶而失去生命,你也没有机会去补偿。我们的政府对司机要求很严格,法律明确规定司机酒驾将会受到严厉的惩罚。为了确保其他人的安全,我们不应该酒后驾车,或者叫朋友送回家。

高三英语作文 篇7

  I have a happy family. There are my father, my mother, my brother and I.

夜上海论坛  My father works a long way from home. And my mother is a housewife. My brother is a student who studies in the school.

  In a word, my family is full of happiness.

高三英语作文 篇8

  Wake up, it is six o “clock in the morning. Finally quiet down, don“t be afraid someone to disturb the comfortable sleep early in the morning. For two days in a row to hear the roar of the big field tractors, it sounds like all of a sudden disappeared, since the end of September to October 7, almost every night can hear or far or near, crushing the corn straw and spun out pull so long heavy like cattle moo, began to also feel gung dry, until now did not have the it company is some let a person do not adapt to the night, but also for the sake of it, often by labor NongJiShou shout woke up in the middle of the night, with one way or the other machine parts, after all, seasonal and tide wait for no man, NongJiShou year are also a good time is not only in this way. Also because of his presence, farm vehicles on the road and suddenly up, pull the maize straw, corn, shuttling back and forth in the rural road, gravel road, the autumn harvest begins.

  At this time in the fields of corn was not broken traveled from morning till night, because there are working in the factory folks tend to take advantage of this morning or noon rest when, to his fields to dry on a few to live, to work in don“t delay the case earlier will mature crops back home, then each family perennial idle at home in the old people also don“t want to at leisure, do all it can to help all children will be retrieved on corn on the cob to the room.

高三英语作文 篇9

  To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!

  Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:

  1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.

  2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage);

夜上海论坛  3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before.

夜上海论坛  4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded.

  5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.

  6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑.

  7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near.

夜上海论坛  8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.

  9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars.

  10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.

夜上海论坛  11. Allowed the railings across the road.

  These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ...

  Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland’s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times!









