
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-25 09:16:18 高三 我要投稿


夜上海论坛  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编为大家收集的高三英语作文10篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


高三英语作文 篇1

  After the college entrance examination or college graduation, some students will choose to go abroad to for further study. For this behavior, some people support it and some against it. In fact, going abroad not only needs a lot of money but also requires the students have a good foundation of English. If the students have the condition to study abroad, I suggest they choose to go. After all, knowledge is no boundary and the more they learn the better they will be. But the students who are not having those conditions, I don’t think they should go abroad, because the stress for them is too large. No matter domain education or abroad education can educate them well. Besides, maybe they still need to consider their own character situation. In a word, whether a person should go abroad or not depends on their own situation.

夜上海论坛  高考后或者大学毕业后,有一部分学生会选择去留学。对于这一行为,有些人持肯定态度,有些则持否定态度。实际上,出国留学不仅仅需要大量的金钱,还需要学生具有良好的英语基础。如果学生符合这些条件,我建议他们出国留学。毕竟,知识是无国界的,而且学到的越多越好。但是,如果不符合这些条件的学生,我则不建议出国留学,因为这对他们来说压力太大了。不管是国内还是国外的教育都可以把他们教得很好,此外,他们也许还要考虑到自身性格这一点。总之,出不出国留学应该根据每个人自己的情况而定。

高三英语作文 篇2

  Beijing, the second largest city,is where i want to visit most. there are several reasons why i would like to visit Beijing.

夜上海论坛  First, beijing is the capital of china, and has a history more than 5000 years. it has been the capital for many dynasties.

  Second, there are many historical buildings, such as The great wall and Summer Palace.

  Therea are also some new stadiums, lnclude The Bird Nest and The Wate Cube.

  They were built for the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games. I really want to go there and visit all intereing places.

高三英语作文 篇3

  When times become difficult , remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness.

  Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.

  When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end.

夜上海论坛  In doing so, you ll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.

夜上海论坛  When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest.

夜上海论坛  Take the neccessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you ll be ready to face each new day.

夜上海论坛  When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You ll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.

  When you re faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.

高三英语作文 篇4

夜上海论坛  Wherever you are,and whoever you may be, there is one thing in which you and I are just alike, at this moment, and in all the moments of our existence. We are not at rest; we are on a journey. Our life is not a mere fact; it is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal. We are gaining something, or losing something, every day. Even when our position and our character seem to remain precisely the same, they are changing. For the mere advance of time is a change. It is not the same thing to have a bare field in January and in July. The season makes the difference. The limitations that are childlike in the child are childish in the man.

  Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward. The action of the negative pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as the action of the positive pole. To decline is to accept the other alternative.

夜上海论坛  Are you richer today than you were yesterday? No? Then you are a little poorer. Are you better today than you were yesterday? No? Then you are a little worse. Are you nearer to your port today than you were yesterday? Yes, you must be a little nearer to some port or other; for since your ship was first launched upon the sea of life you have never been still for a single moment; the sea is too deep, you could not find an anchorage if you would; there can be no pause until you come into port.

高三英语作文 篇5





夜上海论坛  “家园只有一个,地球不能克隆”让我们珍惜身边的生存环境,好好保护我们的家园,保护我们的地球母亲吧!

高三英语作文 篇6

夜上海论坛  镜湖在芜湖市可是个家喻户晓的地方,外地人来芜湖必看的一景。现在的镜湖风景优美,是市民休闲的好去处。可你知道以前的镜湖是什么样子吗?听我给你讲讲吧。

夜上海论坛  在上世纪90年代中后期,镜湖的水体呈高富营养化状态,水质严重恶化,水变成了黄色。恶化的原因主要有:芜湖市某医院通过地下水道将大量未经处理的污物、污水直接排进了镜湖;部分素质不高的市民往镜湖里倒垃圾;最可气的是镜湖风景区的某些工作人员竟然在镜湖里洗拖把!慢慢地,镜湖水变成了黄色,湖面上漂浮着许多垃圾,还散发着一股臭味。来到镜湖边的人们都捂着鼻子跑开了,嘴里还不停地说:“真臭!臭死了!”

夜上海论坛  一九九九年DDD二000年,芜湖市人民政府号召全市人民清理镜湖。首先,工作人员用机器将湖水抽干,再由党员带头和市民们一起挖掉淤泥,最后注入清澈的水。我外公是党员,他有着亲身体验,外公说,那次劳动很累,但改善了镜湖的水质,大伙儿都感到很高兴。


夜上海论坛  有了90年代的教训,我们一定要做个讲文明的好孩子,要保护镜湖水质,保持生态平衡。

高三英语作文 篇7

  mrs brown is an excellent physics teacher of our school. she is a good-looking woman, with gentle manners and a kind smile.

  mrs brown likes her work very much. she works hard and makes every class perfect. listening to her talk is an artistic treat indeed. she treats her students as her own children, not only strictly but also kindly.

夜上海论坛  she always shows deep concern for them and makes great efforts to train them into persons of ability. all the students respect her very much.


夜上海论坛  布朗太太非常喜欢她的工作。她努力工作,使每一个班都很完美。听她的谈话真是一种艺术。她把她的学生当作自己的孩子,不仅严格而且亲切。

夜上海论坛  她总是对他们表示深切的关注,并作出巨大努力培养他们的能力。所有的学生都非常尊敬她。

高三英语作文 篇8

  i teach economics at unlv three times per week. last monday, at the beginning of class, i cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. one young man said that his weekend had not been so good. he had his wisdom teeth removed. the young man then proceeded to ask me why i always seemed to be so cheerful.


夜上海论坛  his question reminded me of something id read somewhere before: every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day, i said. i choose to be cheerful.

夜上海论坛  他的问题使我想起了一句不知出处的话:每天早上,当你起床的时候,你可以选择如何面对一天的生活,我说:我选择快乐。

夜上海论坛  let me give you an example, i continued, addressing all sixty students in the class. in addition to teaching here at unlv, i also teach out at the community college in henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where i live.

夜上海论坛  one day a few weeks ago i drove those 17 miles to henderson. i exited the freeway and turned onto college drive. i only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college. but just then my car died. i tried to start it again, but the engine wouldnt turn over. so i put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and marched down the road to the college.

高三英语作文 篇9

夜上海论坛  Nowadays, with the development of high technology, smart phone is very popular among the high school students. The smart phone once was thought to be forbidden using in the class, now has become very common tool for students. A lot of students keep their eyes on the phone all the time, even in the class, they still check on it. Teachers are upset about this situation, because they feel most students ignoring them when they are passing the knowledge. Some teacher think it is time to let the students hand in their smart phones in the class and after class, these communicational tool will be turned back. I dont think it is a good idea. Even for the teachers, they count on their phones so much, let alone for the students. The teachers should improve their teaching method to catch the students interest.


  Early in the morning, I opened my computer and read the news. There was the news about a driver had the heart disease attack when he was driving the bus, there were more than 40 people in the bus. The driver stopped the bus off the road and then stopped his breath. I was so touched by the driver, in the emergency situation, he considered the passengers lives in the first place. It is his sense of responsibility that makes him to do it. The driver sets the good example to the public, he shows the importance of responsibility. No matter what we do, we should not forget about taking our responsibility. If people dont take their own responsibility, then things will be out of order, the world will be in the mess. Responsibility always comes first.

夜上海论坛  一大早,我就打开电脑看新闻。有一则消息是关于一个司机在开车时心脏病发作,车上有超过40个人。司机把车开在了路边,然后停止了呼吸。我被这位司机感动,在紧急的情况下,他把乘客的生命放在第一位。正是他的责任感让他这样做。司机给大众树立了好榜样,他展示了责任的重要性。无论我们做什么,都不应该忘记履行我们的职责。如果人们不这样做,事情就会出乱,世界就会陷入混乱。责任大于山。

高三英语作文 篇10

  I came to my neighbor to find my friends Huan and dream, there are Tao, told them that we went to pick up garbage it. They are very happy. Huan said: "No tools how do we pick up trash?" I brought four plastic bags, give you one one one. The following are the same as the "

  The following are the same as the "

夜上海论坛  Environmental team opened, we unit action, I came to my backyard, found a bamboo paper in a bamboo, then bent down to pick up the group of paper into the plastic bag. Continue to move forward and found a group of paper, which must be I usually do not pay attention to throw, was the wind blowing to the bamboo forest. I regret, I am a class of labor in the class, in charge of my class in the dry area health inspection work, some students littering hated, did not think he actually ... ... today I can personally pick up their own garbage heart finally A little comfort! I secretly remind myself: Juan, you have to remember, do not repeat this kind of ridiculous stupid! The following are the same as the "

  The following are the same as the "

  I keep patience to pick up the rubbish. After more than 20 minutes, garbage pick up light, and we came to the collection of places, I saw, everyone's hands are full of a plastic bag, really "rewarding" "Even if we clean up the garbage on the ground, but the garbage in the river can not stop, and get rid of there will be." Huanfan said, Tao took the stubble, said: "If we make a billboard with wood, "We'll get the attention of the people," he said. "We'll get the board and write it on the top." Please do not forget to throw the rubbish! "" Protect everyone from the environment! " ... we wrote a total of five pieces of wood, we were put them on the river the most prominent place, the task is completed, we are happy to go home. The following are the same as the "

  The following are the same as the "

  Whenever I see the garbage on the ground I will be filled with emotion: to protect the environment, everyone is responsible! But the most critical thing is to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection. Now our government, most of the citizens have a certain sense of environmental protection, but also pay attention to protecting the environment, but the destruction of the environment behavior is still repeated in some people. Hope that we can start from me, from small things to start to develop good health habits, do not throw litter, see the garbage can bend around pick up pick up, then, our environment will be more beautiful!









