
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-04-23 11:28:47 高三 我要投稿


夜上海论坛  在平平淡淡的日常中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的高三英语作文300字9篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


高三英语作文300字 篇1

  I was walking to school this morning when I caught sight of an old woman with a walking stick lying on the ground. I quickly ran over to help her up and asked her what was wrong with her. She told me she slipped and fell due to heart trouble. I was worried and decided to take her to a hospital. And then I went to a department store near the hospital and contacted her family. Soon her son and daughter came to the hospital. They thanked and praised me for my kindness by writing me a thank-you letter. Although I was late for school today, I felt very proud of what I had done.

高三英语作文300字 篇2

夜上海论坛  In my opion, swimming does good to our life.Because we can relax during our staying in the water.And we can pracitse many kinds of swimming. Besides we can learn how to get alive when the flood is coming. What's more we can also build our body when we do exercise in the water. Most important , we can become taller after our swimming exercise. Just in a word,our life is colorful with the help of swimming.

  在我眼里,游泳对我们的生活很有好处。 因为当我们住在水中的时候我们可以放松,我们可以练习很多游泳。 另外,当洪水来临的时候,我们可以学习如何生活。 当我们在水中锻炼时,我们可以建立我们的身体。 最重要的是我们可以在自由运动后变得更高。 总而言之,我们的生活在五彩缤纷的帮助下游泳。

高三英语作文300字 篇3

  Many students are going spring outing.Some students are boating.And some students are having a picnic. The others are playing games. There is a girl siting on a chair reading a book.The sky is blue. The trees are green. The flowers are red.It's a very beautiful park What is the most popular gift for Mother's Day? Cards, flowers and food are the most popular Mother's Day gifts this year. Eight out of 10 Americans celebrate Mother's Day and spend nearly $$100 on average.

高三英语作文300字 篇4


夜上海论坛  英语作业还有一大把没写完,但是这个英语口语作业都还没完成,重点是完成的一点都不顺利,这直接严重影响到了我继续读下去和写作业的心情。我有那么一瞬间是想要放弃继续读的,但是我不能放弃,求英语善待我一下。我真的好难,对英语我真的是既喜欢又崩溃,喜欢是因为我觉得学会英语很酷,崩溃是因为我的英语口语作业太难完成了,老是读不好。一直读不好我真的是太崩溃了。其实吧,我觉得应该是系统不好的缘故,之前都不会这样一直读一直读都是不及格的分数。即使这样,我还是得顽强的把这些作业给完成,也许这次完成的.不会像之前那么好,但是我尽力完成好点。

夜上海论坛  英语啊英语,求放过啊!废话不多说了,我要继续和我的英语口语作斗争了。

高三英语作文300字 篇5

夜上海论坛  DearMissWang,

夜上海论坛  I’mastudentfromGuiZhouExperimentalHighSchool。Ihaveaproblem。IarguedwithmybestfriendLisaforsomeverytinythingsandsaidsomebadwordstoherafewdaysago。Then,wenevertalktoeachotheranymore。Now,Ifeelquitelonelysometimesanddon’twanttolosemybestfriend。Iknowshemustbehurtbymywords,andIamnotsurethatshestillwanttobemyfriendornot?Idowanttochangethissituation,butIdon’tknowhow。Iwouldbegratefulifyoucouldgivemesomeadvice。



高三英语作文300字 篇6

  What I saw was a great opportunity to provide computing technology in a more efficient way.That was the core idea of what became dell computer Corporation, and that’s one we were stuck over ever since.当时我看到一个大机遇就是以更有效的方式提供电脑技术。那后来成为了戴尔公司的核心理念,自那以后我们便一直坚持不懈。

  I started the business with a simple question: how can we make the process of buying a computer better?The answer was :sell the computer directly to the end customers.Eliminate the reseller’s markup and pass the savings on to the customers.我是从一个简单的问题开始创业的:我们如何使购买电脑的过程变得更方便?答案是:直接把电脑卖给终端用户。去除转销商这一层的钱,并把省下的钱还给用户。

高三英语作文300字 篇7

  Thanks for your last letter. Don’t worry about my new school life here. I’m fine here because I like my new school life. My new school life is busy but interesting. Every day I get to school at 7:00 am and go home at 4:30 pm. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. My favorite day is Thursday, because I have English and art that day. The two subjects are my favorite. But I don’t like math, because it’s difficult. At school, I also have a new friend, Zhang Qiang. He often helps me with math. After school, I often have art club with him.

高三英语作文300字 篇8

  Beijing, the second largest city,is where i want to visit most. there are several reasons why i would like to visit Beijing.

  First, beijing is the capital of china, and has a history more than 5000 years. it has been the capital for many dynasties.

  Second, there are many historical buildings, such as The great wall and Summer Palace.

夜上海论坛  Therea are also some new stadiums, lnclude The Bird Nest and The Wate Cube.

夜上海论坛  They were built for the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games. I really want to go there and visit all intereing places.

高三英语作文300字 篇9


夜上海论坛  A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on. A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.

  The Dormitory Committee

  April 2nd, 20xx









