
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-22 17:46:11 高一 我要投稿




高一的英语作文 篇1

夜上海论坛  I like the Spring Festival, because they can receive gift money, also can let off fireworks; I like the Mid-Autumn Festival, because they can eat dumplings, also can be the moon; I like the Lantern Festival, because they can eat dumplings, also can pull the rabbit lamp.

夜上海论坛  The annual Lantern Festival, my mother will buy me a rabbit lamp, but in my class that year s Lantern Festival it s haunting me.

  The moon tonight as the hope ... ... Lunar January fifteen big round moon, like a jade plate. All of us kids in the Fengzhen Park slipped beloved lamp.

  Fengzhen park is really lively, everywhere decorate. A little lantern riddles written on lanterns and one of odd shape. Some people look at the lights, some people guessing riddles written on lanterns ... ...

夜上海论坛  Our lamps have different characteristics, attracted a lot of tourists. I pulled the peach light red, as long as gently pull it will slowly opened, suddenly from the inside fly a become an immortal Sun Wukong, visitors see non-stop clapping applause. Zitta Sun Wukong exhibit of lanterns his golden cudgel. Xiao Li of the dragon would run up and down, eyes will shine! Small day pull is the most lovely rabbit lamp, a small music also has an open Lotus lamp.

  Be jubilant to pull the lamp. We ll run side by side, while chasing each other, while race each other.

  All the lights, the most is the rabbit lamp, because of its kind, lovely, give us the festival brings peace and happiness.

高一的英语作文 篇2

  The 9th day of September in the lunar calendar is "the Chinese Chong Yang Festival" and a happy occasion in autumn. According to the traditional theory of "Yin" and "Yang", both the 9th month and the 9th day of the month belong to "Yang", which means positive and masculine, and "Chong" means double, thus it is called "Chong Yang".

  People often gather for a party, appreciate chrysanthemums, pin the leaves of Cornus on clothes. And the custom of climbing mountains and eating a special cake also features the day.

夜上海论坛  This custom of climbing mountains can be dated back as early as West Han Dynasty. Some old travel notes have it that, people climbed to mountain peaks not only for beautiful scenes and poetic inspiration, but also the avoidance of evil spirits and disasters.

  This practice came from an ancient folktale. It is said long ago there appeared a devil of plague in the Ruhe River. People lay down and died wherever it came up. A boy named Heng Jing swore to help his neighbors and fellow people to get rid of it. He visited many famous mountains to seek a powerful master. Finally an old Taoist took him in and taught him how to defeat the devil. Heng Jing put his whole heart into study and practice.

  One day, the Taoist called him up and said, 'Heng Jing, tomorrow is the 9th day of September and the devil will reappear. It is time for you to go home and stop the devil.' The master also gave him a pack of leaves of Cornus and a jar of liquor soaked with chrysanthemums. Riding a crane, Heng Jing went a great distance back home in a day. As instructed by his master, he told his fellow villagers to climb up the nearby mountain with a Cornus leaf pinned on their clothes and a glass of chrysanthemum liquor in hand.

夜上海论坛  When the devil of plague came up from under the water, it got dizzy by the scent of Cornus and chrysanthemums. Heng Jing fought with his master's sword and killed the devil in a few rounds. People held parties, drank chrysanthemum liquor to celebrate it. And the next year, the custom of mountain climbing became popular among the villagers.

夜上海论坛  In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale. And later a special cake with dates, chestnuts and meat was made to add more festivity to the special day

高一的英语作文 篇3


  1、 现在不少人结婚花费巨大

夜上海论坛  2、 人们对此看法不一

夜上海论坛  3、 我的看法


  Nowadays, many people spend a lot when wedding. that’s partly because a bigger variety of wedding ceremony services than ever is available today. people can choose between a traditional chinese style wedding and a western style one, while there are also wedding dress service, wedding, wedding photo service, and wedding party service and so on. if a couple wants to have a memorable ceremony, they have to pay a big amount of money.

  People hold different views on this. some say that wedding is the most important affair in one’s life, so it should be taken seriously. it is also a good chance to express the couple’s gratitude to their family members and friends. while others say that spending too much on wedding would be extravagant. besides, like many other service industries, the wedding ceremony service companies are making too much money on couples.

夜上海论坛  In my opinion, couples should pay attention not to spending unnecessary money on their wedding. learning to be economical is very important in life.


夜上海论坛  如今,许多人花很多婚礼时。部分原因是一个更大的各种各样的婚礼服务比以往任何时候都是现成的。人们可以选择传统的中式婚礼和西方风格的人,同时也有婚纱服务,婚礼,婚纱摄影服务,和婚宴服务等等。如果一对夫妇想要有一个难忘的仪式上,他们必须支付一个大数额的资金。

夜上海论坛  人们在这有不同的看法。有人说结婚是最重要的事情在一个人的生活,因此它应该认真对待。它也是一个非常好的机会来表达这对夫妇的感谢他们的家人和朋友。而其他人说,支出太多的婚礼将是奢侈的。此外,像许多其他服务行业,婚礼服务公司赚了太多的钱在夫妇。


高一的`英语作文 篇4

  We are having good living condition.

  And most of us are the only child in the family.

  Our parents love us so much that we can have what we want.

夜上海论坛  But some of our classmates don’t take good care of these things.

  They throw away their pen and paper.

夜上海论坛  Some of them even waste food.

  I think it is bad habit.

夜上海论坛  As students, we should make full use of what we are given.

  If we don’t need something, we can give it to those who are in great need.

  It’s important to save the resources and it’s also our duty.


高一的英语作文 篇5

夜上海论坛  On New Year's eve is how beautiful, how wonderful. This year is no exception, the streets are decorated, good is a scene of Chinese New Year. We have a supper very early, went to the street view at night.

夜上海论坛  A: wow! So many people on the street! Is simply a sea of people, very lively! Come to the main street, I saw on both sides of the branches are full of colorful lights, colorful light makes my eyes a bright. The article also wrapped in coloured crystal, trunk like a beautiful little snake tree trunks. Just opened to see rich Ann department, the door is more radiant. Lantern hangs, double line shape in the middle is peppered with red lanterns, red light cage, the rich Ann department dressed up like a radiant bride.

  Looked into the street and rotary table's beautiful China! Wheel in the middle there is a very very big lanterns, footed is five or six meters. Foot seven, eight meters wide. A lantern in the middle is empty, there is a lamp, also have light outside. Now when the New Year's eve, all the lights are lit up. Emit bright light, like the day the earth with. Especially outside the road lights like Boston ivy leaves, YiShun down, spread so evenly, formed a huge light shoulder, batch of rotary in the center of the street. A myriad of small lanterns light shoulder hang outside. The hanging outside the ancient various TongQianEr. Around the rotary table is beautiful of more. On the left is one with yellow lights on into the pyramid, some red lanterns hung tower before. The right is to use all sorts of color of light and belt into the golden peacock. The dark, the lights flickering on the peacock feathers, like a big fan of colorful sprinkled gold on jitter, is really beautiful. Before and after the two sides are all with the character "xi" series of curves of drop curtain. Before the curtain hangs a long string of red lanterns, fell from the sky like a dragon, is very terrible.

夜上海论坛  Standing at the end of the street, I look, everywhere are the lights, see everywhere is red lanterns, according to every corner of the streets are so bright, so very red. This is not straight indicates our lives more prosperous in the coming year?

夜上海论坛  除夕之夜是多么美丽,多么精彩。今年也不例外,街上到处都是张灯结彩,好一派过年的景象。我们一家很早就吃过晚饭,起身到街上观夜景。

夜上海论坛  哇!街上的人真多呀!简直是人山人海,好不热闹!来到了正街,只见两旁的树枝上都挂满了彩灯,五颜六色的灯使我眼前一片璀璨。树干上还缠着五光十色的晶条,如同一条条美丽的小蛇盘绕树干上。再看才开张的富安百货,门前更是光芒四射。彩灯复线形挂起,中间还穿插着大红灯笼,灯亮笼红,把富安百货打扮得如同一位光彩照人的新娘。


夜上海论坛  站在街的尽头,我放眼望去,满目都是彩灯,满目都是红灯笼,照得大街小巷的每一个角落都那么亮堂,那么红艳。这不正预示着我们来年的生活更加红红火火吗?

高一的英语作文 篇6

  What do you usually do in your spare time to relax yourself? Let me tell you some ways to.

  First of all, you can stay in bed for a while, sleeping makes people feel good.

  Secondly, you can join your friends in some fun parties, talks with friends will let you feel comfortable.

夜上海论坛  Thirdly, you can go outing alone. You can either breathe new fresh air in the mountains or you can take a look at how beautiful the nature looks like.

  Fourth, why don't you just play sports with your family? You'll feel tired if you do too much exercise once, but it keeps you healthy and energetic.

夜上海论坛  What's your opinion?

高一的英语作文 篇7

夜上海论坛  假设你是李华,请你用英语写一封信,向你的美国笔友Peter简单介绍有关乒乓球运动在中国的开展情况。具体内容包括:

夜上海论坛  1. 乒乓球是中国的国球。乒乓球运动在中国开展得非常广泛,不管是老人还是孩子,几乎人人会打乒乓球。

  2. 在中国,乒乓球台案非常普及。不管是在公园、广场,还是在工作单位,随处都摆放着乒乓球台案。

  3. 中国乒乓球运动员的技术非常高。自1959年容国团在第25届世界乒乓球锦标赛上取得世界冠军后,中国产生过无数的乒乓球世界冠军。

夜上海论坛  Dear Peter,I’m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan. So am I. Table tennis is the national ball of China. Almost everyone in China, whether old or young, can play it. The tables for playing it can be seen here and there, in parks, squares and in many working places, even at some people’s homes.

  The Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills. Since 1959 when a man named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table Tennis Championship, China has had many table tennis world champions, and the Chinese people are very proud of them.Hope one day you will come to China, and we can play a game together.

  Best regards. Yours, Li Hua

高一的英语作文 篇8

夜上海论坛  Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork. Second,in school life,relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them. Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination. If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.

夜上海论坛  三个属性可以帮助人们在他们的学习上。第一,责任感,为建设一个健全的人格是很重要的。如果你不负责,你会推迟你的作业或你的功课投入的时间太少了。其次,在学校生活中,人与人之间的关系是有价值的。朋友可以为你带来快乐和笑声。此外,你可以和他们一起讨论问题及追求知识。最后,它是有建设性的人生哲学的重要。如果你失败了,不要失望。试着去面对你的生活和学业的勇气和决心。如果你能朝着这些目标努力,你会成为一个全面发展的学生而不是一个书虫。









