
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-16 10:24:21 高三 我要投稿




高三英语作文 篇1

Dear John,

  I’m sorry to here that you’re suffering from WeChat addiction. I really understand how you feel and I’d like to offer you some useful advice that I think will benefit you.

夜上海论坛  First of all, I suggest that you should start some other hobbies,such as reading, listening to music,or playing chess,etc,which will take your mind off WeChat. Secondly, you’d better make more friends through face-to-face communication.They’ll assist you when you can’t resist the temptation of WeChat. Thirdly, it’s better for you to do some sports instead of using WeChat a lot because sports can not only keep you healthy but also enrich your life and help you forget WeChat.

夜上海论坛  I hope these ideas can help you get rid of your addiction as soon as possible. Best wishes!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

高三英语作文 篇2

  As is shown in the above pictures, one woman is at the mercy of fate and has no desire to charge it, while the other tells herself that she must do something to change it.

夜上海论坛  From the two pictures, we can safely draw the conclusion that what really counts is what you think and whether you are willing to take action to make a change or not. The first woman is a typical example of those who have a negative attitude towards their life. They tend to be losers in the competition with the fate, which maes them in a worse condition. So, I prefer to be the second woman who can bravely have a try to fight with destiny. They have a tendency to succeed and have something bright in store for them.

  As far as I am concerned, there is no denying that it may cost a lot if we wait rather than do something meaningful. Believe in yourself and just have a try!

高三英语作文 篇3

  Plan For Wnter Holiday

夜上海论坛  I’m looking forward to the coming of my winter holiday. In order to have a good time in the vacation, I have made a plan for it. At first, my mother must ask me to do homework. If I don’t follow her words, I wouldn’t have peace in the following days until I finish my homework. So the first thing I will do in the winter holiday is to finish my homework. And then I will take full use of my time to go out play with my friends, because I will have to help my mother to prepare for the Spring Festival when it’s in the corner. Three days before Spring Festival, I will go to my grandmother’s home for a visit with my parents. After the Spring Festival I am going to travel with my family. As for where to go, I don’t have any plan now. Maybe we will go to Harbin to the snow. Being the southern local person, I have never seen snow and eager to see it once. After the trip, I think I have to go back to school. This is my plan for the coming winter vacation. What’s yours?



高三英语作文 篇4



夜上海论坛  荀子曾说过:“不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深谷,不知地之厚也。”这句话的意思是要想了解“天之高”“地之厚”,必须“登高山”“临深谷”。“不登”“不临”是无法了解“天”“地”的情况的。人们想要获得真正的知识,必须亲身参与社会实践。



夜上海论坛  虽说胜败乃兵家常事,但是由实践总结出来的知识指导的战争才是胜算大的.。像廉颇随时赵国老将,作战知识也学不如赵括记诵丰富,但是廉颇有着攻池掠地的丰富战争实践经验。他带兵打仗所依靠的主要不是从兵书上背的而是实战的积累。而赵括却上的恰恰是实践。可见,实践是一个人的成功与否的关键。


夜上海论坛  Pei Ji Su once said, "knowledge and practice are like craft. They must be combined."". Therefore. In life, we should not only think more, think more, but also practice.

夜上海论坛  A group of Senior occupation training in enterprise backbone polymerization, there is a proposal to go swimming, but unfortunately most of them are not water, so you have the national swimming team coach to coach on-site training, think of an idea to save you preach. So everyone got out of the water. Two days later, the people who can swim a lot of things, people can not swim in the water to swim and not sink. But a young man didn't move, and the coach asked him why he didn't go into the water. The young man said that the coach didn't teach people to save people, nor did they teach swimming. This guy only knows how to observe other people's behavior, but he can't do it himself, so he doesn't learn anything at all, but he can't swim. So, when we do things, we should actively practice.

夜上海论坛  Xunzi once said: "do not climb mountains, do not know the height of the sky also; not deep valley, I do not know the thickness of the earth also." If you want to know the height of heaven and the depth of the earth, you must climb the mountain and face the deep valley". It is impossible to understand the situation of "heaven" or "land" without "falling" or "coming". If people want to acquire real knowledge, they must participate in social practice themselves.

  The purpose of learning knowledge lies in practice. Too much emphasis on knowledge and ignorance of practice will result in the loss of practical ability. Knowledge is virtual, and knowledge is put into practice only through practice. Only by putting into practice and seriously practicing, can we acquire knowledge without becoming the doctrine of empty dogma.

  "Paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice". This is what Lu You said. But there are people who love empty talk, the harm to others. Zhao Bao is a good example. During the Warring States period of Zhao's Zhao She the son of Zhao Kuo young good soldiers, even familiar with the art of war, his father will not beat him. Zhao Wangzhong later Qin fanjianji, let him for Zhao lian. Zhao Jie is a man who lacks the actual combat experience and knows only the art of war. He arrived in Changping, anti Robert, replacement of officers, change the military system, the army officers and soldiers engage in disunity, fighting spirit. He changed his defense strategy, actively planning the strategic offensive, trying to win back in one fell swoop, shangdang. In the battle of Changping, Zhao Kuo only according to military operations, not flexible, was shot dead after Qin, 400 thousand men who are captured. Zhao.

夜上海论坛  Although the outcome is quite normal, but summed up from the practice of the guidance of knowledge is the big chance of winning the war. Like Zhao Lian Po to combat veteran, also learn knowledge as Zhao Kuo did but rich, have been of Lian Po pool rich practical experience of war. He goes out to a battle depends on is not from the book back but the actual accumulation. But Zhao Jie is just the practice. Obviously, practice is the key to a person's success or failure.

  Time is the basis of knowledge, knowledge is the starting point and end point, a decisive role in the knowledge, it is beyond all doubt. But we should not neglect knowledge and lead to heavy practice. Therefore, practice and knowledge are closely linked, and only by personal practice can we acquire the knowledge which really shines.

高三英语作文 篇5

Dear Sue,

夜上海论坛  How are you doing?

夜上海论坛  I am writing this letter to say "thank you." First and foremost, it is clear that you, just like "our foreign mother", were very patient to us. Additionally, needless to say, you taught me a lot, not only English knowledge but also your life wisdom;consequently, all of us have fallen in love with English and study. Last but certainly not least, there is no doubt that we had a great time together, which we will keep in mind forever.

  By the way, I can't wait to tell you something new about my class. After you left for the America, we had an English competition. We all did very well, using the knowledge you told us. No one can deny you helped us so much!

  Sue, can you give me some information about your life in America? I miss you so much. I am looking forward to your early reply!

  Best wishes!

夜上海论坛  Yours love /truly,

  Li Hua

高三英语作文 篇6

夜上海论坛  I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my health and make me catch up with the time.

夜上海论坛  我喜欢做各种各样的运动,早上,我会做一些慢跑,在晚上,有时候我会和朋友去体育馆。我最喜欢的运动是打网球,网球给我的生活带来了很多的乐趣,我可以一边和朋友愉快地聊天,一边看网球比赛。做运动可以改善我的健康状况,让我与时俱进。

  When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye away from the match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many matches and got to know more about the game.


  Tennis sport is the combination of power and asthetics. The tennis players dress the beautiful clothes and their power make the ball fly quickly. The other tennis players will return the tennis ball with their rightly power. The game is so wonderful, if we watch the match alive.

夜上海论坛  网球运动是力与美的结合。网球运动员穿着美丽的衣服,他们的力量让球快速飞走。另一个网球运动员会正确地使用他们的力量,让球返回去。比赛很精彩,如果我们在现场看的话。

夜上海论坛  There is no doubt that I am a big fan of the tennis sport. I find so much fun from it, it enriches my life.


高三英语作文 篇7

  A young friend of mine asked me in a letter, “What kind of man should I be?” My answer was, “Be a fighter.”

  Another friend of mine inquired, “How should I live my life?” Again my answer was, “Be a fighter.”

夜上海论坛  The author of In Praise of the Fighter says:

夜上海论坛  Riding on the ceaseless rushing torrent of life, I should pursue and overtake it so as to create an even greater and deeper torrent of my own.

  If I were a lamp, it would be my duty to light up thick darkness. If I were the sea tide, I would marshal rolling waves to cleanse the beach of all accumulated filth.

  This quotation reflects aptly the state of mind of a lighter.

夜上海论坛  Fighters are badly needed in our time. But such fighters do not necessarily go to the battle- field gun in hand. Their weapons are not necessarily bullets. Their weapons may be knowledge, faith and strong will. They can bring the enemy sure death without drawing his blood.

  A fighter is always in pursuit of light. Instead of basking in the sunshine under a clear sky, he holds a burning torch in the darkness of night to illuminate people's way so that they can continue their journey till they see the dawn of a new day. It is the task of a fighter to dispel darkness. Instead of shirking darkness, he braves it and fights the hidden demons and monsters therein. He is determined to wipe them out and win light. He knows no compromise. He will keep on fighting until he wins light.

  A fighter is perennially young. He is never irresolute or inactive. He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies and venomous mosquitoes. He will fight them relentlessly and refuse to coexist with them under the same sky. To him, life means nothing but continuous fighting. He either survives by winning light, or perishes with his body covered all over with cuts and bruises. In the course of the struggle, it is the “future” that serves as the beacon light to him; the “future” gives people hope and inspiration. He will never lose his youthful vigour.

  A fighter will never lose heart or despair. He will pile up broken pieces of brick and stone to rebuild a nine-story pagoda on the ruins of failure. No blows will ever break his will. He will never close his eyes until he has breathed his last.

  A fighter is always fearless. His steps are firm. Once he has settled on an objective, he will press right ahead. He is never afraid of being tripped by a stumbling block. No obstacles will ever make him change his mind. His eyes will never be hoodwinked by false appearances. His actions are guided by faith. He can endure any hardships or sufferings while striving to attain his chosen objective. He will never abandon work as long as he is alive.

  This is the kind of fighter we now need. He is not necessarily possessed of superhuman capability. He is just an ordinary person. Anyone can be a fighter so long as he has the determination. Hence a few words of mine about “being a fighter” to encourage those young people who wander about in a depressed state, not knowing which way to go.

高三英语作文 篇8

夜上海论坛  As the development of the Internet, the traditional way of reading daily news has been challenged, more and more people trend to read news online, while still some people insist on reading it on the newspaper. People argue which is the best way for reading news, in my opinion, there is no best way, different people choose different manner.


  Reading news online is fast and paying for free. Most young people get used to it, they use the computer every day, so that they count on the computer to receive the all kinds of information. Reading the newspaper is troublesome, they don’t like to hold the paper, it is not convenient.


  While still many people like to read on the newspaper. Especially the old generation, before the popularity of computer, they read the news from the newspaper, they get used to this manner, even the computer is convenient, they just like to keep this habit.

夜上海论坛  然而仍然有很多人喜欢看报纸。特别是老一代,在电脑流行前,他们通过报纸来看新闻,习惯了这种方式,即使电脑很方便,他们还是喜欢保持看报纸的习惯。

  The ways to read news are various, there is no need to compare them. I’d prefer to read it on the Internet, but sometimes I find reading it newspaper brings me fun when I have breakfast.


高三英语作文 篇9

  About Examinations

  I don't remember how many examinations I've taken since I began my schooling. Truth to tell, I don't like examinations at all. I dare say that, in fact, no student likes examinations.

  We often hear people say Examinations are teachers' magic weapon, so most of us may think it is our teachers who give us students so many examinations. But I don't think so. Almost all of them have once been students before they became teachers. We don't like examinations, and neither do our teachers, which may be reasonably concluded. What's more,the more examinations we take, the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more troubles our teachers have to take.

  It is the system in our country, I think, that gives us students so many examinations. If there were no entrance examinations, and all the students could go up to the higher grades without competition, there would not be so many examinations in primary and middle schools. So it is important and necessary to reform the entrance system. Only in this way can examinations be GREatly reduced, and then all the students will be happier.









