
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-23 11:34:05 高一 我要投稿




高一的英语作文 篇1

夜上海论坛  Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suici gradually, for health, sleep early. 如今,许多年轻人斗都喜欢熬夜,因为晚上有很多吸引他们的活动。由于这些年轻人都是白天在办公室工作,所以他们需要晚上出去寻找乐子,从而导致熬夜。最近,一个26岁的女孩被诊断出患有癌症时,她简直不敢相信。她还那么的年轻美丽,命运一定是在捉弄她。她开始回顾过去的几天。她很累却总是熬夜。她很后悔,如果再给她一次机会,她一定不会再熬夜了。年轻人总是认为他们还年轻人,所以可以忽略这些问题。熬夜就像慢性自杀,为了健康,早点睡吧。

  So many children take what their parents do for them for granted, they haven’t realized the meaning of being grateful. So they always get angry with their parents, because they don’t get what they want. According to the news that a little girl went out of the house and refused to go home because her parents did not give her enough pocket money. I was so shocked to hear it, I would never ask much from my parents, because I knew they were not easy to make a living and I am always feel so thankful for what they offer me. Even the one who gives me a hand when I am in need, I would remember him and when I have the chance, I will return. A grateful heart makes us a kind person and create a harmonious environment.

夜上海论坛  很多小孩都想当然地认为他们的父母为他们所做的一切都是应该的,他们没有意识到感恩的意义。所以他们总是因为没有得到想要的东西而生父母的气。一则消息说一个小女孩离家出走,不愿意回家的原因是她父母没有给她足够的零花钱。看到这个新闻,我很惊讶,我永远都不会向我父母要求很多,因为我知道他们谋生并不容易,我总是很感谢他们给我提供的`这一切。甚至当我需要帮忙时,帮助过我的人我都会记得,以后有机会了,我一定会报答。一颗感恩的心让我们成为善良的人,构建和谐环境。

夜上海论坛  When people get sick, the first thing they will do is to go to see the doctor and then take the medicine. Taking the medicine makes them feel safe, so some will keep taking medicine every day. Actually, no matter what kind of medicine, it is kind of poison. The news has reported that the oldest man in the world and then experts tried to find the secret of live long. They found the man lives the simple life and stay away from the city, then he barely got sick. If he caught the cold, he would not take the medicine. What’ more, the man have the food he grows and though he was old, he still kept working. The experts came to the conclusion that the secret of living long is to keep good mood and take exercise, what else, staying away from taking medicine often.

夜上海论坛  当人们生病时,他们会做的第一件事就是去看医生,然后吃药。吃药能让他们感到安心,所以一些人会坚持每天服用药物。实际上,无论什么样的药,都是具有一定的毒性。新闻报道了世界上最长寿的人,之后专家们试图找到长寿的秘诀。他们发现这个人过着简单的生活,远离城市,而且他几乎不怎么生病。如果感冒了,也不吃药。而且,这个人吃的是自己种的菜。虽然他年纪较大,但是他仍然坚持劳作。专家们得出的结论是,长寿的秘诀是保持好心情和坚持锻炼,还有就是远离服药。

高一的英语作文 篇2

夜上海论坛  A Beautiful Mind

  Today, in the English class, my teacher presented us the movie A Beautiful Mind. The movie told a story about a brilliant professor John Nash’s struggle with the mental illness all his life. The story was written according to a real professor John Nash. He made so many brilliant achievements in his life. At his old age, he won the Nobel Prize, which proved that his great breakthrough had affected people deeply. John had the serious mental illness when he was young, he refused to take the medicine which could make his mind think slowly, so he was doing his research while struggling with his delusion. The lucky thing was that his wife supported him all the time. Because of the support from family, John could work on his job. After winning the Nobel Prize, he thanked his wife in the first time.

夜上海论坛  今天,在英语课上,我的老师给我们放映了这部电影《美丽心灵》。这部电影讲述了这样一个故事:一位才华横溢的教授约翰纳什一生与精神疾病斗争。这个故事是根据一个真实的约翰纳什教授写的。在他的一生中他做了很多杰出的成就。在他年老的时候,他获得了诺贝尔奖,这证明他的伟大突破深深地影响了人们。约翰有严重的精神疾病,当他年轻的时候,他拒绝吃药,药会让他思考缓慢,所以他一边做他的研究,一边和他的幻觉做斗争。幸运的是,他的妻子一直支持他。由于来自家庭的支持,约翰可以继续他的工作。获得诺贝尔奖后,他第一时间感谢他的妻子。

高一的英语作文 篇3

  My mother is a village woman.She had very little school education,but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.

  My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me,so that I can spend more time on my study.

夜上海论坛  Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night,I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed,making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.

  Such is my mother,a kind and hard-working woman. I'll tell her on mother's day this day, and I'll respect and love her forever.









