
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-10-18 11:57:48 宗泽 四年级 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  一天的生活不知不觉间结束了,心中一定有不少感想,让我们一起认真地写一篇日记吧。如何把日记做到重点突出呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 1

夜上海论坛  今天中午,阳光明媚。我吃完午饭,我就和爸爸一起开车去小河边玩了。

  Its sunny this noon. After lunch, I drove with my father to play by the river.


  My father and I came to a small park near the river near the Taber Avenue. As soon as we got off the bus, we saw the golden ginkgo tree. Most of the leaves on the tree fell off, and a small part of them didnt want to leave the mother tree. At this time, a gust of autumn wind blows, and the branches of ginkgo tree shake gently, as if saying goodbye to her children. People were fishing, and soon they caught several fish. I saw the red maple leaf again, but it was like a flaming fire! Many leaves on the tree fell off. I step on it and make a click every now and then. Its so fun!


  After a while, it was three oclock in the afternoon. I was reluctant to say goodbye to maple and ginkgo tree, so we went home.


  I love autumn, I love red maple leaf and golden ginkgo leaf more.

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 2


  Autumn is like a picture. If you dont believe it, Ill show it to you!


  Autumn is full of fruits. I like apples best. So I asked some friends to pick apples in the apple garden. One by one, the apples smiled at the children, and they were like red flames. In a word, my saliva was left behind. Those naughty little apples, seeing me, shaking their heads, are so cute. My friends and I picked and picked. Finally, we were about to fill the basket we prepared. Unfortunately, when Sister Feng blew, a basket of apples was blown down. We had to go to pick it up, ah, finally! The birds were singing on our heads, and the sun grandfather saw us and laughed happily.


  Dont you say that picking apples in autumn is like a beautiful painting?

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 3

夜上海论坛  秋天是一位魔术师,她拿着金光闪闪的魔法棒来到果园,只见她轻轻一挥,果园就变成了多彩的世界。

夜上海论坛  Autumn is a magician. She comes to the orchard with a golden magic wand. With a flick, the orchard becomes a colorful world.

夜上海论坛  她飞到了苹果树下,苹果红了,像一个个小姑娘害羞的脸颊,在绿叶后面躲躲藏藏,不敢让我们看见她的美丽的面容。桔子黄了,像一盏盏金黄的`小灯笼,秋风一吹,在树枝间荡起了秋千。石榴妹妹为了欢迎秋姑娘的到来,脱下绿衣裳,换上了它最心爱的红衣裳,正咧开嘴对着秋姑娘笑呢。

夜上海论坛  She flew under the apple tree, the apple was red, like the shy cheeks of little girls, hiding behind the green leaves, afraid to let us see her beautiful face. Orange yellow, like a small golden lantern, the autumn wind blows, swing in the branches. In order to welcome autumn girl, sister pomegranate took off her green clothes and put on her favorite red clothes. She was grinning at autumn girl.


夜上海论坛  The hedgehog was attracted by a smell of fruit. He saw a big red apple under the apple tree and brought it home with his thorns.


  I love autumn more than the orchard.

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 4


  Where is autumn? Its on our campus.

夜上海论坛  瞧,菊花开了,有黄色的',有红色的,还有粉色的,漂亮极了。

夜上海论坛  Look, the chrysanthemums are blooming. There are yellow ones, red ones and pink ones. They are very beautiful.


  As we walked on, we saw that the lotus in the small pond had failed, some of the lotus leaves had withered, some of them were still green.


  We came to the grape trellis, eh, why are the grapes missing? The leaves have all fallen.

夜上海论坛  我们走啊走,又来到了松树前,我高兴地对老师说:“看,小小的松果红红的,真像小灯笼。”

夜上海论坛  We walked and walked, and then came to the pine tree. I said happily to the teacher, "look, the little pinecones are red. They are like little lanterns."

夜上海论坛  我们又往前走,走到柿子树旁,我说:“这是 桃子。”老师说:“这不是桃子,是柿子。”

夜上海论坛  We went on to the persimmon tree, and I said, "this is a peach." The teacher said, "its not a peach, its a persimmon."

夜上海论坛  秋天是多么美丽啊!

夜上海论坛  How beautiful autumn is!

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 5

夜上海论坛  秋天到了,田野里的庄稼成熟了。

  Autumn is coming, and the crops in the field are ripe.


  There are pods popping out the pulp, which spring out like a spring. A breeze blows over them, like a layer of golden spray. There are also lovely fruits, such as apples, pears, persimmons, etc. my favorite is apples, which hang on the trees one by one, like a smiling face of children. Look, those flowers and plants are on the lawn. They are like soft and comfortable blankets. They are very comfortable. Look again, a beautiful flower flutters with the wind, like a little girl dancing, butterflies flying around on the flowers, and a little bee "buzzing" flying to the flowers to gather nectar.

夜上海论坛  我喜欢秋天,它充满了生命力。

夜上海论坛  I like autumn, it is full of vitality.

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 6

夜上海论坛  早晨,我与秋姑娘同行,快乐地来到了学校。

  In the morning, I walked with Miss Qiu and came to the school happily.


夜上海论坛  Just arrived at the school, I found that the fragrance of Osmanthus before was gone. I ran to the backyard quickly and looked, ah! All the osmanthus on the osmanthus tree at the back fell down. As I walked, I whispered: "what a great change in autumn!" I had no sooner come to the classroom than I had a class Ding! Ding! Ding! After class, I went out and made a big discovery. Do you know what it is? Is the camphor tree in the campus leaves or green, this is why? It turns out that autumn girl cant make the leaves of camphor tree fall. Only spring girl can make the new leaves grow, and the old leaves will fall.

夜上海论坛  现在,我才知道大自然有多么的奇妙,校园有多么的美……

  Now, I know how wonderful nature is and how beautiful campus is

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 7

夜上海论坛  秋天虽然不像百花盛开的春天那样有生气,不像夏天那样处处充满生机,但却以诱人的果实和美丽的秋色吸引着人们。

  Although autumn is not as lively as spring with flowers in full bloom and full of life as summer, it attracts people with attractive fruits and beautiful autumn color.


  Its autumn. Im going to pick fruit with my parents. Along the way, I looked out of the window happily. Maple leaves fall like a stamp. The orchard is a scene of harvest. On the persimmon tree, there are red and big persimmons; on the pear tree, there are yellow pears; many sorghum have red faces; the golden rice is swaying from side to side like golden waves. Good farmers let us pick a basket of apples, persimmons, bananas and pears. Look at it, Im intoxicated!


  We reluctantly went home, on the way home, I thought: "autumn is so beautiful! We love autumn! "

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 8

夜上海论坛  夏天姐姐渐渐地去了,只留下了秋天阿姨。

夜上海论坛  Summer sister gradually went, leaving only the autumn aunt.

夜上海论坛  秋天阿姨每天都很忙,给苹果弟弟画上红红的笑脸,给鸭梨妹妹换上一身带斑点的黄裙子,给桃子姐姐涂上粉红的颜料,给农民伯伯挂一幅满意的笑脸。渐渐地,渐渐地,冬天叔叔就要来上班了,一朵雪花飘来,说:冬天叔叔就要接班了,你准备

  In autumn, Auntie is very busy every day. She draws a red smile for Apple brother, changes a yellow dress with spots for Yali sister, paints pink for peach sister, and hangs a happy smile for farmer uncle. Gradually, gradually, my uncle will come to work in winter. A snowflake comes and says, my uncle will take over in winter. You are ready to


夜上海论坛  Whats the present for him? The autumn aunt said, Im going to give my uncle a beautiful picture in winter so that he can have a good winter.


夜上海论坛  The next day, my uncle came to take over the shift in winter. He saw a beautiful picture, so he called his aunt in autumn during the winter vacation and said, thank you, let me see such a beautiful picture. Autumn aunt said: you are welcome.

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 9

夜上海论坛  当草开始变黄,大雁开始成群地向温暖的地方飞去时,这一切好像都在告诉我们——秋天已经来了。

夜上海论坛  秋天的天空很蓝,白云在空中悠闲的飘着。柳树和白杨的叶子都黄了,枫树叶也红了。秋天是多彩的`季节。




  When green grass begins to turn yellow, the swallows begin to fly to the warmer places in groups, they seem to tell us autumn has come.

夜上海论坛  The sky in autumn is quite blue, and the white clouds are floating leisurely. The willow and poplar leaves turn yellow, but the maple leaves turn red. Autumn is a season of colors.

  Autumn is also a harvest time. In the fields, all the crops are ripe. They are like golden blankets. The farmers are busy getting in the crops.

夜上海论坛  In the orchard not far away, all the fruits are ripe, too. They are in every color, red apples, purple and

夜上海论坛  green grapes, yellow pears, and so on. They are giving out fragrance. They seem to attract people to taste them.

夜上海论坛  Summer, full of vigor, is beautiful, but I think autumn is more beautiful because it is a harvest season.

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 10

  It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming.

  Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summers hard work.The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

  It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.

  它逐渐转凉。阳光不再那么强烈,蝉也停止了哭泣。炎热的夏天终于过去了。一年中最受欢迎的季节即将来临。 到处都能看到大丰收的景象:田野上金黄的`稻谷,树上果实累累。农民们脸上满是微笑。他们现在正期待着一个夏天辛苦劳作的丰收。秋天的夜晚特别美丽。当夕阳西下时,山上的天空布满了晚霞的红光,在蔚蓝的天空和浮云上闪耀,就像枫叶落在天空上一样。 黄昏时天气变凉了。风吹着,月光洒在地上,青蛙和昆虫在田野里唧唧喳喳地叫。这样的情况会让你在白天忘记所有不愉快的事情。

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 11


夜上海论坛  Miss Xia left quietly, and Miss Qiu came singing. With the autumn rain, she brought coolness to the toiling people.


夜上海论坛  Autumn is a busy season. Rice is yellow, apple is red, fish is fat. Bees and ants are also busy storing food for the winter. Everywhere is the scene of harvest, everywhere is busy figure.


夜上海论坛  Autumn is a beautiful season. The sky is bluer. There is no cloud in the blue sky. The wild geese flying in the middle and south of the sky seem to say to me: "goodbye, little friend! We are going to the warm south, and we will come back to play with you next spring. "


夜上海论坛  The beautiful autumn chrysanthemums are colorful and open in the cool autumn wind. Its amazing.


夜上海论坛  We also carry our schoolbags and take a brisk step, breathing fresh air as if filtered, to sign up for a new semester.


  Ah! Beautiful autumn, I love you!

  我爱秋天四年级英语日记带翻译 12

夜上海论坛  Autumn is the season of harvest. I gain success, capture my feelings, grow up a lot in a very subtle way. Autumn is the reincarnation of the mark, take a look at this day last year,everyone has great changes,but the kindness of each heart has never changed. Autumn teach people a lot. Everyones eyes are full of expectations, sensation, cognition, and even the feeling of life. It is due to the arrival of autumn, people knows what is no pains no gains. How beautiful the autumn is! I can fully relax myself in this magic season. The air is filled with free and easy taste,and the leaves’ falling have become the fall of melody. I can lie on the grass among lots of the maple leaves. I think that is a comfortable and enchanted picture. I like autumn! It gives me heartful mercy,faithful bless and glorious harvest! Thanks to the fall of a amazing season!












