
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-09-28 17:31:39 初二 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  Seeing that my brother can swim, I envy him very much。 I also want to learn to swim, and I want to learn to swim during my holiday。

夜上海论坛  那天下午,我带着游泳用具,高兴的来到游泳馆。到游泳馆一看:水清澈极了,一眼就能望到底。这时,我决定一定要把游泳学好。教练过来让我先在浅水区做深呼吸,我跳下水,心慌了,害怕呛到嘴里。慢慢的,我把头放到水里,还没等我想好,“咕咚咕咚”就呛了三四口,咽了不少水。当我第二次准备把头放水里时,教练说:“止住呼吸,镇静点,不要心慌。”我再次把头放进水里,止住呼吸,镇静。心想:“不害怕,我不害怕。”我成功的作好了水里呼吸,教练夸了我两句,我心里美滋滋的。

夜上海论坛  That afternoon, I came to the swimming pool with swimming equipment。 Go to the swimming pool and have a look: the water is so clear that you can see to the end at a glance。 At this time, I decided to learn swimming well。 The coach came and asked me to take a deep breath in the shallow water。 I jumped into the water, panicked and afraid of choking。 Slowly, I put my head in the water。 Before I thought about it, I choked three or four times and swallowed a lot of water。 When I was about to put my head in the water for the second time, the coach said, "stop breathing, calm down, dont panic。" I put my head in the water again, stop breathing and calm down。 Thought: "not afraid, I am not afraid。" I managed to breathe in the water。 The coach praised me for two words。 I was very happy。


  The coach taught me how to do the breaststroke leg。 He gave me a demonstration first。 I imitated him, flipped my palms, kicked my legs, retracted, and did nothing standardized。 The coach patiently taught me how to do it。 Until I did it well, I took the paddle and went into the water to do the action。 It turned out that it was ten times more difficult to do it in the water than on the shore。 Its a very easy movement on the shore。 When I get into the water, I feel that there are many things hanging on my legs。


夜上海论坛  Next, I want to learn the action of breaststroke hand。 The action of hand is very simple。 I will soon。 The coach tied a water board to my back to let me swim in the water。 I swam step by step according to the action on the shore。 Although I swam slower, as long as my kung fu was deep and the iron bar was ground into a needle, I swam in the water for the first time。 Later, it must be better than my brother。










