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时间:2022-08-13 17:44:38 五年级 我要投稿
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五年级英语作文 篇1




夜上海论坛  我心里立刻慌了起来:啊?我的英语复习单呢?怎么?怎么忘带了?我想我今天完了!









夜上海论坛  “因为,我们是朋友,朋友之间是需要帮助的,上回你帮我,让我考试得了一百分,这回我帮了你,我们成为好朋友吧!”

夜上海论坛  “当然可以!”我开心地笑了。

夜上海论坛  从此以后,我们俩相互帮助,就因为这份英语复习单,让我体会到我们已经成了好朋友,我希望我们永远,永远都是好朋友,都是最忠诚的好朋友。

五年级英语作文 篇2




夜上海论坛  终于迎来了省赛。我怀着紧张的心情走进赛场,里面很安静,选手们都在努力地背词,我也不甘示弱。自我介绍环节,我们都做得非常好,看图说话环节就比较惨了,得知成绩后,我的心情非常低落,爸爸妈妈安慰我,要我别泄气,要我在下午最后一个环节加油,还特意给我复习了几遍演讲内容,我的心情又明朗起来。下午的比赛开始了,轮到我上场了,我站在台上,信心十足地完成了演讲,最后的分数还不错哦!

夜上海论坛  我的20xx年“希望之星”英语风采大赛结束了,虽然我没有踏上国赛舞台,但是我虽败犹荣!这个过程中,我见识到了那些高手们的厉害!我一定要好好学习英语!我一定会回来的!明年再战!

五年级英语作文 篇3

  Everyone has a happy family. My family is the number of the three. But sometimes will play a beautiful chapter. The following are the same as the "

  Every family has its own emotions, but no matter how happy it is. Start from the "hi" start it Sometimes I get a high score will be complacent, my mother will praise me, let me go to the next level. Sometimes my father got a bonus to rise to our family and went out and rubbed it. Mom and Dad to my encouragement and reward is love is happy. The following are the same as the "

夜上海论坛  Now talk about "anger". Sometimes I do not listen, do not practice ... ... Mom is not so gentle, but cold to reprimand me. My tears of tears will fall down. After the mother more to the fire, and even has always been to protect my father and mother into a united front. I can not just obediently obediently obediently. In fact, Mom and Dad is a knife mouth tofu heart, but I looked at my mother and my mother is not the taste. Behind the scolding is the parents of well-intentioned. Mom and Dad's scolding is love is happy. The following are the same as the "

夜上海论坛  The said "sad" the. Sometimes my test did not test well, I look helpless face Mom and Dad, I only sad, when I abjection standing in front of my mother, but my mother just encouraged me to say: "No matter no blame, no one does not Mistakes, you have been very stable results, you will be confused when the moment, the next effort ah! "Although the mother said the mouth, in fact, she secretly holding the test paper quietly wiped his eyes tears. Mom and Dad's inspiration and tears are love is happy. The following are the same as the "

  Finally talk about "music". Speaking of "music" must be happy, but not everyone is. In my family and the most happy time is to go out to play. Dad riding a car carrying my mother and I go for a ride, go shopping, eat ... ... this time just at the weekend. Although laughter along the way, nothing to talk about. But a home did not feel so, because I know my parents gave me joy, but I gave them pressure. That is the money, every time you go out to spend. But my parents want me happy, they had to work hard to make money. Mom and Dad to my happiness that is love that is happy. The following are the same as the "

  In my family everywhere embodies the word happiness, although our family is not rich, but everywhere filled with love and happiness, everywhere filled with harmony and warmth.

五年级英语作文 篇4

  In grade one, I met a new friend, xiao Ming.

  His hair is not long not short, short. His round face, big eyes, a small nose. Looks not bad!

  The summer holiday, I and xiao Ming go to the park to play. We happily juggle walked. Xiaoming suddenly stopped walking. I don't know what's the matter, asked him. He pointed to the bin said: "look, the earth is full of garbage, let's pick it up!" I reluctantly said: "it's none of your business! Don't you throw". He said: "the teacher told us to protect the environment, you forget?" I have to say: "ok". But we began to pick up I'm tired. I'll go to buy food, for a while go to the toilet, it took a long time I don't go back, I didn't past xiao Ming picked up the trash out. An uncle saw pointing to xiao Ming said: "this child is really good!" Listen to my uncle I know I made a mistake. I think: I must learn from xiao Ming, and he became best friends.

  From then on I and xiao Ming really became best friends.

夜上海论坛  一年级的`时候,我结识一位新朋友——小明。


夜上海论坛  暑假我和小明去公园玩。我们兴高采烈地边走边聊。走着走着小明突然停下来。我不知道怎么回事,忙问他。他用手指了指垃圾箱说:“看,地上全是垃圾,咱们把它捡起来吧!”我不情愿地说:“这关你什么事!又不是你扔的”。他说:“老师告诉我们要保护环境,你忘了?”我只好说:“好吧”。可是我们一开始捡我就烦了。我一会儿去买吃的,一会儿上厕所,过了好长时间我也不回去,小明把垃圾拾完了我才过去。一位叔叔看见了指着小明说:“这孩子真好!”听了叔叔的话我知道自己做错了。我想:我一定要向小明学习,一定和他成为最好的朋友。

夜上海论坛  从那以后我和小明真的成了最好的朋友。

五年级英语作文 篇5

夜上海论坛  I like goldfish, Because goldfish is beautiful.

夜上海论坛  It is orange on the left, It is red on the right. I says:"wow,goldfish is beautiful!"

夜上海论坛  This is a red goldfish,It live in the aquarim.A boy want to catch the goldfish,but the goldfish run

  I like very beautiful the goldfish!Because goldfish is a very cute!














