
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-05-17 10:48:06 五年级 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编为大家收集的五年级英语作文5篇,希望对大家有所帮助。


五年级英语作文 篇1

夜上海论坛  The passage of time, day after day, the twinkling of an eye, it is a Sunday. "Slacker wake up, sleepies up..." alarm clock opened it is my big mouth in calling me, mom and dad are out, hey hey you must guess what I want to say, today I take charge of!

夜上海论坛  Mom and dad are not at home the dust are starting to arrogance, as if to arrogant said to me: "what shall we do see you." So I invited a "cleaner" from inside to outside the sitting room all clean again, please again "sprinkler sprinkler mop the floor," licentious dust is wiped out by me again.

五年级英语作文 篇2


夜上海论坛  My good friend is Zhang Yachun. Her eyes are big and round, bright, like the black pearl, beautiful black hair, like the stars in heaven, the skin white and tender, like a baby, love is.


  Ya Chun's personality is very optimistic, have fun, and I would share a bad mood, I will also share with her. Her body is very soft, very easy to split up, so we are very envious of, in the sports course performance is impressive, not only that, even the daily life of people are courteous, considerate to others, like a sweet little angel, everyone's favorite to win.

夜上海论坛  记得我们第一次读幼儿园时,她总是紧紧牵着我的手,带着我到处走来走去,那时候,我觉得彼此好像亲姐妹,我留下深刻的印象。每一次我去她家玩芭比娃娃,她都把最漂亮的留给我,我好佩服她的礼让精神,因为我做不到,我觉得她是一个善解人意、体贴懂事的人。

  Remember the first time we kindergarten, she is always tightly holding my hand, took me and walked up and down, at that time, I feel like sisters, I am impressed. Every time I go to her house to play Bobbi doll, she is the most beautiful to me, I really admire her spirit of comity, because I can't do that, I think she is a considerate, considerate and sensible person.

夜上海论坛  我很高兴有这么好的朋友,我希望我们永远保持温馨的友谊,成为童年最好的回忆。

夜上海论坛  I'm very glad to have such a good friend, I hope we will keep warm friendship, become the best memories of childhood.

五年级英语作文 篇3

  美丽的街道Beautiful Street

夜上海论坛  Today, when I walk on the street, I find the street is so beautiful. There is some lovely pictures on the sidewalk, the picture of giraffe, panda and monkey. When people see these lovely animals, they feel so good. I think it is such a nice act to paint these pictures on the street, it makes this city look beautiful.

五年级英语作文 篇4

  In spring, it's a charactizing a fine spring day, a season for revival. Winter in the past, connect with the footsteps of light spirit, quietly coming to us.

  Listen! Who is playing the music of "sand, sand"? Who is in the "call - call" sound? Turned out to be a voice! The book the bird why so happy? Why is the fish in the water is so lively? Must be because spring is coming, they are to celebrate it.

  In the spring, let me intoxicated. The mountain flowers airtime, butterflies attracted, as if to give the flowers put on colorful clothes; The grass of the earth is really naughty, could not help but put his head out, just like play games, when the scouts.

夜上海论坛  My hometown is a piece of the awaken of spring is abundant, full of vitality, peach trees grew up, the pink flowers, just want to children that red face: cascade mountains green jade, green at the moment. At this moment, I really want to take camera filmed these beautiful scenery.

  In the spring, let me unforgettable. It is the most beautiful and the most beautiful in my mind! Because it always can touch my heart, let me in the future is full of wing.


夜上海论坛  听!谁在演奏“沙,沙”的音乐?谁在“呼召”声中?原来是个声音!书上的鸟为什么这么高兴?为什么水中的鱼那么活泼?一定是因为春天来了,他们要庆祝一下。

夜上海论坛  在春天,让我陶醉。山上花时间,蝴蝶吸引,犹如给花儿穿上五颜六色的衣服;地上的草真是顽皮,忍不住把他的头,就像玩游戏,当童子军。


夜上海论坛  在春天,让我难忘。它是我心中最美最美丽的!因为它总能触动我的心,让我在未来充满翅膀。

五年级英语作文 篇5

夜上海论坛  Wats you mam like? Do you like my room? …….o my ga!你们猜,这是谁在狂说英语?哈哈!除了我们家还有谁家呢?要说我们家是怎样沾上英语的',那还得从那一年说起。话说公元20xx年11月20日,耿学玲家因特别喜欢英语,从而爆发了,变成了英语狂,更可怕的是,他们嘴上总不忘把英语放在嘴边,让别人也变的爱说英语了。


夜上海论坛  晚上,我们一家在一起吃晚饭,爸爸端着饭碗坐在电视机前面,跟着希望英语狂说,害的我们没法吃饭了。这时,我早已忍不住我的超级狮吼功 了,我的狮吼功 可是我从小练起的,吼起来可不比雄狮顺色。。我用中英文结合,绍兴话普通话结合说:Father!走过来(绍兴话),别说英语了(普通话),我美味的晚餐都吃不下了。 加他纹丝不动,我再次加大马力,又再一次叫了一遍,这一叫可不要紧,可恨的是,竟把楼上楼下的叔叔、阿姨、爷爷、大妈惊动了。我遭了。完了,俺快躲起来,可惜已经太晚了,我只好一个劲的说:Sorry! 人们刚走,就见爸爸嘲笑我奸笑的声音。爸爸竟然学着我的台词说:Iam 太sorry。 气的我火冒三丈。


  还有一次,是星期天的早上,吃过早饭,我在听英语,爸妈在吃早饭。我正听的入迷,仿佛沉浸在英语王国当中了时听见嗷嗷 ---嗷嗷 的鬼叫,我还以为鬼来了,拿着尺子准备作战。但没人,我轻轻的走向门外,啊,声音源头在这,我高兴极了,你猜我看到了什么?一只血淋淋的眼球,你别说,还真像,他发出的鬼叫让人毛骨酥然。原来这是弟想吓唬我,故意搞恶作剧,后来,我抓着他的衣襟,非让他给我道歉不可。他竟然用我的台词向我赔礼:I am sorry太sorry。

夜上海论坛  这些英语,在学校里,也有很多人学会了这种流行语。

夜上海论坛  在这些喜欢英语的人当中,让我更喜欢英语了,我喜欢英语,这是天分,我想在我们的带领下,会有越来越多的人喜欢英语的。










