
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-03-07 17:41:40 推荐作文 我要投稿





  Colorful Christmas trees are all over the streets, and small and delicate gift boxes are set off by green leaves. The small colored ball hanging on the branch swayed from side to side when the wind blew. At the top of the tree, a snowman wearing a red dome hat smiled as if he was greeting the arrival of Christmas.

夜上海论坛  Yes, my favorite holiday is Christmas. Although it is a western festival, it can still bring me endless joy.

夜上海论坛  At Christmas, a kind little old man will come to the world and everyone will call him "Santa Claus". He wore a red cap with a small white ball at the top. It was very cute and fluffy. He is also wearing red clothes and trousers, which is very funny. As long as Father Christmas comes, he will bring three or four reindeer. The little reindeer pulled the snowmobile and sent the old man to each family.

  In order to receive gifts from Grandpa, children put a sock with large capacity at the bedside to receive gifts.

  At Christmas, we play under the tree with our friends, and we are full of laughter. Sometimes, we will pick some funny things from the tree: colored balls, gift boxes, snowmen, and marbles. At this time, a familiar "Santa Claus" appeared from nowhere. He would stretch out his hand to take down some toys and give them to the cheering children. Children full of curiosity would take the "Santa Claus"'s hand and play with him. The "old man" will not be angry, but will open his mouth and play with the children.

  Christmas, this special festival, although it is not celebrated by every family as the Spring Festival, it can leave a beautiful wish for people. On that day, the kind "Santa Claus" will look for those unhappy children. The "old man" did everything he could to make the children laugh. And the "old man" also got a sense of happiness.

  It's almost time to go to bed, and the work of "Santa Claus" is coming to an end. He has given all the gifts, looked at all the children who slept soundly, smiled, and rode the snowmobile to a far, far place


  On Friday, the annual Christmas is coming again! Our school has held many interesting activities. On that day, my performance was also very smooth!

  Early in the morning, the zither room was very busy, and everyone was preparing for the zither performance. Some of the students tidy their clothes, some practice quickly, and some change the tape again... When I got to the seat, I quickly tied my nails and began to practice. Then, we changed into performance clothes, put on a light makeup, and walked into the performance venue!

夜上海论坛  The performance hall is full of parents, and their faces are full of expectations. We sat quietly in our chairs, but our hearts were surging like the waves of the sea! At the teacher's command, we began to play. That scene is really spectacular! All the students are repeating: hook, hold, wipe, eight degrees, four o'clock, small rub. Some students smile and seem confident; Some students broke out in cold sweat and played wrong notes one after another. I'm also playing seriously. I must play beautifully, without making mistakes, and perform well! I made up my mind secretly.

  The classmate next to me played it correctly. She saw her hand plucking the string naturally. Sometimes I close my eyes and enjoy the beautiful music. Even so, I will not miss any note. Many of the students around can't play, and they turn their heads to look at it! With the familiar music, I seem to have a sunset in my mind, and the river flows slowly. The river water is clear, and the small fish in the water play happily. They are full of joy and swim away while playing, leaving ripples on the water. This beautiful scene is shown by her fingers turning into one note after another.

  We played beautifully together, and parents kept clapping their hands around, which gave us great confidence. With the ending of arpeggios like flowing water, the whole song will be finished! The museum is silent, and everyone seems to recall the beauty of Liuyang River. Until we stood up and said, "Thank you!" Everyone applauded again like thunder, and parents were shouting: "Good! Good!"

夜上海论坛  This zither performance made me unforgettable forever, and also let me know the truth of "three minutes on the stage, ten years off the stage"!


夜上海论坛  The "white snow" in the sky danced heartily, and the crowd cheered: Christmas is coming!

夜上海论坛  I am running in this crowded pedestrian street with my friends, spraying "flying snow" on each other! Suddenly, I stopped and stared at the distance. He seemed to notice my dullness, so he quickly patted me. I suddenly woke up and pointed forward: "Look!" He looked in the direction I was talking about, and suddenly he was silent.

  What a beautiful Christmas tree it is! The whole body emits silver light, and the tree body is full of trinkets for blessing.

夜上海论坛  We stared and appreciated for a long time, and then continued our fight of spraying "snow". The crowd is still bustling, and we are also playing happily. Oops, another bottle is used up! I threw it away, and then took out a bottle from the bag, ready to open it.

夜上海论坛  At this time, the bottle I threw rolled to a little girl's feet. She slowly bent down, picked up the bottle and put it in a cloth bag.

夜上海论坛  I wonder if this girl came here to pick up rubbish because she had no money at home? I looked at the girl carefully, and felt that her dress was not like her family was too poor. But on this festive day, it is a bit strange that such a girl, who does not seem to be poor, does not go to play with her friends, but looks for garbage everywhere in this street!

  I was thinking that the girl had picked up many bottles and jars. She bent over again and again, picked them up again and again, and put them into her pocket again and again. Suddenly, she stopped and seemed to find that I was looking at her. I had to smile at her and ask, "Why do you want to pick up these broken cans?" However, the girl's answer was beyond my expectation. "I think it's a pity that we threw away so much rubbish and polluted the good street. So we asked our friends to pick it up together." She pointed at it, and I looked in the direction she pointed. Several children were bending down and picking up cans discarded by people.

  My face suddenly got hot and I felt ashamed. I could not help saying, "Let me help you!" The girl seemed very happy to join me and smiled sweetly. Suddenly, I seemed to see a burst of light on the girl, even beyond the light of the Christmas tree just now.

  I began to bend over and over again, and kept repeating this movement, but the fatigue seemed to be dispelled by the ray of light, leaving only the inner pleasure.


夜上海论坛  A person's winter, no snow, no warmth, no happiness, tears are always casual. I am not so sentimental, it is not difficult to feel sad, but why, my heart is so helpless, I wish I could do it all again, not today, not yesterday!

  Walking through the familiar street, Santa Claus is smiling in the window, "Merry Christmas." Are you happy? Like asking me, I saw my confusion in the shop window. I don't know why I am so sad when I yearn for a better life. It turns out that I am not as strong as I thought, and I will be lonely.

  I like listening to sad songs, which drown me. I don't know how to get out of the lost castle. I can't see the deepest and most moving character in my heart. I play myself and others, I smile at you, whether you will take it seriously, I cry at you, whether you will also be sad. I can't find the way. Can you tell me how to go? I'm also capricious. Can you tolerate me!

  I really like the snow. There will be a different Christmas. I hope it will be yesterday's year. I have a feeling of pondering. Don't let me be so cold-blooded and determined.

夜上海论坛  I also like to chat with you, I also like to hear about the past, I also like to hear about the past, I also like to go shopping with you. I like the happy Christmas Eve, I can see you, I like the beautiful Christmas, and I can greet you. You are my melting power, and you give me the courage to recover. I don't want to cheat anyone anymore, and I don't want to play games. Santa Claus, can you, give me magic, give me magic!

  Maybe tomorrow is still today, there is no miracle, maybe the world is still the same, no one's footprints are needed, maybe I will settle myself in endless darkness, but I know that one day, I will give you a surprise for Christmas, and I will stand in front of you and say: "Merry Christmas!" It will be so beautiful, so we should all take a good breath, work hard for life, and wait for the day when there is no darkness!

夜上海论坛  Today, I will pray in my heart that everyone around me will give me a happy friend, Merry Christmas and beautiful life.










