
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-03-03 08:21:14 推荐作文 我要投稿






  In the beautiful holiday of national day, our family took part in Grandpa's 70th birthday.


  In the morning, we hurried to my grandfather's place to make Ma Yuan. When we arrived, there were already several uncles and aunts cooking glutinous rice there. After cooking, my mother put the rice into a big basin and served it. My uncle made the glutinous rice into circles. My brother poured sesame seeds and sugar together and stirred them. Then he put the glutinous rice into it. Then the glutinous rice was wrapped in a black-and-white coat. It was very beautiful. After that, we also called grandpa to eat longevity noodles. He is very happy!

夜上海论坛  一转眼就到了中午,大家都到饭店里去吃饭,那里欢声笑语,热闹非凡。开饭了,我们吃到了一半,哥哥就叫我们小孩子去敬酒。我们到了包厢看见小外公,我们就对她说:“祝外公福如东海、寿比南山。”吃完饭后,大家纷纷都去玩了。

夜上海论坛  In a twinkling of an eye, at noon, everyone went to the restaurant for dinner, where there was a lot of fun and laughter. After dinner, when we had half eaten, my brother asked our children to toast. When we got to the box and saw Grandpa, we said to her, "I wish grandpa happiness and longevity." After dinner, everyone went to play.


  One afternoon passed quickly and it was evening. Everyone went to my uncle's house for dinner. Aunts are scrambling to cook, and the kitchen is very busy. After a while, a plate of steaming dishes came out, and everyone ate with relish. After dinner, the birthday cake came out, opened the lid, and there was an old birthday star in it. My aunt gave the old birthday star to my grandfather, and wished him a long life.


夜上海论坛  Although I didn't visit mountains and rivers on this national day, I tasted the delicacies of mountains and seafood in my little grandfather's house and enjoyed the happiness of getting together with my relatives. I was very happy.



  Today is our mother's 71st birthday. My father and mother go shopping.


夜上海论坛  When I came to the street, it was crowded with people, gongs and drums, and the traffic was endless! We came to jiajiali supermarket from time to time.


夜上海论坛  When I came to the supermarket, I thought there were fewer people in it, but the people in it were also boiling and crowded. I reminded my mother to hold her bag on her chest so as not to be stolen by thieves. Mother smiled and held her bag to her chest.


  Come to the snack area, my mother! At last, there are fewer people than at the cash register, so I adopted the "big purchase mode" to pack a big basket of snacks. My father knocked me on the head and said, "you little greedy, can't you eat less?" I awkwardly turned my head and ran away.

夜上海论坛  我们又到了厨具区,爸爸可来了劲。也把锅碗瓢盆买了一筐,我可来机会了,反击爸爸:“咱家的那些东西多的是,干嘛还要买啊?”爸爸不好意思的笑了笑,说:“这个嘛……额,先不说这些了,我们去找你妈妈吧!”“在哪儿?”“食品区啊!”“let’sgo!”

  We're in the kitchen again, and dad's up. Also bought a basket of pots and pans, I can come to the opportunity, counterattack Dad: "we have a lot of things, why buy?" Dad smiled sheepishly and said, "well Well, let's not talk about it. Let's go to your mother! " "Where is it?" "Food area!" “let’sgo!”

夜上海论坛  来到了食品区,妈妈果然在那儿,只见她手里的筐子也塞满了蔬菜和鸡鸭鱼肉,她说回去要给我做回去要给我做小鸡炖蘑菇、糖醋排骨……我的口水已经流了一地了。多亏爸爸提醒妈妈,不然,超市就要发洪水了。哦不,是发“口水”。

夜上海论坛  When I came to the food area, my mother was there. The basket in her hand was filled with vegetables, chicken, duck and fish. She said that she would make it for me. She would make chicken stewed with mushrooms, sweet and sour pork ribs for me My saliva has run all over the place. Thanks to Dad's warning, otherwise, the supermarket will be flooded. Oh no, it's saliva.

夜上海论坛  结了账,总共100多元,我们提着大包小包高高兴兴地回家了。

夜上海论坛  After settling the account, we went home happily with a large bag and a small bag.









