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我最喜爱的歌手My favorite singer

时间:2021-12-13 13:41:05 推荐作文 我要投稿

夜上海论坛我最喜爱的歌手My favorite singer

夜上海论坛  Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.

我最喜爱的歌手My favorite singer

  Justin Bieber is my favorite singer. Born on March 1st, 1994, he becomes famous at the age of 15. When he had his first music album, the whole world is crazy for this young boy. His most famous song is baby, has more than one billion hit on the Internet. He is not only very talented but also very warm-hearted. He has names his perfume Someday, and he has donated large sum of money to the poverty. I love him so much, I wish I could see him someday.

  My favorite singer is Katy Perry. She is a great singer with a beautiful voice. I love to listen to her music if I have time. Among all her songs, I love fireworks the best. I listen to it over and over again. Last Monday, I sing this song in front of my friend and they told me I have a beautiful voice too. I’m really happy. Maybe someday I can see Katy Perry face to face.



夜上海论坛  贾斯丁比伯是我最喜爱的男歌手。出生于1994年3月1日,这个男孩在15岁时就红遍全球。当他发行个人的第一张唱片时,全世界都为这个年轻人疯狂。他最着名的歌曲是《宝贝》,在因特网上超过10亿的点击率。他不仅非常有才华也很有爱心。他把他的个人香水命名为“某一天”,并把所得的钱捐给了慈善机构。我很喜欢贾斯汀比伯,我希望某天能见到他。

夜上海论坛  我最喜欢的歌手是凯蒂佩里。她是个很棒的歌手,有副好嗓子。如果我有时间,我很爱听她唱歌。在她所有的歌曲中,我最喜欢《烟火》这首歌。我听了一遍又一遍。上个星期一,我在我朋友面前唱了这首歌,他们告诉我,我也有副好嗓音。我真的好开心,也许有天我能见到凯蒂佩里。

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