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英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer

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英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer(通用26篇)

  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编为大家收集的英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer(通用26篇)

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 1

  Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.


  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 2

  Justin Bieber is my favorite singer. Born on March 1st, 1994, he becomes famous at the age of 15. When he had his first music album, the whole world is crazy for this young boy. His most famous song is baby, has more than one billion hit on the Internet. He is not only very talented but also very warm-hearted. He has names his perfume Someday, and he has donated large sum of money to the poverty. I love him so much, I wish I could see him someday.

夜上海论坛  贾斯丁比伯是我最喜爱的男歌手。出生于1994年3月1日,这个男孩在15岁时就红遍全球。当他发行个人的第一张唱片时,全世界都为这个年轻人疯狂。他最着名的歌曲是《宝贝》,在因特网上超过10亿的点击率。他不仅非常有才华也很有爱心。他把他的个人香水命名为“某一天”,并把所得的.钱捐给了慈善机构。我很喜欢贾斯汀比伯,我希望某天能见到他。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 3

  I know many singers, such as: Linjunjie, Jay Chou and Michael Jackson, etc., but my favorite is still Michael Jackson.

  I met Michael Jackson by accident. At that time, my class held a poetry reading competition. I had to find a song about peace. Finally, I found the song "Save the World". I fell in love with this song when I first heard it, I thought it was the best song Ive ever heard, and then I found the lyrics to this song: "Save the world, let It gets better, for you, for me, and for all of humanity." The song became Michael Jacksons famous work.

  Since then, I began to know more and more about Michael Jackson, and I began to fall in love with him. He is known as the "King of Pop". He founded UNICEF to bring peace to the world through music. Although Michael Jackson is dead, he is still the most famous singer in the world, and I love him because he is not only a singer, but a kind person.


夜上海论坛  我是偶然认识迈克尔·杰克逊的,当时我们班举行一次诗歌朗诵比赛,我不得不找首关于和平的歌曲,最后我找到了《拯救世界》这首歌。当我第一次听到这首歌时我就深深地喜欢上了它,我认为这是我听过的'最好的歌曲,后来我找到了这首歌的歌词:“拯救这世界,让它变得更好,为你、为我、为了全人类。”这首歌成为了迈克尔·杰克逊的成着名作品。


  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 4

  Jay Chou is my favorite singer. Jay is a good singer. He is very handsome. He has a round face with two small eyes. I like him very much. I often see him in my dreams. Jay’s music is popular. His style is different from other singers. He has many fans. These fans like listening to his music very much. I hope everyone in the world will like Jay, my favourite singer. What about you?

夜上海论坛  周杰伦是我最喜爱的歌手。周杰伦是个超棒的歌手。他简直帅呆了。圆圆的脸上两个小眼睛,妈呀~我简直爱死他了,甚至经常梦到他。周杰伦的歌都超流行的。他的风格和其他的歌手有很大的不同。他的粉丝也超多的,这些粉丝都超爱听他的`歌。周杰伦是我最爱的歌手,我希望全世界的人都喜欢他。哦,对了,你有喜欢的歌手吗?

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 5

夜上海论坛  My favorite singer is Zhang Shaohan, let me introduce her first! Shaohan Chang sisters voice is very loud, look particularly beautiful, long hair, short,. Her weight is very light, only 35kg. Her eyes are big and round and look very attractive.

夜上海论坛  Shaohans sister is small, but she has a loud voice. It is said that when sister Zhang Shaohan was a child, her wish was to be a singer. She loved her voice very much since she was a child. She did not shout and drink water...... Such a good voice, of course, can be a hit singer! I really want to say to you: "Dear sister Angela, you look so beautiful." Especially the eyes, crystal clear, people relaxed and happy...... Love you forever! I will not give you up because I like other singers!"

夜上海论坛  我最喜欢的歌手是张韶涵,先介绍一下她吧!张韶涵姐姐的声音很洪亮,样子格外漂亮,长长的头发,矮矮的。她的体重很轻,只有35kg。她的眼睛又大又圆,看上去特别吸引人。

夜上海论坛  张韶涵姐姐很瘦小,可她有很洪亮的声音。听说,张韶涵姐姐小时候的愿望是当一位歌手,从小就很爱护嗓子,不大喊大叫,不口渴也喝水......那么好的嗓音,当然可以当热门歌手啦!我真想对您说:“敬爱的张韶涵姐姐,您的.样子太漂亮了。特别是眼神,晶莹透亮,令人心旷神怡......永远爱您!不会因为喜欢别的歌手而放弃您!”

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 6

  Crazy lyrics, crazy tunes. Worked as a bartender. Once no one appreciated, this is my favorite singer - Jay Chou.

  I like his song tunes, sometimes elegant, sometimes pleasant, always give people a perfect enjoyment, unique "R&B" singing method to create their own music road, he is unwilling to emulate predecessors, from the British style to the Spanish wind, and then to the Chinese wind, and then form their own "Jay" wind.

  I like his persistence, strength, perseverance. He once failed the college entrance examination and became a "shop boy", serving dishes for the restaurant, but in this case, he appeared optimistic and strong, and was not defeated by difficulties, nor gave up his dedication to music; Used to be a little assistant, write a song no one wants to sing, become a veritable "rejection star".

夜上海论坛  Jay Chou, a tenacious perseverance of the big boy, with their own hard work and efforts, in the new times out of the entertainment circle is greatly popular, the achievement of the Chinese music scene in the hot singer. With their own kind of death to face, the spirit of everything is required to be meticulous constantly break through themselves, and continue to surprise fans.

  I like his songs. But not only that, his kind of courageous spirit is more worthy of my learning, as he wrote in the lyrics of "Snail" :

夜上海论坛  Im going to work my way up

  Waiting for the sun to watch its face

  Little days have big dreams

  Heavy shell wrapped gently look up

夜上海论坛  It is this spirit of not admitting defeat that Jay Chou can create countless miracles!


夜上海论坛  我喜欢他的歌曲曲调,有时优雅,有时愉悦,总能给人以完美的享受,独特的“R&B”唱法开创出自己的音乐道路,他不愿效仿前辈,从英式风格到西班牙风,再到中国风,接而形成自己的“周杰伦”风。


夜上海论坛  周杰伦,一个有顽强毅力的大男孩,用自己的.辛苦和付出的努力,在新人倍出的娱乐圈大为走红,成就了在华语乐坛上炙手可热的歌手。用自己那种死要面子,对任何事都要求一丝不苟的精神不断突破自己,不断给歌迷惊喜。


夜上海论坛  我要一步一步往上爬

夜上海论坛  等待阳光静静看着它的脸




  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 7

夜上海论坛  Many people have their favorite singers. The singer I like is not necessarily a famous person, not necessarily a very famous person, not necessarily a famous singer, but a person who I admire from the bottom of my heart.

夜上海论坛  My favorite singer, is a famous singer, he also composed a lot of music, and since childhood to learn the piano. He also rejected the piano for a while, and then listened to his mothers words, then continued to learn the piano, and now rely on the piano and composition to make a living, I like the singer, is - Jay Chou. I have been learning piano since I was a child, and there was a period of time when I was very repellent and afraid of taking piano lessons. As soon as I heard the piano, I would change my face immediately. Later, my mother encouraged me to continue to take piano lessons.

  From my favorite singers, I learned that if I focus on my ambition and stick to my dreams, I can succeed. As long as you work hard, there will be results; As long as brave, not afraid of hardships, courageously forward, will be able to walk out of their own day! I want to learn his love for the piano and work hard, so that I can become a person like him, open up my own world, and face all things with such a mentality.

  My favorite singer is my goal, but also the person I want to win, I hope that one day in the future, I can also move forward to a certain goal, with the same attitude as him, out of their own life.

夜上海论坛  很多人都有自己的喜欢的歌手。我喜欢的歌手并不一定要是大名鼎鼎的人,也不一定要是非常有名的人物,更不一定要是声名远播的.歌手,而是自己打从心底崇拜的人。

夜上海论坛  我喜欢的歌手,是一位有名的歌手,他也作了许多曲子,并且从小就学习钢琴。他有一阵子也很排斥弹钢琴,后来听了妈妈的话,才继续学钢琴,现在就全靠钢琴和作曲维生,我喜欢的歌手,就是——周杰伦。我也是从小一就开始学钢琴,也曾经有一段时间非常排斥,畏惧上钢琴课,只要一听到钢琴,我就会马上变脸,后来也是我的母亲鼓励我,才继续上的,现在,我也爱上钢琴了。



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 8

  Besides calligraphy and piano practice, my second hobby is appreciating music. Whenever immersed in music, I forget all the troubles and sorrows in my heart. Wandering in music is like being in a beautiful scenery, which makes people intoxicated and unforgettable. There are all kinds of singers in the world, and of course there are all kinds of songs. Although every singer has his own characteristics, but my favorite is the following singer for you to introduce - Lady gaga.

  Lady gaga is an American avant-garde singer. Lady GaGa has a bizarre, over-the-top look with bow hair, flesh-colored jumpsuits and space-shaped glasses. She uses her bold and creative fashion clothing to meet the audiences eye economy, and based on the American song industry, from the pop music industry to the fashion industry. Lady GaGa may have stylish outfits, but dont take her singing skills for granted. Gagas singing is as good as her styling. She not only has a first-class, pure voice line, but also a super personality creative cool sister. Her latest song, TELEPHONE, is full of fashion and trends. The first is a fresh and beautiful prelude, if you have not heard it, you must think that this is a pure song sung by a Japanese girl. What follows is a passionate rock and roll, and Lady GaGas sassy, slightly husky voice perfectly captures the soul of "TELEPHONE."

  May Lady Gaga become a beautiful butterfly, bring the fans hope for you, spread her wings, and soar in the sky of music!

夜上海论坛  除了书法与练琴,我的第二项爱好就是欣赏音乐。每当沉浸在音乐里,我就忘记了心中所有的烦恼和忧伤。在音乐里徜徉,就像置身于美丽的风景中,使人陶醉,让人流连忘返。世上有各种各样的歌手,当然也有五花八门的歌曲。虽说每位歌手都各有千秋,但我最喜欢的是下面为大家介绍的一位歌手——Lady gaga。

  Lady gaga是美国的超前卫歌手。Lady GaGa造型夸张怪异,蝴蝶结头、肉色连身裤、太空造型眼镜……她用自己大胆而富有创意的时髦服装极度满足观众的眼球经济,而立足于美国歌坛,从流行乐界一路红到时尚界。虽说Lady GaGa有着时髦的服装,但不要以为嘎嘎的唱功一般。嘎嘎的唱功毫不比她的造型逊色。她不仅有一流、清纯的`声线,更是个超极具有个性的创作酷妹。她的最新歌曲《TELEPHONE》,充满着时尚与潮流。首先是一段清新秀丽的前奏,要是没听过的人一定以为这是一首由日本少女演唱的清纯歌曲。接下去便是充满激情的摇滚乐,Lady GaGa那时髦又稍稍带点沙哑的声音完美地演绎出了这首《TELEPHONE》的灵魂所在。


  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 9

夜上海论坛  Do you have a favorite singer? In this era, everyone has their favorite singers, such as: Nan Quan Mother, Flower band. I also have an idol, he is Jay Chou.

夜上海论坛  His singing is very good, the rhythm is very fast, some songs are made by himself, arranging, composing, etc., he is a person all the package, and he has a congenital disease in this torture, he still insists on composing, and the melody of each song is so beautiful, each song contains a truth.

夜上海论坛  His songs, like a bottle of Coke, are full of energy and passion. My favorite is the smell of his rice. In this song, I heard a beautiful tune, and full of childlike lyrics. There is a lyric: Please turn on the TV to see how many people go on life, we should not be satisfied, even if there is no will have. This lyric tells us that there will be many ups and downs in life, but we should face them with an optimistic attitude. Keep going strong.

  "Should we put down the heavy shell, looking for where there is the blue sky, with the gentle wind gently floating, after the injury does not feel pain, I want to climb step by step, waiting for the sun quietly looking at its face, the small day has a big dream, heavy shell hanging gently look up" These lyrics tell us that we want to climb to the end bit by bit, Find the day that belongs to you.

  When listening to Jay Chous songs, I forget everything, to experience which one philosophy.


夜上海论坛  他唱歌很好听,节奏非常的快,一些歌都是他自己做的,编曲、作词等等,他一个人全包了,而且他有先天性疾病在这种折磨下,他仍然坚持作曲,并且它的每一首歌的旋律都这么优美,每一首歌含着一个道理。

夜上海论坛  他的歌,就像一瓶可乐,充满活力和激情。我最喜欢的`是他的稻香。在这首歌里,我听到了优美的曲调,和充满童趣的歌词。有一句歌词:请你打开电视看看,有多少人为生命走下去,我们是不是该知足,就算没有也会拥有。 这句歌词告诉我们人生会有许多坎坷,但是我们要以乐观的心态去面对。要继续坚强的走下去。



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 10

  He is a member of the South Korean popular idol day group EXO, he comes from Changsha, Hunan, he put hard work and hard again as his life motto, try his best to do everything, he loves singing and dancing, his nickname is "little sheep", "little fox", he is very kind and patriotic, he respects elders, polite, he is a small fresh meat after 90, He is our favorite brother Zhang Yixing.

  Hes one of my favorite singers. I like him not only because of his talent, but also because of his kindness, politeness and hard work, bringing people a positive, sunny, full of positive energy image. Hes the most special star Ive ever met.

夜上海论坛  I first met him when I was at EXO. There were only four Chinese in the group, and he was the one who made me feel fresh. I liked him even more when I was an idol trainee in 18 years. As a mentor, he dutifully shared what he had learned, known and felt with the students, accompanying them to grow and progress together. He is also very encouraging, although some words are not clear, but he is showing them what is right with his actual actions. Our teacher once said: you will meet a lot of people on the road of life, you must know how to cherish those who bring warmth to your life.

  Over the years, he has been devoting himself to learning music knowledge and dance, hoping to pass on more excellent things and bring us more beautiful music and dance. I take him as an example, learn from him, overcome difficulties, and make continuous progress in the direction of efforts, strive to realize my own ideal as soon as possible, and be a "three good students."



夜上海论坛  我第一次认识他还是在EXO的时候。组合里面就四个中国人,他就是让我耳目一新的那个人。到18年偶像练习生的时候更喜欢他了。作为导师他尽职尽责的把自己的所学、所知、所感都分享给了学员们,陪伴他们一起成长、一起进步。他也很会鼓励人,虽然有些话说不清楚,但他在用自己的'实际行动告诉他们什么才是正确的。我们老师曾说过:人生路上你会遇到很多人,能为你的人生带来温暖的人你一定要懂得珍惜。

夜上海论坛  这些年来他一直都在潜心的学习音乐知识和舞蹈,想把更多优秀的东西传承下去,带给我们更多好听的音乐和好看的舞蹈。我以他为榜样,向他学习,克服困难,朝着努力的方向不断进步,争取早日实现我自己心中的理想,做一个“三好学生。”

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 11

  Among the Chinese singers, I have always liked Jiang Yuheng, who is known as the "Prince of melancholy", with his bleak voice and soulful style, and he has never sung a fast rhythm song in my impression. His songs have always been not poems, but monologues, simple sentences, but can accurately hit the heart, describing the profile of a certain period of time, let you recall the unforgettable love and hate feelings.

  He sang a lot of love songs, or vast loneliness, or sad sadness, or love can feel, the same is always meaningful and long love, which also often interwoven with the helpless sentiment of life.

  If it is not for the attachment of feelings, there will be no "feeling difficult to pillow" helpless. "The most afraid of the lingering lingering/how many dawn and dusk/even if no longer sad tears/and soul on the dream of the night/those who want to go still leave deep love/have no regrets." If I had known that feelings were just a cup of bitter wine, would I drink it with tears?

  Can not say the love, to be buried in the heart for how many years. I dont know why "Cant say a word of Love You" always makes me feel like people from different worlds say goodbye to each other and miss each other after encountering each other, just like people who once loved each other meet again, separated by the heavy mountain of years. "Can not forget that do not want to abandon the only love/now can only be buried in the bottom of my heart like the eternal winter/thousands of mountains and rivers have passed/dreams have become clouds and smoke/people have been far away/what year and what month can escape this sadness."

夜上海论坛  If there is no waiting on the other side of the sea, will you still cross the ocean? The Last Wait tells a story about waiting and being waited for. Seems to be a pair of lovers who love each other, because young and reckless to make a promise of life into a rumor, after many years, in a winter night, he returned to meet the place, but the person he cares about, but as he thought generally will not come. The "song" is more like recitation, and the words are therefore more profound. He loved her so much that the wine he drank alone that night became a haunting memory. But the past has empty memories, the original love and hate in life and youth can never return to the origin, "that year if not separated, do not know whether we are still in love today, life can not assume, can not come back..."

  Not to mention the "Look Back Again" and "The Moving Heart", which have been popular all over the country, both show the desolation that I have been wandering for a long time. Feihong snow mud, drifting for many years, looking back on the past has been tired of reading. "Cheers with the past" is a kind of self-relief, but vaguely reveals the "drunken road is stable appropriate frequency to" the sorrow. The past into wine, I am hungover, wake up is just a sunset lonely dream, and stand alone in the world.

夜上海论坛  He sang about love, and the people who listened to the song thought of life.

夜上海论坛  华语歌手中,我一直很喜欢有“忧郁王子”之称的姜育恒,苍凉的声线,深情的曲风,印象里他没有唱过一首快节奏的歌。他的歌向来都不是诗,而是独白,语句浅显易懂,却可以准确地击中内心,描绘某段时光的侧影,让你回忆起刻骨铭心的爱恨情愁。




夜上海论坛  如果沧海那边没有了等待,你是否还会远渡重洋?《最后一次等待》讲了一个关于等待和被等待的故事。似乎是一对彼此钟情的恋人,因为年少轻狂让相许终身的诺言变成了谣言,时隔多年,在一个冬夜,他又回到相约的地点,只是那个他牵挂的人,却如他所想一般不会到来。念白式的“歌”,更像朗诵,文字也因此多了深意。他是爱她的,以至于那夜独酌的酒入了愁肠,都变作萦绕不去的往事。可是往事空有追忆,一生里最初的爱恨与青春永远无法回返到原点,“那一年如果不分开,不知道今天我们是不是还相爱,人生不能假设,也无法重来……”



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 12

  In the past ten years, our Chinese music scene has been booming and developed rapidly. Various singers have showcased, so that the music world has become the focus of the entertainment circle.

夜上海论坛  When it comes to music, everyone likes it very much, and pop music is popular among many people. Among all the singers, my favorite is David Tao.

夜上海论坛  The reason why I like him is that he is older, and the old man cant afford to hurt him, and he has to give him face. Second, their songs are full of charm, high knowledge content, known as the "godfather of music". Three to his old mans song "The moon represents my heart" aroused the silk of affection, let listen all moved and sentimental.

  According to legend, David Tao was born into a family that was not rich. And David Tao out of the love of music, all the way to the present, the career in the last decade can be described as rapid development, especially from 2002 to 2006, a period of time, music album one after another. "Black Willow Ding", "susan Said", "Lonely season" and other good songs have been launched, but also in the concert, a "love you LIVE" detonated the audience, on that rainy night.

  Say like David Tao, I still have a little selfish, because I also surnamed Tao, maybe, maybe some ancestral relationship (pure fantasy).



夜上海论坛  之所以喜欢他,一来他岁数比较大了,老人家伤不起,得给人家面子。二来人家的歌曲唱得韵味十足,知识含量高,号称“音乐教父”。三来他老人家一曲《月亮代表我的心》勾起了丝丝情意,让听着无不动容感伤。


夜上海论坛  说来喜欢陶喆,我还有点私心,因为我也姓陶,也许、可能祖上有点亲缘关系(纯属幻想)。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 13

夜上海论坛  My favorite singer is Li Yuchun. I believe everyone is familiar with her, in the 2005 Super Girl competition, she with 3.52 million votes, deserved to become the total champion of Super Girl, but also become the public idol in peoples hearts. Li Yuchun is very polite and cultured. At the signing, she would hand over the album with both hands and say thank you softly, and to the elderly and children, she would stand up and hand it over. She has great respect for others and knows how to put herself in others shoes and understand others. But what I like more about her is that her respect for others doesnt mean they follow suit. Understanding others does not mean abandoning your own judgment.

夜上海论坛  Li Yuchuns songs always have a positive feeling. Especially the song "The same as You", is a public welfare publicity song of the Red Cross Society of China Foundation, expressing that in the face of disaster, we have not given up, we have been fighting, we have been together.

  What touched me most about Li Yuchun was her kindness. There is so much corn to support her, there is so much love to her, she turned so much love into help for children with leukemia, established the Corn Love Foundation, and now the money of the Love Foundation has exceeded 5 million. It has helped countless children with leukemia and built several corn charity health stations. During the Yushu earthquake, the Corn Foundation donated 1 million yuan to build a health center there.

夜上海论坛  This is my favorite singer, this is the real Li Yuchun. When dealing with rumors, she never explained anything, and she used her own efforts and strength to break rumors and prove herself. She loves music and always insists on her original music dream, even though she has encountered countless slurs and insults, she still insists without regrets. This, I was deeply moved, I grew up to become her, not necessarily a star, but to adhere to their dreams, never give up.


夜上海论坛  李宇春的歌总有一种积极向上的感觉。尤其是那一首《和你一样》,是中国红十字会基金会公益宣传歌曲,表达了在灾难面前,我们没有放弃,我们一直在奋斗,我们一直在一起。



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 14

  "Hey, kid, do you have a lot of question marks?" A familiar melody would play, and I would hum slowly along with the audio.

夜上海论坛  This is my favorite singer Jay Chous song, just as the lyrics write, they will sing my song, now really many people many people sing your song, to the music to tell their feelings.

夜上海论坛  Thank you in my youth appeared Jay Chou, when I open my MP3 listening to "seven Lixiang", I will think of me and my favorite people in the summer to the riverside when the scene, the sparrows outside is in chirp called a do not listen, we caught the fish test taste is also very delicious, The smell of summer is nothing I want to share with the person I love most.

  When the latest "Waiting for you after class" comes out, I want to feel the same, every day after school, I will watch him pass by the window at home, I also want to know whether he brings the earphone force and I listen to the same song, is it music or words or speech? I did not have the possibility to approach him, not a school, I even see him is difficult, fate still gave me the opportunity, to our home is not far away. Every month when I go home on vacation, I can still see him, just 50 meters of lane, and I will always follow his figure until it is gone.

  I regret that I did not go to the same university as him. I asked my friend to ask about his college entrance examination, and if I failed, I chose a school closer to him. Maybe I could pursue it slowly in college and get closer to him, so that he could gradually discover my own advantages.

  In the end, it didnt work out. I couldnt get into any of the schools around him.

夜上海论坛  Youth has passed for a long time, but some little secret love, little sincere feelings, I still remember.

  Thank you for the people in my life who make me fall in love. When I want to go back to that time, I will listen to his songs and meet the people I havent seen in a long time in memories, I dont want to forget them.



夜上海论坛  感谢在我的青春里出现过周杰伦,当我打开我的MP3听着《七里香》的时候,我会想起我跟我喜欢的人在夏天去小河边玩耍的时候的场景,外面的麻雀却是在唧唧喳喳的叫个不听,我们抓来的小鱼考得味道也很美味,这种夏天没事的味道最想跟自己心仪的那个人一起分享。

夜上海论坛  最新的《等你下课》出来的时候,更要我感同身受了,每天放学回家,我都会在家的窗户看着他经过,我也想知道他带的耳机力是否又跟我听同样的歌,是乐曲呢还是单词呢还是演讲呢?我没有接近他的'可能,不是一个学校的,我连见他一面都很难,命运还是给了我机会,要我们的家住的不是很远。我每个月月假回家,还能看他一样,短短五十米的巷子路,我会一直跟随着他的身影,直至不见。

夜上海论坛  后悔没有跟他考上一样的大学,我托朋友打听他的高考志愿,考不上就选一个离他近一点的学校,我或许在大学的时候可以慢慢地追求,慢慢地接近他,要他慢慢地发现我自己的优点。


夜上海论坛  青春已经过去很久了,但是一些小小的暗恋,小小的情愫,我还依旧记得。

夜上海论坛  感谢我的生命中出现的那些要我怦然心动的人。当我想回到当年的时候,我会听听他的歌,在回忆里见见我许久没见的人也好,我不想忘记他们。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 15

  I am a lively and cheerful primary school students, I like music, more love singers, my favorite singer can be Jay Chou.

  Jay Chou, can be said to be the king of the singing world. He was one of the most popular singers in the world, and the reason is because of his hard work.

  This all-rounder singer, Jay Chou, often plays the piano in the small courtyard in the early morning, and the more he plays, the more he is obsessed with it. Put his heart into it, forget it, only music, only a beautiful note accompanied him to dusk.

夜上海论坛  Because of his busy work, he had to compose late at night, a composition is all night! Because a note, he has to think carefully, repeatedly, lest there is a word to make the music not exquisite. He is often strict with his compositions.

  Because of this, Jay Chous songs have traveled all over the world. Always makes me sing and think. "Chrysanthemum Table", "Cowboy is busy", are my favorite songs.

夜上海论坛  Jay Chou, you are my idol, I will always support you!


夜上海论坛  周杰伦,可以说得上是歌坛霸主了。曾是全球备受瞩目的歌星,其中的缘由就是因为他的勤练。

夜上海论坛  这个全才歌星——周杰伦,常常在清晨时在小院中弹琴,越弹越起劲,越弹越痴迷。全身心的投入其中,忘乎所以,只有音乐,只有一个个美妙的.音符伴着他到黄昏。

夜上海论坛  因为工作繁忙,他不得不在深夜作曲,一作曲就是通宵啊!因为一个音符,他就要仔细推敲,反复思考,唯恐有一个字眼让这首曲子不精妙。常常对自己作的曲子要求严格。

夜上海论坛  正因为此,周杰伦的歌走遍了全世界。总令我不由自主地唱、不由自主地想。《菊花台》、《牛仔很忙》,都是我十分喜爱的歌曲。


  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 16

夜上海论坛  I am a fan of JJ Lin, I not only think JJ Lins singing is very good, and handsome, this is my view of JJ Lin singer. At the beginning, I still dont know JJ Lins song is good, just listen to Yatong said very ugly, ugly as hell, I believe it, I think JJ Lins song must be very ugly. Later, once, Peng Fan sang JJ Lins "No. 89757" behind me, I felt very good, and asked Peng Fan who sang this song, what is the name of this song, Peng Fan said: "This is JJ Lin sang, called" No. 89757 ", "JJ Lin"? I asked Peng Fan is not wrong, this song is JJ Lin? Peng fan said no wrong, it is true, this song is indeed Junjie Lin, I go home to download a look, ah? Really is Junjie Lin, I think Junjie Lins song is very good, why Yatong said not good? Whatever. As long as it sounds good to me.

  Later Peng Fan and introduced to me that JJ Lins new songs: "No tide no money" and "Mummy" are very good to listen to, the content is very good, I listened to it, feel good, and downloaded it again, for a long time, I like him, so I became a loyal fan of JJ Lin.



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 17

夜上海论坛  Fans of the term everyone must know it! They worship a star, in order to always know the situation of this star, at all costs to inquire. I am a fan of stars, all the time chasing "JJ".

夜上海论坛  JJ is on the street cool dead nine cows Lin Junjie. His voice is more beautiful than anything else. Every one of his albums is a hit. Thats why I became his "star follower". Why is his name JJ? Because the pinyin letter beginning with "Junjie" is two "J". So, hence his pen name "JJ".

  He has many songs, such as: Drunk Red Cliff, no tide no money, expect love, and a chorus with SA little dimples. The first song is hard to forget, and it stays in the mind.

夜上海论坛  JJ is also very cute, and his wonderful performance in "Happy Camp" has made his fans love him even more. He conquered the host and the audience with his beautiful dancing and perfect voice. The television audience cheered him on.

夜上海论坛  Im not the only one in my class whos a JJ groupie. There are also Kwong Qiyi, CAI Wenzhao, Peng Fan! They also sang JJs "No need to spend money" at the "welcome party"! Im not very good at singing his songs. But I love listening to his songs.

  I hope JJs album sells and gets better and better!

  Im a crazy groupie!




夜上海论坛  JJ也十分可爱,在《快乐大本营》精彩的表现令他的粉丝更加喜欢他了。他以优美的舞姿,完美的声喉征服了主持人和全场的观众。电视机前的观众也为他喝彩。

夜上海论坛  我们班上不止我一个是JJ追星族。还有邝其毅、蔡汶钊、彭凡呢!他们在“迎新晚会”上还唱了JJ的不潮不用花钱“呢!我不大会唱他的歌。但我十分爱听他的歌。



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 18

  Now that the word "groupie" has become very popular, you must be asking, whose groupie am I? Twins, of course!

夜上海论坛  One day, when I came home, I found a poster outside the video store, above the two big sisters look like, so cute oh! I immediately pestered my dad to buy the disc on the poster. Looking at the cover of the disc, I knew that the two big sisters were called Twins, and this album was their first Mandarin album - "Apprentice Love God".

  When I got home, I couldnt wait to turn on the TV. Sounds like. Woah! Twins are not only good-looking, but also have a nice voice. Each song was easy to learn, so I learned five songs in one day. Hows that? Impressive, huh?

  Now, I have been a "die-hard fan of Twins", all the Mandarin songs I can sing, even the Cantonese "Next station diva" has become my "speciality".

  Under my influence, almost all the girls in our class have begun to like Twins. Some because they look good, some because they have a nice voice. Once, I said to a student in my class who had transferred from Shanghai, "You know what? Twins sing in Shanghai!" She said, "If I had known, I would not have turned around." Whoo --"

夜上海论坛  What do you think? Am I enough of a groupie?

夜上海论坛  现在,“追星族”一词已经很流行了,那么你肯定想问,我是谁的“追星族”呢?当然是Twins的啦!

夜上海论坛  有一天,在我回家的时候,我发现音像店的外面贴了一张海报,上面的两个大姐姐长得好像、好可爱哦!我立刻缠着爸爸把海报上的那张碟买下来。看了那张碟的封面,我才知道那两个大姐姐的组合名字叫Twins,而这张专辑正是她们的第一张国语专辑――《见习爱神》。





  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 19

夜上海论坛  Recently all kinds of new singers have emerged, what Lu Han, Zhang Yixing, many many have a very high popularity. But in my heart, my favorite singer will always be that a nice name - JJ Lin. The song my dad played for me in his car when I was very young was called "Eyes that Love to Laugh," and I can still sing it in its entirety.

夜上海论坛  Jj Lins singing is very delicate, very high, listening to his high voice is particularly comfortable, giving people a very enjoyable feeling, and he is very sunny and handsome, the songs are written by themselves, both talented and beautiful, but also like me to play games, is a very high-quality idol, I hope he can have better development in the future, sing more good songs.

夜上海论坛  最近各种各样的新人歌手都涌现出来了,什么鹿晗,张艺兴,好多好多都有着非常高的人气。但在我的心里,我最喜欢的歌手永远是那一个好听的名字——林俊杰。我从很小的`时候是老爸车上放给我听的,那首歌的名字叫《爱笑的眼睛》,我到现在都能把它完整地唱出来。

夜上海论坛  林俊杰的歌声很细腻,很高亢,听他的高音特别舒服,给人一种十分享受的感觉,而且他的人十分阳光帅气,歌都是自己写的,既有才又有貌,而且还和我一样爱打游戏,是个十分优质的偶像,希望他将来可以有更好的发展,唱更多的好歌。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 20

  I believe that many students have their favorite movie stars, singers - I also have my favorite, that is the national popular singer: Jay Chou.

夜上海论坛  I like him not because he is good-looking, but because I really admire the musical instrument, and singing is also a genius.

  I dont know if you have heard of Jay Chou a short story, the title is be a snail that never gives up , Jay Chou began to practice the piano at the age of 3, and was beaten by the teacher when he was not good at playing, so Jay Chous hands are always black and blue, and all of his childhood was spent at the piano. When he became an adult, he went to work for a record company. The boss saw that Jay Chou was very talented in music and said to him, "If you can create 50 songs in 10 days, and I can pick out more than 10 songs, I will help you make a record." So Jay Chou was very happy, he knew that the boss was giving him the opportunity, so he immediately ran to the nearby convenience store to buy two boxes of instant noodles back, began to work, hungry on instant noodles to eat, sleepy in the corner of the room to take a nap, wake up after the creation of the next piece of music, 10 days passed, he really wrote 50 pieces of music, and every piece of music is written very well. After Jay Chou became famous, the media interviewed him, he said: "I want to be a snail that never gives up."

  Many people say that Jay Chou plays the piano well, and indeed he is worthy of his reputation! In the secret that can not be said, he and others have a piano competition, others play a song, he can imitate a song, no note is out of place, and even other peoples hands to play the song he played with one hand, too powerful.

  So I said worship to the ground, I also want to learn from him, be a snail that never gives up.

夜上海论坛  相信很多同学有自己喜欢的电影明星,歌星--我也有我的最爱,那就是全国火爆歌星:周杰伦。


夜上海论坛  不知道大家有没有听说过周杰伦的一篇小故事,题目是‘做一只永不放弃的蜗牛’,周杰伦3岁开始练琴,弹不好就被老师打手,因此周杰伦的手上总是青一块紫一块,所有的童年时光都是在钢琴边度过的。成年后去一家唱片公司工作,老板看周杰伦很有音乐天赋,就对他说:“如果在10天之内你能创作50首曲子,而且我能挑出10首以上,我就帮你出唱片。”因此周杰伦高兴得不得了,他知道老板在给他机会,于是,他马上跑到附近的'便利店买了两箱方便面回来,开始埋头创作,饿了就泡面吃,困了就在房间的角落打个盹,醒来之后开始下一首曲子的创作,10天过去了,他真的写了50首曲子,而且每首曲子都写得很好。周杰伦成名之后,媒体采访他,他说:“我要做一只永不放弃的蜗牛。”



  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 21

  Everyone has his own idol, I am no exception. My idol is Wang Surong!

  He is a popular singer in recent years, he is not very handsome, but I like his singing! Because his singing voice has a kind of hoarse feeling! Thats what makes his songs so much better!

  Thats why I like him! This is my idol -- Wang Surong!




  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 22

夜上海论坛  Everyone has his favorite star, I also have a favorite singer, his name is Jay Chou. I did not like the person before, since my mother where to listen to Jay Chous song, I have been very like him, but, I do not know what he looks like! I dont know what kind of story he has, I muttered to myself.

夜上海论坛  Once, I asked my mother, "What does Jay look like?" His mother replied, "He is very handsome and talented. He is humorous. People call him Jay." I learned from TV and books that Jay Chou is not only a singer, but also a director and creator. Chou began to release albums in 2000: "jay", "Fantacy", "Octave Space", "Ye Mei", "Seven fragrant incense", "Chopin in November", "Still Fantacy", "Magic Seat". He has also acted in many films, such as: "First Letter D", "Cant tell the Secret", "Rooftop love".

夜上海论坛  But I still like to listen to his songs, such as: "Grandpas tea", "The End of the world", "Tornado"... I like these songs because they have a good sense of rhythm.

  I also learned a lot of good qualities from Jay Chou. He is very filial to his parents and respects his elders. I also want to learn from Jay Chou, stick to my dream, I will be a useful person when I grow up.



夜上海论坛  但我还是最喜欢听他的歌,比如:《爷爷泡的茶》、《世界末日》、《龙卷风》……我喜欢这几首歌是因为它很有节奏感。

夜上海论坛  我从周杰伦身上也学到了很多好品质,他很孝顺父母,尊敬长辈。我也要向周杰伦学习,坚持自己的梦想,长大我也会成为一个有用的人。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 23

  My idol is Jay Chou. With his small eyes and high nose, he radiates musical talent all over him.

夜上海论坛  Jay Chou does not have a dazzling diploma, but he can write excellent songs. But his path to fame was not smooth sailing, but through persistent hard work.

夜上海论坛  Before Jay Chou was famous, he played the piano in a bar. By chance, he met Wu Zongxian, a very famous variety show host at that time. In order to attract his attention, Jay Chou wrote a song, asked a friend to sing, his own accompaniment, the result is not ideal. But he did not lose heart and continued to practice.

  Less than a year later, Jay Chou wrote another song "Tears know", and Wu Zongxian recommended it to the "King of Heaven" Andy Lau. But Mr. Lau did not appreciate the lyrics of the song and rejected it. Soon, Jay Chou created a song "Ninja" for Zhang Huimei, who was hot in the Chinese music scene at that time, but Zhang Huimei felt that this ninja style was not suitable for her, and she also refused.

夜上海论坛  Repeatedly rejected Jay Chou was not discouraged, he persisted, and kept writing new songs. Wu Zongxian and he agreed, ten days, write 50 songs to help him out of the record, let him sing. Ten days have passed, Jay Chou took out 50 songs, and each capital is beautifully written, the spectrum is fully, in this way, Jay Chou finally stepped into the music world.

  I like Jay Chou, his handsome, his talent, as well as his perseverance, generosity and willingness to help others.



夜上海论坛  在周杰伦还没出名之前,他在一家酒吧弹琴。一个偶然的机会,他遇到了当时非常有名的综艺节目主持人——吴宗宪。为了引起他的注意,周杰伦写了一首歌,请朋友唱,自己伴奏,结果效果并不理想。但他并没有灰心气馁,继续练习创作。

夜上海论坛  过了一年不到,周杰伦又写了一首《眼泪知道》,吴宗宪把它推荐给了“天王”刘德华。但刘德华并不欣赏这首歌的歌词,就拒绝了。不久,周杰伦又为当时火爆华语乐坛的`张惠妹创作了一首《忍者》,可是张惠妹觉得这种忍者曲风不适合她,便也拒绝了。




  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 24

  My idol is Jay Chou, I like to listen to his songs, also like his handsome.

  At first, listening to Jay Chous songs only felt like a waste of my ears. Later, his song "Seven fragrant incense" let me have a new understanding of him, and I gradually began to like him. Although I still can not understand his lyrics, but the wonderful rhythm, but relieved the pressure brought to me by learning.

  Gradually, I began to listen to his songs more frequently and appreciated his talent more. "Still Fancy" this song, like a layer of dreamlike color, the song is urgent and slow, has a strong sense of rhythm, the lyrics are also very good. Listening to "Two Blades", I suddenly had a sense of national pride; Listening to "Terraces", I really looked at the buildings in a daze; The Snail makes me want to sleep...

  Listen to these songs gradually, as if listening to one story after another. I think those lyrics are his heart. Adults are always denying what we think is good, always give us a bunch of unrealistic dreams, only Jay Chou said what we want to say: I can never do it, you can never win...

夜上海论坛  Later, I know more about Jay Chous story. He grew from a restaurant waiter to a well-known singer, and in the process, he experienced a lot of difficulties and setbacks, and paid a lot of efforts. In an interview with a magazine, he said: "The dream of stardom is not out of reach. In fact, anyone can do it, as long as you are willing to work hard. The reason why I am here today is the result of not admitting defeat." Yes, if a person wants to succeed in everything, he should persevere like Jay Chou.

夜上海论坛  My idol is so great that he gives me the courage and strength to overcome difficulties.

夜上海论坛  我的偶像是周杰伦,我喜欢听他的歌,也喜欢他的帅。

夜上海论坛  刚开始,听周杰伦的歌只觉得在糟蹋我的耳朵。后来,他的一首《七里香》让我对他有了新的认识,我也渐渐开始喜欢他了。尽管还是听不懂他的歌词,但那美妙的节奏,却缓解了学习给我带来的压力。

夜上海论坛  慢慢的,我开始频繁地听他的歌,也更加欣赏他的才华。《依然范特西》这首曲子,像是有一层梦幻的颜色,曲子急急缓缓的,有着强烈的节奏感,歌词也很不错。听了《双刃》,我突然有了一种民族的自豪感;听了《梯田》,我真的就看着一栋栋楼发呆;《蜗牛》让我想睡觉……

夜上海论坛  渐渐地听这些歌,仿佛在听一个又一个的故事。我想那一句句的歌词就是他的.心声。大人们总是在否定我们认为好的东西,总会给我们一堆不切实际的梦想,只有周杰伦说出了我们想说的话:我永远做不到,你永远赢不了……


夜上海论坛  我的偶像太伟大了,他让我有了战胜困难的勇气和力量。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 25

  I fell in love with JJ Lin, because his songs are very good. A lot of my classmates fell for him, too.

  Our classmates have heard a lot of his songs, such as "No. 89757", "Cao Cao", "the original", the students who are fascinated by Junjie Lin still stick posters, photos, pictures of Junjie Lin on the walls of their homes... They even put them on their beds and bookshelves; Many students at home in the song disc mostly have JJ Lins songs, some people also bring mp3 and mp4 in the classroom to listen to, even in class are listening, listen too fascinated to sing out. Im obsessed, but Im not that obsessed.

  In music class, the teacher asked our class to find extra-curricular songs and pop songs, but 38 of our class 48 students are selected JJ Lins songs, the teacher is very strange: "How do you all like JJ Lin?"

夜上海论坛  Our performances are all about JJ Lins songs. My goodness! The teachers right ear to listen to Junjie Lins song, the left ear also listen to Junjie Lins song, the teacher said his brain to listen to pain. Students are so addicted to Junjie Lin, as early as I know I will not be confused with them.

  One Friday, a classmates birthday party, he put the class is JJ Lin fans all please come over, one is not let go, a group of people in the past are singing JJ Lin songs, I am almost crazy, and then I can not stand to escape.

夜上海论坛  我迷上了林俊杰,因为他的歌很好听。我有很多同学也都迷上了他。



夜上海论坛  我们表演节目也都是唱林俊杰的歌。天啊!老师右耳听林俊杰的歌,左耳也听林俊杰的歌,老师说自己的`脑子听得快痛死了。同学这么迷林俊杰都快上瘾了,早知道我就不和他们一起乱迷了。

夜上海论坛  一个星期五,一个同学生日聚会,他把班级里是林俊杰歌迷的都统统请过来,一个都不放过,一过去一群人都在唱林俊杰的歌,我都快疯了,后来我受不了逃了。

  英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer 26

夜上海论坛  My favorite My favorite star is Li Yuchun. If youve seen Super Girl, you know her, she was the winner of Super Girl in 2005. The person who likes it is corn, my mother and I are both corn.

夜上海论坛  Li Yuchun sings very well and can sing many English songs. She is very polite, respects the elderly, and honors her parents. When corn gave her something, she would say "thank you" or bow. She is a very attractive girl, so my mother and I like her.

  My mother looked up Li Yuchuns information on the Internet every day, watched her performances and photos, listened to her songs, voted for her, and sometimes chatted with Corn online. My mother went to the video store to buy Li Yuchuns various CDS, "The Queen and the dream" our family has, my mother also put in his office. Home Li Yuchun a lot of things, not pictures, is a photo; Not the DVD, is related to Li Yuchun supplies.

  As for me, I have to write my homework, and I have to learn English after I finish my homework. However, as long as Li Yuchun sings any new songs, I will study hard and sing hard. Now I already know one of Li Yuchuns new songs, "Loving". But mother a capital can not sing, she is still an old corn! Ha-ha...

  Hearing that Li Yuchun will come to Nanning to sign a book, my mother and I are overjoyed. Mother said she wanted to write a letter to Li Yuchun, the envelope was covered with Li Yuchuns photos. She asked me to draw a picture for sister Chunchun, I said happily: "Good! Then hurry up and act!" Mother said: "Dont worry, there is still a month." And I havent decided on my present yet." I said, "Then Ill paint first. Ill paint three."

  Now I have painted a picture, the title is "corn with spring flying". Mom says Im pretty good at it. I really hope that Li Yuchun can come to Nanning on the weekend, so that I can see her with my own eyes and personally give her my painting.

夜上海论坛  From Li Yuchun, I also learned a lot of good qualities, I know to filial piety parents, respect elders, care about others. At the same time, because Li Yuchun flew all over the world and all over China, I also got to know a lot of places I didnt know before, such as: Singapore, Xinjiang, Wuhan in Hubei, Changsha in Hunan, Chengdu in Sichuan, Qingdao in Shandong, Jinan, and Shenzhen......

夜上海论坛  Li Yuchun is amazing. I wish I could be like her.



夜上海论坛  我的妈妈天天都上网查李宇春的资料,看她的表演和照片,听她的歌,给她投票,有时还和网上的'玉米聊天。妈妈到音像店买李宇春的各种各样的光碟,《皇后与梦想》我们家有,妈妈还放在了自己的办公室。家里李宇春的东西很多,不是图片,就是照片;不是影碟,就是和李宇春有关的用品。



夜上海论坛  现在我已经画好一幅,题目是《玉米伴春飞》。妈妈说我画得还蛮不错的嘛。我真希望李宇春能在双休日来南宁,这样我就能亲眼看到她,亲手把我画的画送给她了。

夜上海论坛  从李宇春身上,我也学到了很多美好的品质,我懂得了要孝顺父母,尊敬长辈,关心他人了。同时因为李宇春全世界、全中国到处飞,我也认识了很多我以前不知道的地方,比如:新加坡、新疆、湖北武汉、湖南长沙、四川成都、山东青岛、济南,还有深圳……


夜上海论坛【英语作文:我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer】相关文章:


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