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  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇1


  My name is Zhang Jiyuan. Im a sunny and handsome little boy.


  Im not tall or short. I have a small flat head. A pair of watery eyes are embedded in the round face, which shows special spirit. The bridge of the nose is a little short, a small mouth always likes to talk constantly.

夜上海论坛  我顽皮好动,又很爱学习。我最喜欢做的事情就是看书,因为书籍是人类进步的阶梯,是知识的源泉。

  Im naughty and active, and I love learning. My favorite thing is to read books, because books are the ladder of human progress and the source of knowledge.


夜上海论坛  This is me. Welcome to Sunshine School and make friends with me.

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇2

夜上海论坛  我叫陈雨阳,在西街小学上二年级。今年7岁了,我是个爱学习的好孩子。

夜上海论坛  My name is Chen Yuyang. I'm in the second grade of West Street Primary School. I'm 7 years old. I'm a good student.


  My name is from my mother. When I was born, it was raining. At noon, it was sunny and the sun was shining on the earth. So my mother named me "Yuyang" and a little name "Xiaoyu". With the meaning of sunny and rainy days, I am always inspired to study hard. In the future, like the noon sun, it will bring light and warmth to people.


  My hobbies are running and dancing, and I often take part in various recreational activities organized by the school. My ideal is to grow up to be a doctor and relieve the pain for more patients.

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇3

夜上海论坛  大家好,我叫黄云灿,今年7岁了,在育才小学二年级二班上学。

  Hello everyone, my name is Huang Yuncan. I'm 7 years old. I'm in class 2, grade 2 of Yucai primary school.

夜上海论坛  我的个子有一点高,长的有点胖胖的,我的头发又黑又亮,有时候我把它束成一个马尾辫,还有时候我把它扎成两个小羊角。我的眉毛又弯又细,一双眼睛闪闪发亮,我的眼睛不大,但很神。再来看我的鼻子吧,我有一个小小的鼻子,我的鼻子很灵,记得每次放学回家,在楼下就能闻到饭菜的香味,你说我的鼻子灵不灵呀。接下来就该介绍我的嘴巴了,我的嘴巴小小的,一笑就能看见我洁白的牙齿。我有一个圆圆的脸蛋,一笑就会露出两个小小的酒窝。

夜上海论坛  I'm a little tall, a little chubby. My hair is black and bright. Sometimes I tie it into a ponytail, and sometimes I tie it into two small sheep horns. My eyebrows are curved and thin, and my eyes are shining. My eyes are not big, but they are very bright. Look at my nose again. I have a small nose. My nose is very smart. I remember that every time I go home from school, I can smell the smell of food downstairs. You say my nose is not smart. Next, it's time to introduce my mouth. My mouth is small. You can see my white teeth with a smile. I have a round face, a smile will show two small dimples.


夜上海论坛  I am such a lovely little girl.

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇4


夜上海论坛  I am a student of XX No.2 primary school. Im in class 1, class 3. Come to me!

夜上海论坛  我的眼睛大大的,鼻子有点小,嘴巴不大但是特别爱说,脸还有点白,我的身高1米40,腿长身子短体重75斤是个运动员的体质身材!

  My eyes are big, my nose is small, my mouth is small, but I love to say that my face is still a little white. My height is 1.40 meters, my legs are long, my body is short, and my weight is 75 Jin. Its an athletes physique!


  I love sports and like playing badminton. Run, play football.


  I am a sensible, civilized, polite, filial parents respect elders! But I also have shortcomings. Im careless and careless. Sometimes when you write a question without seeing it clearly, you often write a wrong or missed question. Sometimes writing is not serious enough. I will correct it in the future. I help my grandma do some housework at home. I take my grandpa to carry things when I go out. I also like reading extracurricular books and sharing the truth and feelings of reading with my dad.

夜上海论坛  这就是我,快来找我和我做好朋友吧。

夜上海论坛  This is me. Come to me and make friends with me.

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇5

夜上海论坛  大家好,我的名字叫黄xx,今年8岁,就读于南湖第二小学,现在已经是三年级的小学生了。

夜上海论坛  Hello, everyone. My name is Huang XX. I am 8 years old. I study in Nanhu No.2 primary school. Now I am a third grade primary school student.


  I have a pair of bright big eyes that are full of desire for knowledge. There is a talkative mouth under the eyes. It is busy every day. My disadvantage is that I am too careless. For example, every time I do a math problem, I either think of addition as multiplication or multiplication as addition. Another problem is that its easy to copy wrong questions. The original question is 375, but I copied it into 357. As a result, this question is all wrong. Because of this defect, my mother told me many times. Under my mothers supervision, I slowly corrected this defect.


  This is me. Would you like to make friends with me?

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇6

夜上海论坛  大家好,我叫马xx,是一个三年级的学生,个子一般,头发不是很长,喜欢穿各种颜色的衣服。

  Hello everyone. My name is Ma XX. Im a third grade student. Im average. My hair is not very long. I like to wear clothes of various colors.

夜上海论坛  我很喜欢看书,一看起来就没完没了。记得有一次,妈妈大发慈悲让我可以在睡觉之前看半小时书,那次我可高兴了,我一看起来就不会停止,要不是妈妈叫我快点睡觉,明天还要上学,我才不睡觉。除了看书我还喜欢唱歌。星期六、星期天你要是经过我家门口,说不定能听到我唱歌。美中不足的是我有点小马虎,简单的题目写错了,难的题目却写对了,为此没少挨妈妈的批评。

  I like reading very much. It seems endless. I remember one time, my mother showed mercy to me that I could read books for half an hour before I went to bed. I was so happy that I would not stop as soon as I looked. If my mother had not told me to go to bed quickly and go to school tomorrow, I would not sleep. I like singing besides reading. If you pass my door on Saturday or Sunday, you may hear me sing. The beauty is that Im a little sloppy. I wrote the simple questions wrong, but I wrote the difficult ones right, so I was criticized by my mother.

夜上海论坛  这就是我,喜欢看书,还有点小马虎,你愿意和我做朋友吗

夜上海论坛  This is me. I like reading. Im a little careless. Would you like to be my friend

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇7


  This year, I am 7 years old. I have a pair of eyes that will be found, a smart and smart brain, and a row of irregular teeth. Ha ha! I'm changing my teeth!

夜上海论坛  我灵巧的双手能帮爸爸倒咖啡、叠被子;能帮妈妈扫地、洗拖把、拖地,爸爸妈妈总是夸我是个勤劳懂事的好孩子。

  My dexterous hands can help dad pour coffee and fold quilts; they can help mom sweep, wash mop and mop the floor. Mom and dad always praise me as a hardworking and sensible child.


  By the way, I forgot to tell you that I studied in No. 2 primary school of Optics Valley, and the teacher said that I was a lively and lovely child. The head teacher always said that I have "excess energy", but that's why I'm full of curiosity about everything. I'm a good kid who has strong curiosity and is willing to make progress. Guess who I am? A tall man with a small flat head. Did you guess?


  Ha-ha! That's me.

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇8

夜上海论坛  我是一个活泼可爱的孩子,我有好习惯,也有坏习惯。

夜上海论坛  I am a lively and lovely child. I have good habits and bad habits.


  I have a pair of big black and round eyes, like two black gemstones, two faces are white and red, and my hair is short. Two small hands can do housework. I like to draw, read, and do handwork.


  I have good habits and bad habits. First of all, say bad habits, eat slowly, do not have patience, do not like to use their brains, do not like to speak in class. These are my bad habits. A good habit is not to fight, respect the elders and help others enthusiastically.


  I must get rid of my bad habits and become a perfect young man.

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇9

夜上海论坛  你看我,瘦瘦的,可不可爱。妈妈老说我长得太瘦了,老想着怎么让我吃胖。我长着一双五黑的大眼睛、一个说大不大说小不小的鼻子,哈哈、还有一张不太会表达的嘴巴。

  You see me, thin, not cute. My mother always said that I was too thin, always thinking about how to make me fat. I have a pair of big black eyes, a big and small nose, ha ha, and a mouth that is not very expressive.

夜上海论坛  我呀,今年十岁了,体重30千克,身高一米三多了,我在我们班我的个子属于中等。我的偶像是周杰伦,因为他是《中国好声音》的导师。他长得太帅了,我非常的喜欢他。我还喜欢写毛笔字,我写的都超过我爸爸了。我也喜欢读书,以前是我和妈妈读。现在我自己读,有时候还学着记笔记。妈妈直夸我很棒!

  I am ten years old this year. I weigh 30 kg and am over 1.3 meters tall. I am of medium height in our class. My idol is Jay Chou, because he is the tutor of Chinas good voice. He is so handsome. I like him very much. I also like to write calligraphy. I write more than my father. I also like reading. My mother and I used to read. Now I read and sometimes I learn to take notes. Mom said I was great!


夜上海论坛  This is a very simple me!

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇10

夜上海论坛  大家好我叫杨xx,今年九岁了,是xx二小三(2)班的学生。我是一个活泼聪明的小男孩,我有很多爱好如:跳舞,踢球,看书

  Hello, my name is Yang XX. Im nine years old, and Im a student of class 2, grade 3, grade 2 of XX junior high school. I am a lively and intelligent little boy. I have many hobbies, such as: dancing, playing football, reading

夜上海论坛  我是个单眼皮、小嘴巴的男孩子,我很瘦个子中等但却长着一双大脚,平时喜欢穿T恤和网鞋,因为这样看起来更帅些。我最喜欢跳舞,经常外出参加各种比赛,现在我已经拿到了两个奖牌。每个星期三的下午放学后,我都会去文化馆学习跳舞,虽然跳舞很辛苦,但我依旧喜欢,我会继续努力争取把它跳得更好,获得更多的奖章。

  Im a boy with a single eyelid and a small mouth. Im thin and medium-sized, but I have big feet. I usually like to wear T-shirts and tennis shoes, because it looks more handsome. I like dancing best. I often go out for various competitions. Now I have got two medals. Every Wednesday afternoon after school, I will go to the culture museum to learn to dance. Although dancing is very hard, I still like it. I will continue to strive for better dancing and more medals.

夜上海论坛  怎么样?想和我做朋友吗?如果想的话,就到南湖二小三(2)班来找我吧!

夜上海论坛  What about? Want to be friends with me? If you want, come to class 2, class 3, Nanhu No.2 school!

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇11

  My name is Liu Fang. I’吉林省). I’m eleven years old and my birthday is in June. I’第一小学). I can speak a little English. English is my favorite subject. It’s very interesting. But I don’t like math. It’s too like doing something喜欢做某事) with friends after school. (护士). I love them very much.

夜上海论坛  我的名字叫刘芳,是一个中国女孩。我住在延吉,吉林省的`一个小城市。我今年十一岁,出生于六月。我在第一小学上学。我能说一点英语,英语很有趣,是我最喜欢的科目。但是我不喜欢数学,它太难了。我喜欢在放学后和朋友打篮球。我有一个快乐的家。我妈妈是护士,我爸爸是警察。我十分爱他们。

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇12

  My name is Yang Xinxin. My English name is Mary. I’学生的) colour is green. My favourite number is six. My favourite day is Sunday. My favourite pet is a dog.

  I like English,Chisene and maths. I like to eat chichen, eggs, hot dogs, and sandwiches.I don’t like meat and chocolates. I like coke and milk. I don’t like tea. I like swimming, reading, taking a trip and watching TV..

夜上海论坛  我的名字叫杨欣欣,我的英文名字是玛丽。我是一名小学生。最喜欢的颜色是绿色,最喜欢的数字是六,最喜欢的日子是星期六,最喜欢的宠物是小狗。


  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇13


  Children, do you know? I'm a very special person. I don't believe it. Let me tell you something.


  My name is Yang Qi. I'm 8 years old. I'm in the second grade of primary school. I'm a tiger Headed Boy with big eyes that can talk. I love singing, dancing and laughing. I'm a happy little angel.


  I love reading. My grandfather has read more than 200 books and is often confused by my questions.

夜上海论坛  我爱练字,老师天天夸我的字写得好。爸爸常常拿我的字当字贴。

  I love to practice calligraphy. My teacher praises my handwriting every day. Dad often uses my words as stickers.


  I love learning. Ding Ding of our class studies very well. Dong Dong says that he is the best student in our class. However, when Ding is compared with me, he loses.


夜上海论坛  Of course, I have shortcomings, but I will correct them.

夜上海论坛  小朋友,你能介绍一下自己吗?

  Children, can you introduce yourself?

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇14

夜上海论坛  Hello, everyone!My name is Winnie. I'm a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao. I'm an active, lovely, and clever girl. In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well.


  also like sports very much. Such as, running, volleyball and so on. I'm kind-hearted. If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends!


夜上海论坛  OK. This is me .A sunny girl.

夜上海论坛  好吧。这是我,一个阳光的女孩。

  我的自画像英语作文带翻译 篇15

  Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much.


  I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful. There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them.


  My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me.

夜上海论坛  我的爱好是听音乐和阅读。我非常喜欢流行音乐。我不喜欢运动因为我不坚强。对我来说太难了。

夜上海论坛  I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day.










