
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-01-12 11:29:24 洁婷 优美句子 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对句子都再熟悉不过了吧,从语气上分,句子可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。究竟什么样的句子才是好的句子呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的经典的高考英语句子,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


  经典的高考英语句子 1


  ——Never has the quite life of the country apealed to me. (句型)


  ——He soon adapted himself to the new working conditions and set out to protect the animals in danger.

夜上海论坛  3.他承认他对解决资金短缺问题的关键一无所知。(admit)

  ——He admitted that he knew nothing about the key to the problem of the shortage of fund.

夜上海论坛  4.该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中去。(apply)


  nts should be encouraged to apply what we have learned in class to practice.


  ——Now almost everybody has access to computers, and this brings convenience to our lives.


夜上海论坛  ——These advertisements aim at appealing to customers to buy goods.

夜上海论坛  7.各色阳伞给夏日的街头平添了活泼的气氛。(add to)

  ——Colourful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.


夜上海论坛  ——She was beaten in the tennis match for she was not accustomed to playing with the left-handers.


  ——The colourful lights and flags added to (= increased) the atmosphere of the festival.


  ——We must be aware that China is playing a more and more important role/part in the international affairs.

夜上海论坛  11.如果你仔细检查的话,绝大部分拼写错误是可以避免的。(avoid) ——If you had checked it more carefully, most of the spelling

  mistakes could have been avoided.

  12.当你祝贺一个外国人获得成功时,你必须考虑到文化差异。(account n.)

夜上海论坛  ——When you want to congratulate a foreigner on his success, you must take the cultural difference into account.

夜上海论坛  13.由于双方观点大相径庭,最终没有达成任何协议。(agreement) ——As the two parties hold totally different idea, they didn’t reach any agreement.

  14.如果你在这儿多呆一段时间,你会适应这儿的天气和饮食。(and) ——Stay here longer and you will adapt to the weather and food.

  15. 如果你仔细检查的话,绝大部分拼写错误是可以避免的。


夜上海论坛  ——If you had checked it more carefully, most of the spelling mistakes could have been avoided..

  16. 一个人的童年所经历的一切往往对一生都会产生重大影响。


  ——What a person experienced in the childhood is likely to affect a person in his or her rest life.

  17. 由于大雾,从北京开往上海的火车晚点了2个多小时。(delay) ——Because of the thick fog, the train from Beijing to Shanghai was delayed for more than two hours.

夜上海论坛  18.有趣的是,那位英语老师常常被误认为是学生,因为她看上去很年轻。(mistake, appear)

夜上海论坛  ——It is interesting that the English teacher is often mistaken for a student as she appears young.

夜上海论坛  19. 如果你能考取复旦大学的话,你的父母肯定会为你感到骄傲。


夜上海论坛  ——If you can be admitted into Fudan University, your parents will surely be proud of you.

夜上海论坛  20. 他很累,但他仍然工作到深夜。(as)

  ——Tired as he was, he still worked late into the midnight.

  21. 这次事故怪不得孩子们。(blame)

夜上海论坛  ——The children were not to blame for the accident.

夜上海论坛  22. 香港被认为是世界金融和商业中心。(consider)

  ——Hong Kong is considered as the business and financial center in the world.

  23. 胡萝卜富含维他命,包括维他命E。(contain)

夜上海论坛  ——Carrots contain rich vitamins, including vitamin E.

  24. 每天照料两个孩子使得她感觉精疲力竭。(care)

夜上海论坛  ——Taking care of two children daily makes him feel extremely tired/exhausted.

  25. 在这种情况下我们别无选择,只能等待救援。(choice)

  ——We had no choice under such circumstance but to wait to be rescued.

夜上海论坛  26.农场的新鲜空气治好了他的头痛病。(cure)

  ——The fresh air on the farm cured him of his headache.

夜上海论坛  27. 士兵们发现很难在天黑前走完50公里。(cover)

  ——The soldiers found it difficult to cover 50 kilometers before dark.

夜上海论坛  28. 若Mary更自信些,她原本能得到那份兼职。(confident)


夜上海论坛  Moved by my teacher’s words, I’ve made up my mind to study English harder.


  He seems difficult to get close to; however, when others are in trouble, he is always willing to help.

夜上海论坛  31.孩子们长大后,他们所需要的不是父母的控制而是自己的独立。

夜上海论坛  When children grow older, what they really need/want is not being controlled by their parents but being independent from them.

  32.现在,网络更容易接近,成了人们获取信息、学习知识和沟通交流的一种重要的途径。 Currently, with more people having easier access to the Internet, it is becoming an important means of acquiring information, learning and keeping in contact with others.

夜上海论坛  33.他很快适应了新的环境和新的生活方式,因为他总是以积极的心态去改变自己。

  He quickly adapted / adjusted (himself) to the new environment and new life style, owing to his positive attitude to changing himself.


  Faced with countless frustrations, he accomplished great achievements and became an outstanding specialist in antiques.


夜上海论坛  Only by trying to do what you haven’t mastered can you make progress.

夜上海论坛  36.真正重要的不是你来自哪里,而是你的工作能力。

  What really matters/counts is your ability to do the job, not the place you come from.


夜上海论坛  As is known to all, scientific advancement makes it possible for human society to develop steadily.


夜上海论坛  He is a determined person, the will power of whom is beyond what you can imagine/imagination.

夜上海论坛  39.老师建议我们在阅读课文之前先浏览一下那几个问题。

  The teacher suggested that we should look through the questions before our moving on to the text. What the teacher advised us to do is that we should first go through the few questions before we read the whole passage.

夜上海论坛  40.改革开放以来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。

夜上海论坛  Great changes have taken place in China, since China began its reform and opening up policy.

夜上海论坛  41.所有政府应该尽其所能来使我们的世界远离战争和暴力。

  All the governments should do all (that) they can to make our world free from wars and violence.


夜上海论坛  If she had been given more time, she would have worked out the math problem.

夜上海论坛  43.他已经失业半年,没有能力养家糊口了。

  He has been out of work for half a year, and can not manage to support his family.


  The rules require that you (should) replace the book on the shelves before you leave.


夜上海论坛  She always considers the demand of other people first, which makes her admirable.


  The official adopted my advice, which he believed would be a great success.


  With the constant development of the society, opportunities for people's education in different ways are increasing.


  I made my decision that I would take more exercise to defend my body from flu virus.

夜上海论坛  49.毫无疑问, 我们的教育制度不令人满意。

夜上海论坛  It goes without saying that our educational system is far from satisfactory.

夜上海论坛  50.用过多的时间玩网络游戏会大大地损害青少年的身心健康。

  Playing too much online games will have a bad effect on teenagers’ physical and psychological health.

  经典的高考英语句子 2

夜上海论坛  1、The heart that once truly loves never forgets.


  2、In love folly is always sweet.


  3、Love's tongue is in the eyes.


夜上海论坛  4、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.


夜上海论坛  5、Love is a fire which burns unseen.


  6、Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.


  7、Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys?

夜上海论坛  为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩?

夜上海论坛  8、I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away.


  9、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.

夜上海论坛  和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。

  10、Love me little and love me long.

夜上海论坛  不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

  11、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.


  12、The road to a lover's house is never long.

夜上海论坛  通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。

夜上海论坛  13、First impression of you is most lasting.

夜上海论坛  对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

夜上海论坛  14、You cannot appreciate happineunleyou have known sadnetoo.


夜上海论坛  15、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.

夜上海论坛  你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

  16、But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.


  17、It is never too late to fall in love.


  18、Love warms more than a thousand fires.


夜上海论坛  19、To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.


  20、Where there is love, there are always wishes.


夜上海论坛  21、Your kistill burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.

夜上海论坛  你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的.日子变得如此美丽。

夜上海论坛  22、You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.


  23、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.


夜上海论坛  24、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.


夜上海论坛  25、There is no hiding from lover's eyes.


  26、First love is unforgettable all one's life.

夜上海论坛  初恋是永生难忘的。

  27、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.

夜上海论坛  哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

  28、Love without end hath no end.

夜上海论坛  情绵绵,爱无边。

夜上海论坛  29、The only present love demands is love.


  30、Love understands love; it needs no talk.


  经典的高考英语句子 3

夜上海论坛  1. Nothing is more important than …没有什么比更重要

夜上海论坛  EgNothing is more important than health./ to be independent.


  2. sb./sth. is the +最高级+(n.) that I have ever met/ seen/ known.......是我所遇到、见到、知道最......

  Eg. Mr zhang is the kindest teacher that I have ever met/ seen/ known.


  Freindship is the most valuable thing that I have ever had.

夜上海论坛  友谊是我所拥有的最宝贵的东西。

  3. We can not/ never emphasize the importance of(doing)sth … too much.

  We can never attach too much importance to(doing)sth ….


夜上海论坛  Eg。 We can not/ never emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.

夜上海论坛  我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不过分。

  We can never attach too much importance to reading books widely and wisely.


  4. Only when we......can we….只有当我们....时候,我们才能......

夜上海论坛  Eg。Only when we devote ourselves to study can we achieve great success.


夜上海论坛  Only when we have a healthy body can we do what we want.


  5. As the saying goes正如谚语所说

  There is a saying that goes,

夜上海论坛  As a proverb says,

夜上海论坛  Eg.As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.


夜上海论坛  There is a saying that goes, “failure is the mother of success.”


  As a proverb says, no pains, no gains.


夜上海论坛  6. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is…


  7. Never before in history has the issue of…been more evident than now.


  8. Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that…


夜上海论坛  9. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that…is not the sole prerequisite for happiness.


夜上海论坛  10. Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between…and…lies solely with…


  经典的高考英语句子 4

夜上海论坛  1、决战高考,改变命运。屡挫屡战,笑傲群雄。

  Final battle college entrance examination, change destiny. Repeated setbacks and battles, laughing arrogantly.

夜上海论坛  2、岂能尽随人愿,但求无愧我心。

夜上海论坛  How can we do what people want, but be worthy of my heart?


  Those who have not failed may not have succeeded.

夜上海论坛  4、端正考风,严肃考纪,振奋精神,考出水平。

  Correct the style of examination, take discipline seriously, inspire the spirit and test the level.


夜上海论坛  Mountains never tire of climbing, waters never tire of submergence, learning never tire of pain: pursuit!

夜上海论坛  6、凡事要三思,但比三思更重要的是三思而行。

  Think twice about everything, but more importantly than think twice, think twice and act accordingly.


夜上海论坛  Prophet three days, rich ten years.


夜上海论坛  Do a problem will be a problem, a problem determines fate.


夜上海论坛  Build up the momentum, smell the chicken dance, the next year when the golden autumn brows.


夜上海论坛  Let the end leave no regrets, let the process more perfect.









