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时间:2021-03-30 12:21:45 散文杂文 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  散文是指以文字为创作、审美对象的文学艺术体裁,是文学中的一种体裁形式。下面小编带来的是优美的英语散文带翻译,希望对你有帮助。


夜上海论坛  到了农历的年末,城市的超市里挂满了玲珑华美的红灯笼,玻璃橱窗上也贴上了各式花样的剪纸,这些都是年的符号,也是年的名片。我内心深藏的年味儿犹如一只脆弱不堪的老酒坛被这些符号与名片猛然击碎,老酒倾泻满地,浓郁醇厚的味道漫然飘散。

夜上海论坛  By the end of the lunar calendar, the supermarket in the city was full of exquisite red lanterns, and all kinds of paper-cut were also displayed on the glass windows, which are the symbols of the year, and also the business cards of the year. I am deeply in taste like a fragile old jars were these symbols and name card suddenly shattered, pouring wine with rich mellow taste ran away.

夜上海论坛  我小的时候,盼望着过年。从农历的腊月二十三开始,接下来的每一天似乎都是色彩斑斓的,都散发着温馨绵厚的香味儿。村里的老婆婆坐在厚厚的蒲团上教我们唱着童谣:“二十三,祭灶官;二十四,扫房子;二十五,磨豆腐;二十六,蒸馒头;二十七,杀只鸡;二十八,贴画画;二十九,去买酒;年三十,包饺子;大初一,撅着屁股乱作揖。”这首童谣像是我们村里人的过年指南,农历二十三的时候就吃灶糖、祭灶神,二十四的时候就忙着用笤帚打扫屋子,二十五的时候就准备过年吃的豆腐,二十六的时候家家户户蒸枣花馒头、蒸萝卜缨包子……千百年来,太阳沿着亘古不变的轨迹东升西落;冬去春来,人们世世代代遵循着这样的过年流程过年。

夜上海论坛  When I was young, I looked forward to the new year. From the twenty-three to the twelfth lunar month lunar, every day seemed to be colorful, exudes the fragrance of sweet thick cotton. In the village the old lady sitting on the futon on the thick teach us singing nursery rhymes: "twenty-three people, officer; twenty-four, twenty-five, and sweep the house; grinding tofu; twenty-six, twenty-seven, Steamed Buns steamed; kill chickens; twenty-eight, paste painting; twenty-nine, to buy wine; thirty years, the first large package dumplings; Juezhaopigu, chaos and bow." This nursery rhyme like Chinese new year we guide people in the village, when the lunar twenty-three eat candy, Jizao God twenty-four of the time, she was busy with a broom to clean the house, twenty-five of the time for the new year to eat tofu, twenty-six when steamed flower, every family Steamed Buns steamed turnip tassel buns...... For thousands of years, the sun has risen to the west along the eternal path, and in the spring of winter, people have followed such a new year for the past year.

夜上海论坛  腊月二十三是小年,也叫祭灶日,这一天也是我的故乡鲁湾逢集的日子。集市上人山人海,热闹沸腾。我紧跟着父母,看到卖灶糖的嚷着要买灶糖,看到卖鞭炮的嚷着要买鞭炮,看到卖苹果的就嚷着要买苹果……父母一一应允,还会给我买崭新的袜子、鞋子、帽子和衣裳,从头到脚让我焕然一新。父母平时省吃俭用,一分钱掰成两半花。他们平时不肯买水果,不肯买猪肉,不肯买衣裳,到过年的时候却显得慷慨大方。赶集回家的时候,我们像一只只袋鼠抱着大包小包的年货,跌跌撞撞走在回家的路上。我的父母一年四季在农田里忙碌,只有到过年的时候他们才好好享受几天好日子。他们也总是把最好的东西给孩子。

  The twenty-three is the twelfth lunar month small, also called on the people, this day is also my hometown of Lu Wan market day day. The bazaar was crowed with crowds of people. I followed my parents, see the candy seller clamoring to buy candy, see selling firecrackers clamoring to buy firecrackers, see Apple clamoring to buy apple...... My parents agreed and bought me new socks, shoes, hats and clothes, and made me new from head to toe. Parents usually live frugally, pennies. They usually do not buy fruit, do not buy pork, do not buy clothes, and be generous to the new year. When we go home, just like a kangaroo carrying large bags of special purchases for the Spring Festival on the way home, stumbled. My parents are busy in the fields all the year round, and only by the time of the new year they enjoy a few good days. They always give the best to their children.


夜上海论坛  We are a group of crazy kids to sell this shop to buy guns, guns, pull large firecracker fell in my pocket, playing in the Village Lane ran, a gun will readily fall down on the ground, the sound of a sharp crackling sound, scared the general turmoil. We were tired and dug some small pits in the street and played a game of glass balls. So far, I have forgotten the rules of the glass ball game, but remember that I lost the glass ball to the small partner who won the game. When I grew up, I found that there were many mysterious games in the adult world, which were more brutal and deeper than the children's games. If we fail in the game, losing is not the glass ball so not worth mentioning things may be even Months and years pass by. effort, freedom and happiness for all.

夜上海论坛  大年三十那天下午我们一家人坐在厨房包饺子。母亲和面、擀面皮。哥哥烧火。父亲和我坐在馅盆前包饺子。哥哥看着我包的饺子大笑,说我包的饺子有的像死鱼,有的像肥猪,有的像笨鸭子,丑极了。父亲从口袋里掏出一枚一分的硬币,然后包进饺子里,说:“今晚谁吃着这个饺子,谁就最有福气!”天擦黑的时候,此起彼落的鞭炮轰炸着村庄,空气里弥漫着丝丝缕缕火药味儿。母亲将包好的饺子下到沸水咕嘟咕嘟的锅里。父亲用铁锨在院子里撒下一层沙土。那些沙土是农历二十五用拖拉机从村头的沙岗上拉回来的,弥散着一丝丝清新淳美的气味。至今我也琢磨不透大年三十村里人在院子里撒下一层沙土的奥妙,大概是除旧迎新、接福纳祥的寓意。我踩在新鲜湿润的沙土上,将一挂红红的鞭炮用竹竿挑起。哥哥从灶膛里取出一根火棍将鞭炮点燃。一阵噼里啪啦的炮响之后,母亲已经将一个个冒着热气和香味儿的.饺子盛到了白瓷碗里。一碗碗猪肉白菜馅饺子蘸着老醋,就是我们一家人的年夜饭。吃过年夜饭之后,母亲总是烧开一锅热水。一家人坐在木凳上将脚伸进一只大铁盆里用热水洗脚,边洗脚边说笑。母亲说大年夜洗脚能够洗掉一年的灾病邪祟和祸患困厄。新的一年一定会添福添寿、吉祥平安。母亲还会向我和哥哥的口袋里塞几张崭新的钞票。她说不管大人或小孩子,在辞旧迎新的时候口袋里都应该有钱,这样一年到头都不缺钱花,大家都会有富庶优裕的好日子过。现在想来,从前的年更像是勾画美好生活的仪式。

  Our family sat in the kitchen to make dumplings on the afternoon of the thirty day of the year. The mother and the surface, Ganmian skin. A brother. My father and I sat in front of the pot to make dumplings. My brother looked at me and laughed at the dumplings, and said that some of the dumplings I made were like dead fish, some like a fat pig, some like a dumb duck, so ugly. The father took a one - cent coin out of his pocket and wrapped it into the dumplings and said, "whoever eats this dumpling tonight is the most blessed one." When dusk, firecrackers bombed the village as one falls, another rises, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder Cecil strands. The mother wrapped dumplings into the boiling water bubbling in the pot. Father with a shovel and a layer of sand in the yard. The sand is the lunar twenty-five tractors from the village of Sha Gang pull back a little bit, dispersion fresh smell atsumi. I have been puzzling over on the thirty people in the village and a layer of sand. In the yard, probably meaning except new year, blessings and fortunes. I stepped on the fresh and moist sand and picked up a red red firecracker with a bamboo pole. Brother from zaotang took a stick to fire lit firecrackers. After a burst of crackling cannons, the mother has a steaming and smell dumplings filled to a white porcelain bowl. A bowl of pork, pork, cabbage and dumplings are dipped in the old vinegar, which is the annual dinner of our family. After the new year's night dinner, the mother always burned a pot of hot water. One family sat on the bench on the foot into an iron bowl with hot feet, feet side side and laughing. The mother said to wash feet a year on New Year's Eve: evil and evil distress. The new year will add to your happiness and your longevity, peace and prosperity. The mother will also put a few new bills in the pocket of me and my brother. She said that whether adults or children, when the old pocket should be rich, so all the year round does not spend money, we will have a good day off too rich. The past year is more like a ritual of delineation of a good life.

夜上海论坛  大年初一的早上我们不能懒床,要早早起床,并且要自觉醒来,家长不能喊醒我们。天蒙蒙亮的时候村里的鞭炮声如同雷震。我惊醒之后一骨碌从被窝里爬起来,揉揉双眼从父亲的香烟盒子里抽出一支香烟噙在嘴边,开门挑起一挂长长的鞭炮,用烟头引燃鞭炮,随后一阵鞭炮声,烟雾腾起,浓烈的炮药味儿在院子里弥漫。吃过早饭之后,大人们三五成群去给家族的长者拜年,要磕头作揖。我和小伙伴们无拘无束地玩耍,拿着压岁钱到小卖铺换成了玻璃球、泡泡糖和鞭炮。

夜上海论坛  We can't be lazy in the morning of the first year of the year. We should get up early and wake up consciously, and parents can't wake us up. When the dawn of the village of firecrackers like thunder. I woke up from the bed, his eyes pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette box in her father's door hanging in the mouth, provoked a long firecrackers, with a cigarette igniting firecrackers, then a burst of firecrackers, smoke free, strong smell of gunpowder in the yard diffuse. After breakfast, they go to the family of the elderly in knots with kowtow to pay New Year's call. My friends and I played in a free way, carrying money to the shop for glass balls, bubble gum and firecrackers.

夜上海论坛  一年又一年悄无声息地过去。年像是一个小伙伴,一只手拿着欢乐有趣的玩具,另一只掂着饕餮美食,大声召唤着我们,让我们心驰神往。我们渐渐地长大,年像是伴随着我们成长。它由一个活泼淘气的孩子变成彬彬有礼的少年,在岁月更替里又变成了深沉稳重的青年。年不会再像从前一样和我们一起玩鞭炮游戏,不会再像从前一样和我们一起偷吃食物,不会再像从前一样和我们一起奇思妙想……

  Year after year silently past. Years like a buddy, a hand holding a fun toy, another Dianzhe gluttonous delicacy beckons us, loudly, fascinated us. As we grow up, the year looks like we grow up. It turned into a well - mannered teenager from a lively and naughty child and became a deep and stable youth in the years' change. Would not like before and we play firecrackers game, not like before eating food with us, and we will never be the same again with whimsy......


  I sit on the sofa pondering over the years in taste or. I seem to smell the sweet smell of flower candy, Steamed Buns smell smell, smell the aroma of cooked pork, pork and cabbage dumplings delicious, smell the smell of firecrackers......









