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I think it was really a bad day英语日记

时间:2022-05-21 01:10:18 日志日记 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛I think it was really a bad day英语日记

  忙碌而又充实的一天又过去了,我们对人和事情也有了新的看法,是时候用心地写一篇日记了。快来参考日记是怎么写的吧,下面是小编精心整理的I think it was really a bad day英语日记,希望能够帮助到大家。

I think it was really a bad day英语日记

  Wednesday July 20th 20xx

  Today is Wednesday. It’s the third day of the summer camp. The weather isn’t very good. It reined all the time,and the wind blowed strongly. So I don’t feel happy. And the umbrella is too small for two persons my sister and me water always fell down into my shoes,so my feet got wet. It’s unfortable. I think it was really a bad day.

夜上海论坛  Today,we saw two films,but we only saw half of them. Lion King is very interesting. Tomorrow we will finish watching that. I hope this will get a good ending. Also our Chinese teacher changed a lot. I started to listen to his lessons.

夜上海论坛  This evening,we three taught Cathy about the language in my hometown. We said a word and then she guessed. She is really very clever. She can understand most of me said,and Mr.Zhang told us something about the ways to study English. I don’t agree with him. I think everyone has his(her)own best way to study English,right?

  I hope tomorrow it will be sunny and we can travel around Zhejiang University,I hope so.

夜上海论坛  That’s all.