
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-01-25 16:41:06 日志日记 我要投稿
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  Sports, for me, is full of new things about time - I have never been interested in it, even a kind of disgust from the heart.


  Because I'm too tired.


  I really can't figure out why there is such a thing as sports. Besides being good for the body, what else can it bring? It's just a waste of time. What can I do? Those exhausted athletes, why do they have to work so hard? Sports, isn't it?


夜上海论坛  That's what I always thought before the world cup.

夜上海论坛  世界杯后,我却对这种看法不屑一顾了。

夜上海论坛  After the world cup, I was dismissive of this view.


夜上海论坛  The 20xx World Cup came to Russia as agreed. As we all know, the corolla of the world cup was picked by France. I didn't care about this, but I accidentally brushed a video about the world cup. I opened in a very novel place, and was about to make a mockery of it. Suddenly, my eyes were firmly attracted by the green field. Football is playfully shuttled under the feet of the players of the two countries. Everyone is nervous and excited. When receiving the ball, they clenched their fists, stretched their muscles on their arms, and looked serious, just like the presidents who discussed national affairs. Not waiting for my reaction, the football rolled to him, and all the people rushed to him. My body and mind are tense with the surging commentator's explanation. My heart is rolling, jumping, running and stagnating with the little football. My muscles are tense, relaxed, painful and weak with the players. My nerves are anxious, happy, disappointed and sad with the audience. I seem to have integrated with the whole stadium, sharing the glory and injury.

夜上海论坛  时间转瞬即逝,我在“没用”的足球上浪费了半个小时,心满意足。虽然对比赛制度一无所知,关于足球的专业术语也听得迷迷糊糊,甚至不知道该为哪一队鼓舞呐喊,心灵却已被这场激动人心的足球赛洗涤了无数次,变得纯洁无瑕。

  Time flies. I've wasted half an hour on useless football. I'm satisfied. Although I don't know about the game system, I can't hear the professional terms about football, and I don't even know which team to cheer for, but my heart has been washed countless times by this exciting football match and become pure.

夜上海论坛  时至今日,我在足球知识领域里也不敢自称专家,一些规则、脚法、球员仍像掩在浓雾后的山峦,朦胧又悠远。但是对足球的满腔热爱,却是珠峰也遮不严的。

夜上海论坛  To this day, I dare not call myself an expert in the field of football knowledge. Some rules, footwork and players are still like the mountains behind the fog, hazy and distant. But the love of football is not covered by Everest.


夜上海论坛  Football, as a core of sports, is the spirit of challenging oneself, fearing no danger and facing difficulties. It is also the most freehand epitome of human civilization.










