
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-11-19 14:43:27 日志日记 我要投稿


夜上海论坛  不知不觉中一天又要结束了,想必有很多难忘的瞬间吧,让我们一起认真地写一篇日记吧。日记怎么写才合适呢?以下是小编为大家收集的赞美环卫工人英语日记(精选6篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


  赞美环卫工人英语日记 篇1

夜上海论坛  今天早上,我因为要学英语,所以起的很早。我想:我起的这么早,应该没有比我起的更早的人了吧?我越想越高兴,没想到,出了家门,就看见街上一位位穿着橘马夹,推着蓝色三轮车的环卫工人忙碌的身影,从他们布满汗珠的脸上来看,他们已经扫了好长时间了。我很纳闷,我已经起的够早的了,环卫工人怎么比我起的还早?

  This morning, I got up early because I wanted to learn English. I think: I get up so early, there should be no one earlier than me, right? The more I think about it, the happier I am. Unexpectedly, when I left the house, I saw the busy figure of an environmental sanitation worker in an orange vest and pushing a blue tricycle on the street. Judging from their sweaty faces, they have been sweeping for a long time. I wonder, Ive got up early enough, how can the sanitation workers get up earlier than me?


  Driven by curiosity, I quietly walked into an environmental sanitation worker. This worker is doing his work seriously, and has not found me at all. The broom in his hand is like the big brush in the hand of a calligrapher. He is practicing his writing carefully and wholeheartedly, writing a clean and beautiful community environment.

夜上海论坛  以前,在我心中,扫大街是一种被人轻视的工作,所以我一直瞧不起环卫工人。可是今天,我看到他们那么早就起来了,所以改变了我对环卫工人的态度。环卫工人每天都要早起晚睡,在天刚蒙蒙亮的时候就要扫大街,晚上要披着月光回家。而且不管酷暑严寒,从不间断,把小区打扫的一尘不染。他们还要忍受一些不讲卫生的人乱扔垃圾,这样辛苦的工作,每个月只能挣很少的钱,这是多么不公平,如果我长大了一定会报答他们,因为清洁工人是我们小区的美容师,有了他们才有了我们国家的干净,美丽,我现在一定要为环境做一份应有的力量,让环卫工人的劳动不白费。

  Before, in my mind, street sweeping was a job that was despised, so I always looked down on sanitation workers. But today, I saw that they got up so early, so I changed my attitude towards sanitation workers. Every day, sanitation workers get up early and go to bed late. When its just dark, they sweep the streets and go home in the moonlight. And regardless of the heat and cold, never stop cleaning the community spotless. They also have to endure some people who dont speak of hygiene littering. Such hard work can only earn a small amount of money every month. How unfair it is. If I grow up, I will repay them, because the cleaners are beauticians in our community. With them, we will have the cleanness and beauty of our country. Now I must make a due strength for the environment and let the sanitation workers Human labor is not in vain.

  赞美环卫工人英语日记 篇2

夜上海论坛  每个人都一定有一个敬佩的人,我也不例外.我敬佩的人只是一个普通人,可他们却为我们城市的环境做着巨大的贡献,那些人就是辛勤的环卫工人。

  Everyone must have a person to admire, and I am no exception. The people I admire are just ordinary people, but they are making great contributions to the environment of our city. Those people are hard—working sanitation workers.

夜上海论坛  今天,我看到一个环卫工人她正在打扫,她刚打扫完,只见又有人把垃圾直接丢在地上.环卫工人只能叹着气把地又重新再扫了一遍,可环卫工人辛辛苦苦打扫又有什么用?不一会就会又有人乱丢垃圾了.这时,一个小学生走过来,她把垃圾悄悄地丢到了草丛里,正是因为这些人不爱护环境,所以环境污染才会变得这么严重。

夜上海论坛  Today, I saw an environmental sanitation worker who was cleaning. She had just finished cleaning, only to see someone throw the garbage on the ground directly. The sanitation workers can only sigh and sweep the ground again, but whats the use of the hard work of the sanitation workers? There will be another litter soon. At this time, a primary school student came over, and she quietly threw the garbage into the grass. Because these people do not care for the environment, the environmental pollution will become so serious.


  One day, when I was walking on the road, I saw an old woman struggling to sweep the floor. I happened to be idle, so I went up and said to grandma, "grandma, take a rest! Let me. " At first, the old lady refused to say anything. I begged, "just for a moment, let me experience it!" Then I took the broom in grandmas hand. "Its heavy!"

夜上海论坛  我正在扫着地,这时一个小姑娘走来,随手把垃圾丢在了地上.我立刻上前去说:“小朋友,乱丢垃圾是很不文明的行为,而且你看老奶奶打扫大街多么辛苦啊!”听完我的话,小朋友立刻红着脸把垃圾丢到了垃圾桶。

  I was sweeping the ground when a little girl came and threw the garbage on the ground. I immediately went up and said, "children, its uncivilized to litter, and you see how hard it is for grandma to clean the street!" After listening to my words, the child immediately put the garbage in the garbage can with a red face.


  Through this short experience of sanitation workers, I have experienced the difficulty of sanitation workers, so the people I admire most are sanitation workers.

  赞美环卫工人英语日记 篇3

夜上海论坛  “是你们每天迎接第一缕晨曦,日复一日,年复一年,兢兢业业,任劳任怨,无论三伏酷暑还是数九严寒,无论是风雨交加还是漫天飞雪,始终战斗在环境卫生工作第一线!”

  "Its you who meet the first ray of dawn every day, day after day, year after year, work hard and bear no grudges。 No matter how hot it is in the summer or how cold it is in the winter, whether its stormy or snowy, you always fight in the front line of environmental health work!"


  You are the beautician of the city and the emissary of creating a better future。 We praise your "cleaner"! We praise you! Whether its cold or hot, you stick to your position and shuttle across the roads。 The beauty of the city can not be separated from you, the health of the city can not be separated from you, you are a member of the citys beautification family!

夜上海论坛  当我们走在干净、宽敞的街上时,当你随手把垃圾扔在地上时,你是否想过这舒适、优美环境的创造者呢?这一切的创造,就是勤劳伟大的环卫工人的辛勤劳动的结晶。

  When we walk in a clean and spacious street, when you throw garbage on the ground, do you think of the creator of this comfortable and beautiful environment? The creation of all this is the crystallization of the hard work of the industrious and great sanitation workers。

夜上海论坛  当天刚蒙蒙亮时,勤劳的环卫工人手持笤帚、撮子,来到空无一人的街上,卖力地扫起街道来。她们把街道的每一个地方都打扫的干干净净,从不放过一处角落,从不落下一丝灰尘。在红叶似火的金秋世界,环卫工人带着收获的喜悦,带着灿烂的笑容,满怀信心地挥动着笤帚,把原本肮脏不堪的大街收拾的井井有条。

  Just in the early morning, the industrious sanitation workers came to the empty street with brooms and a handful of people, and swept the street vigorously。 They clean every part of the street, never let go of a corner, never drop a trace of dust。 In the red leaves of the golden autumn world, with the joy of harvest, with a bright smile, the sanitation workers wave the broom with confidence, and clean up the originally dirty street in order。


  "Without you, the city will be full of rubbish and stink; without you, the citizens will not be able to work and live normally; without you, the city will be in a dark state! Thank you, our city beautician! The city salutes you! "

  赞美环卫工人英语日记 篇4


夜上海论坛  There are many beautiful people around me, but in my eyes, those who wear the same orange work clothes all the year round and work in the streets are the hardest and most beautiful people.

夜上海论坛  我家楼下就有这样一位环卫工人,她的两鬓斑白,皮肤黝黑,看上去有点显老,我想这可能是因为她的工作缘故吧!

  There is such an environmental sanitation worker downstairs of my house. Her temples are white, her skin is dark, and she looks a little old. I think it may be because of her work!


  But when the hot summer comes, she has to get up at three or four oclock. Once, when I woke up in the middle of the night, I found that the light of her home was on, and her busy figure was washing in the bathroom. After a while, she hurried out with a broom. When I went to school, I saw her dragging her tired body and carrying her broom home! At noon, she was wearing the long sleeved overalls again and set out in the hot sun.


夜上海论坛  In the cold winter, no matter whether its windy or rainy or snowy outside, she still wears that thin work clothes, takes a broom and fights with the bad weather, sweeping a beautiful world for us.


  Dear sanitation workers, you are not afraid of being dirty, tired, cold and hot. With your hands, you can clean our county so clean and beautiful that we can breathe fresh air every day. In my eyes, your work clothes are the most beautiful, and your soul is also the most beautiful.

  赞美环卫工人英语日记 篇5

夜上海论坛  当我们走在干净、宽敞的大街上时,当你随手把垃圾扔在地上时,你是否想过这舒适、优美环境的创造者呢?这一切都是勤劳伟大的环卫工人辛勤劳动的结晶。

  When we walk on a clean and spacious street, when you throw litter on the ground, do you think of the creator of this comfortable and beautiful environment? All of these are the result of the hard work of the industrious and great sanitation workers.


夜上海论坛  One day, I was riding my bicycle in the street, and a thin figure of an environmental sanitation worker came into my eyes. On the vast street, buses, cars, bicycles Come and go, the flow is endless. At this time, an extremely luxurious car came to the side of the road, just as the car passed by the sanitation worker, the window opened, and then a hateful man threw a bag of garbage out of the window.


  Looking at a bag of disgusting garbage lying on the spotless street, I wish I could pull the Litterman out of the car. At this time, I saw the skinny sanitation worker with white hat, white mask and orange sleeve on his arm strode to the bag of disgusting garbage. Without saying anything, he bent down to sweep the garbage into the garbage can and pour it into the garbage can On the garbage truck by the road.


  People who see this scene will be ashamed of the people in the car and give thumbs up for the simple and noble sanitation worker. Because the quality of people who take cars is worse than the simple sanitation workers! Compared with the sanitation workers, the little accomplishment of the people on the car is very small. Their indolent attitude is in sharp contrast with the tall image of the industrious and great sanitation workers. At this time, the sanitation workers pushed the garbage truck away quietly.

夜上海论坛  让我们向环卫工人致敬!啊,勤劳伟大的环卫工人啊,你用你的双手,为全市人民创造了舒适的环境,你们那高大的身影让我记住你们是——最勤劳最伟大的人!

  Lets salute the sanitation workers! Ah, industrious and great sanitation workers, you have created a comfortable environment for the people of the whole city with your hands. Your tall figure reminds me that you are the most industrious and great people!

  赞美环卫工人英语日记 篇6


夜上海论坛  We were deeply moved by the rows of stones. But what kind of enlightenment will the humble sanitation workers give us?

夜上海论坛  环卫工人随处可见,他们简陋的穿着,让人一看就觉得不怎么样,他们身上布满灰尘,就像风尘仆仆的老人在狂风中打扫,他们在马路中间跑来跑去,真是没事干!有时还会影响汽车行驶。

  Sanitation workers can be seen everywhere. Their simple clothes make people feel bad at first sight. They are covered with dust, just like the dusty old man cleaning in the wind. They run around in the middle of the road. They have nothing to do! Sometimes it will affect the driving of the car.

夜上海论坛  可是我渐渐改变了主意和想法,他们每次在马路中穿行时我会担心他们被车撞了,于是我每次都叫爸爸减速,看他们在捡我们随手扔掉的垃圾,经常穿梭在大街小巷、草丛中、河道旁,甚是辛苦。

  But I gradually changed my mind and thought. Every time they were walking in the road, I would worry that they were hit by a car. So I asked Dad to slow down every time. They were picking up the garbage we threw away. They often shuttle in the streets, in the grass and beside the river. It was very hard.

夜上海论坛  环卫工人在打扫马路时总会拿着那破的不像样的扫把,在大街上扫来扫去,不放过一点儿垃圾,还生怕没打扫干净。

  When cleaning the road, the sanitation workers always take the shabby and improper brooms and sweep them around the street. They dont let a little rubbish go, for fear that they havent cleaned them up.

夜上海论坛  有时候我们的口香糖嚼完后随口吐在地上,他们会用手一点一点清理,从来不嫌脏不喊累,直到清理干净为止。当你随手扔垃圾的时候,你有没有想过他们的感受?有没有想过因为你的过失会给他们增加多大的工作量,会影响我们的生存环境呢?

  Sometimes when we chew our gum and spit it on the ground, they will clean it up little by little with their hands. They never feel dirty or tired until it is cleaned up. Do you think about how they feel when you throw litter? Have you ever thought about how much work you will add to them because of your fault, which will affect our living environment?

夜上海论坛  环卫工人是个又苦又累又危险的行业,他们中大多数都是一些老年人,有时候为了打扫马路中间的一页纸,他们会冒着生命危险在马路中间打扫,这是何等危险,有时候甚至会发生车祸。

夜上海论坛  Sanitation workers are a hard, tired and dangerous industry. Most of them are old people. Sometimes, in order to clean a piece of paper in the middle of the road, they will risk their lives to clean it in the middle of the road. How dangerous is this? Sometimes there will even be car accidents.


  They go out early and come back late every day to create a good environment for us. They are the citys little guardians. They are the flowers of the city. Their work is very ordinary, but they have made tremendous contributions to the society. We have also realized their hardships and difficulties. Lets take good care of our living environment and be a good civilized child!