
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-09-01 14:55:45 樱樱 日志日记 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  转眼一天又过去了,心中一定有不少感想,需要认真地为此写一篇日记了。怎样写日记才更能吸引眼球呢?下面是小编为大家整理的去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译,欢迎阅读与收藏。


  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 1

夜上海论坛  今天我起床很早,吃早饭也很快,因为我要陪奶奶去菜市场买菜。

  Today, I got up early and had breakfast very quickly, because I had to accompany my grandmother to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

夜上海论坛  菜市场上人山人海,非常热闹。奶奶买了两条又大又新鲜的鱼,又买了含有维生素的西红柿,还买了我最爱吃的绿绿的.西兰花和椭圆形的土豆。不一会儿,奶奶就买了一大篮子菜,我帮奶奶一起提篮子回家,奶奶说我是她的小帮手。

  The food market is full of people, very busy. Grandma bought two big and fresh fish, tomatoes with vitamins, and my favorite green broccoli and oval potatoes. Soon, grandma bought a big basket of vegetables. I helped grandma carry the basket home together. Grandma said I was her little helper.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 2

夜上海论坛  星期天早晨我和妈妈去买菜。

夜上海论坛  来到菜场,那儿人山人海,挤的要命。菜场里的菜真是五花八门,有火红的辣椒、有胖嘟嘟的南瓜、有弯弯的豆角,还有穿着紫袍的茄子等等,数不胜数。

夜上海论坛  我和妈妈走了一圈,忽然有一些水打到了我们脸上,原来是活蹦乱跳的'鲜鱼在拍打着水向我们问好呢。我和妈妈买了鱼、青菜、土豆、豆角和肉,我们满载而归地回家了。我等着妈妈做一桌好吃的美餐。

夜上海论坛  I went shopping with my mother on Sunday morning.

  Came to the vegetable market, where the sea of people, crowded as hell. The dishes in the vegetable field are really varied, there are hot red peppers, there are chubby pumpkins, there are curved beans, and there are eggplant wearing purple, etc., countless.

  My mother and I walked a circle, suddenly some water hit our face, it was alive and dancing fresh fish in the water to greet us. My mother and I bought fish, vegetables, potatoes, beans and meat. We went home with our loads. I waited for my mother to cook a delicious meal.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 3

  今天,奶奶出门去买菜,我说:“这点小事交给我吧!”说完,我就像小鸟一样飞出了家门,很快就到了菜市场。我先买了我最喜欢吃的——里脊肉,太贵了,我只好买了一丁点儿,接着,我来到 了卖土豆的地方,挑了两个大土豆,不一会儿功夫,我就把菜买好了,一共花了27元钱。一溜小跑回到家,我已经累的上气不接下气了。


  Today, grandma went out to buy food, I said: "This little thing to me!" After saying that, I flew out of the house like a bird and soon arrived at the market. I first bought my favorite food - tenderloin, too expensive, I had to buy a little, then, I went to sell potatoes, picked two large potatoes, after a while, I bought the dish, a total of 27 yuan money. Running home, I was out of breath.

夜上海论坛  Aych! It seems that buying food is not a simple matter, not only carefully selected, but also carefully calculated.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 4



  On Sunday, I went shopping with my mother and sister.

  Came to the market, saw a lot of vegetables: green vegetables, white radish, red tomatoes, yellow leek, and live crucian carp and river shrimp. It made my eyes glaze over. Its so rich! The aunts who bought food politely introduced us to a variety of dishes. Mother asked us: "What would you like to eat today?" We want to say: "chives, tomatoes, red fried meat." After a while, my mother bought our favorite dishes, and we happily went home with full dishes.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 5

夜上海论坛  今天,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去佳乐家买菜。我看到蔬菜有萝卜、白菜、尖椒、蒜黄、黄瓜等,但我们只买了绿油油的尖椒和黄瓜,还有黄澄澄的`蒜黄。绿油油的尖椒像长长的毛笔。绿油油的黄瓜像双节棍,因为我买了两根黄瓜,黄澄澄的蒜黄像枯黄的草。买菜一共用了3元4角,买菜真有意思!

夜上海论坛  Today, my father and mother and I went to Jiale home to buy food. I saw vegetables such as radish, cabbage, pepper, garlic, cucumber, etc., but we only bought green pepper and cucumber, as well as yellow garlic. The green pepper is like a long brush. Green cucumber like nunchaku, because I bought two cucumbers, yellow garlic like yellow grass. Shopping a share of 3 yuan 4 jiao, shopping is really interesting!

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 6

夜上海论坛  周末,我和妈妈去菜场里买菜,看到菜场里人山人海。我们先来到蔬菜区,只见青菜嫩绿嫩绿的,西红柿露出了红红的脸颊,黄色的大白菜像一个个胖娃娃……


  At the weekend, my mother and I went to the vegetable market to buy food, and saw a sea of people in the vegetable market. We first came to the vegetable area, I saw green green, tomatoes exposed red cheeks, yellow cabbage like a fat baby...

  Then we came to the fish and shrimp area, I saw live shrimp, wagging head and tail fish, claws of crabs...... Finally, we came to the cooked food area, fragrant beef, oily duck, delicious duck feet, greedy my mouth. My mother and I bought a lot of food, is really full of ah!

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 7




夜上海论坛  In the morning, I followed my grandmother to the market to buy food.

夜上海论坛  Wow, there are so many dishes on the market! There are green lettuce, long loofah, red tomatoes, water and beautiful spinach, as well as live fish and large crabs crawling across... Grandma bought some green spinach, also bought a round radish, a long loofah, and finally bought a fish.

  Grandma said: "Eat more fish will be smart oh!" I happily carried the food and followed my grandmother home.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 8

夜上海论坛  今天早上我妈说要去买菜,让我和我爸留在家里。但是即使我很吵,我也要去买吃的。


  This morning my mom told me to stay home with my dad because she wanted to go grocery shopping. But even if Im noisy, Im going to buy food.

  My parents had no choice but to go with me. We went to the market to buy something delicious. My mother said to buy rice. Dad didnt want to go to the supermarket, so he sat at the door and waited for us. Mother said, "Lets buy some bread first and make breakfast tomorrow." I am very happy, because I like bread very much. My mother bought my favorite enoki mushrooms and then bought rice. Our family went home happily.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 9



  This morning my mother told me and my brother to get up quickly, she and little brother to go to a distant place to buy food. They were gone too long, till noon!

夜上海论坛  In the middle of a period of time, I finally finished writing, and then I went to the point reading machine to learn English. At noon, mother and little brother finally came back.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 10



  Today, I went shopping with my mother. As soon as I entered the vegetable market, I heard Shouting and bargaining. The environment in the vegetable market is very bad, the ground is full of sewage, rotten vegetable leaves. Woah! There are so many dishes here, like a pocket like chili, there are eggplant wearing UV sets, and mushrooms like a small umbrella, dazzling.

夜上海论坛  The dishes were laid out neatly on the stall. We bought cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes and peppers, and returned home loaded with them.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 11

夜上海论坛  周日,阳光明媚,万里无云。我高兴地和妈妈一起去市场买菜。



夜上海论坛  我和妈妈高高兴兴地回家了。

  Sunday was sunny and cloudless. I happily went to the market to buy food with my mother.

  As soon as I entered the market gate, I heard the noise of the crowd mixed with the cries of the vendors. Further in, I saw fresh vegetables at a vegetable stand. Slender beans like whips, curved lentils like knives, and white radishes like fat dolls with green braids on their heads. Its so cute...

  My mother and I bought white radishes, yellow potatoes and long, thin beans.

  My mother and I went home happily.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 12

夜上海论坛  2月25日,妈妈带我去北干菜场买菜。我和妈妈走进菜场,看到有很多人。有的`人在卖菜,有的人在讨价还价,噪杂声此起彼伏。妈妈就给我20元钱让一个人去买菜。我来到青菜摊位用2元钱买了一斤青菜,又来到了旁边摊位买了4支很大的春笋,花了17元。这样算下来我还剩1元钱了。想了想就去买了3包榨菜。

夜上海论坛  On February 25, my mother took me to Beigan vegetable Market to buy vegetables. My mother and I walked into the market and saw a lot of people. Some people are selling vegetables, some people are bargaining, and the noise is one after another. Mother gave me 20 yuan to let a person to buy food. I came to the vegetable stall with 2 yuan to buy a catty of vegetables, and came to the next stall to buy 4 big bamboo shoots, spent 17 yuan. So that leaves me with $1. After thinking about it, I went to buy 3 packages of pickled mustard.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 13



  Sunday morning, the weather is sunny, my mother took me to the market to buy food. As soon as I entered the market, I saw a sea of people in the market, which was very lively. I saw purple eggplants, golden potatoes, lentils like knives, green vegetables, white radishes. Mother bought eggplant, potatoes, green vegetables, lentils, these are my favorite dishes. At last she bought the fish and we went home happily.

  Through this shopping, I know that my mother is very hard to buy food and cook every day. I hope I can grow up soon and be filial to my parents.

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 14

夜上海论坛  周末,我和妈妈去西湖市场买水果和蔬菜。


夜上海论坛  买完水果和蔬菜,我帮妈妈把买回来的水果拎回家。我妈妈称赞我是一个好的有能力的孩子。


  At the weekend, my mother and I went to the West Lake market to buy fruits and vegetables.

夜上海论坛  There are so many vegetables and fruits in the market! Tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears. Its really dazzling. The red tomato is like a red lantern, the green cucumber is like a boat, and the half red and half yellow big apple is like a lovely childs face. Those colors are so colorful!

夜上海论坛  After buying fruits and vegetables, I helped my mother carry the fruits home. My mother praised me as a good and capable child.

  My mother and I are so happy!

  去菜市场买菜二年级英语日记带翻译 15

夜上海论坛  今天是周六,早上妈妈带我去菜市场买菜。菜市场里有各种各样的菜。有新鲜的猪肉,活蹦乱跳的大鱼,滑稽的'嘴巴,笼子里伸着头的鸡鸭。



  Today is Saturday. In the morning, my mother took me to the market to buy food. There are all kinds of dishes in the market. Theres fresh pork, big fish bouncing around, funny mouths, chickens and ducks with heads sticking out of cages.

  My mother and I walked to a vegetable stand and saw red peppers, green melons, yellow potatoes, purple eggplant, tender green vegetables, and many, many dishes I cant name.

夜上海论坛  My mother bought my favorite vegetables, radishes and a big fish. We went home happily.









