
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-02-17 08:23:18 台词 我要投稿


夜上海论坛  在不断进步的时代,接触并使用台词的人越来越多,台词起着揭示人物性格,表达思想感情的作用。什么样的台词才经典呢?以下是小编精心整理的《艺伎回忆录》经典台词,希望能够帮助到大家。


  1、Sayuri Nitta: A story like mine has never been told. For my world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without its mysteries,it cannot survive.


  2、Mameha: Water is powerful,it can wash away earth,put out fire and even destroy iron.


夜上海论坛  3、Mameha: Remember,Chiyo,geisha are not courtesans. And we are not wives. We sell our skills,not our bodies. We create another secret world,a place only of beauty. The very word "geisha" means artist and to be a geisha is to be judged as a moving work of art.


夜上海论坛  4、就在那一刻,我变成了一个女孩,感觉到一种无限的空虚,开始有意地去思念一个人,我知道当个艺妓,心中也有期望的事情,就是他心中的世界。

  In that moment,I changed from a girl facing nothing but emptiness to someone with purpose,I sold that to be a gaisha,could be stay to think something else----a place in his world.


  In that instant,I felt the whole world changed,but not my own determination,I made a secret promise,along with his picuter,I will lock away my heart,and save it for him.

夜上海论坛  6、东西得去珍惜,让生命过得更加精彩…


  My heart dead, a slow death, bring each hope like lives, until one day there are none, no hopes, nothing remained,she paint her face to hide her face, her eye's a deep water, it is not for a gaisha to want, it is not for a gaisha to feel, gaisha is an artist of a flouting world, she dances, she sings, she entertains you, whatever you want, they are rest is secret.

夜上海论坛  8、没有哪个艺妓能有更多的期望…

  No gaisha can ever hope for more…

夜上海论坛  9、你不能对太阳说多点阳光,不能对雨说少点雨,对男人来说,艺妓顶多就是半个妻子,要像他们的妻子一样,当然了,要学会善良,在经历许多伤心事之后,就知道一个小女孩有着她不知道的勇气,发现她的祈祷终于成真,这可以叫做幸福。总之,这不是一个国王的回忆,也不是王后的回忆,这是另一种人生的回忆。

  You can't say to the sun, more sun, or to the rain, less rain, to a man, geisha can only be half a wife, real the wives serve the night for, and yet, to learn of kindness after so much unkindness, to understand that a little girl with more courage than she knew, would find her pray was on seek, can that be called happiness. After all, this is not a memory of a empire, no of a queen, this is a memory of another kind.










