
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-06-08 00:59:03 海洁 手抄报 我要投稿


夜上海论坛  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都接触过手抄报吧,手抄报需要巧妙设计,精心安排。其实很多朋友都不太清楚什么样的手抄报才是好的手抄报,下面是小编精心整理的六一英语手抄报素材,欢迎阅读与收藏。



  Today is Friday. The school held a garden tour to celebrate childrens day in advance. Mr. Cai announced the content of the activity: the first is to use a ping-pong racket to top the table tennis. The second is riddles. The third is sticking to the nose.

夜上海论坛  I started to play the first activity. My classmates played one by one. Its my turn. I was so worried, but when I saw my classmates cheering for me, my heart calmed down slowly. I picked up the table tennis racket and table tennis, put the table tennis on the racket, but the table tennis seemed to be against me, always rolling around, but in the end, I still reached the end. I felt a sense of relief.

  After a while, I played the second game. The teacher read the riddle "..." Lets guess. When some students guessed right, the teacher gave him a prize, but I didnt guess one, a little depressed.

夜上海论坛  The last activity is sticking your nose. It is to use magnets to draw two pictures of villains on the blackboard. Lets cover our eyes and stick the nose for the villains. Everyone was actively involved. Its my turn. Step by step, I walked carefully towards the villain. In the reciprocal of the students, I stood up and pasted it. When teacher Cai helped me take off the gauze, I saw that I pasted the "nose" on the upper left corner, and my classmates and I were busy laughing. Although the post is not accurate, Cai still gave me a prize.

  How happy childrens Day is today!

夜上海论坛  今天是星期五,学校提前为我们举行庆祝“六一”儿童节的游园活动。蔡老师宣布了活动的内容:第一项是用乒乓球拍顶乒乓球。第二项是猜谜语。第三项是贴鼻子。

夜上海论坛  开始玩第一项活动了,我们班的同学一个接一个玩,轮到我了。我心里急得不得了,但看到同学们在为我加油,我的心才慢慢地平静下来。我拿起乒乓球拍和乒乓球,把乒乓球放在球拍上,可乒乓球好像跟我作对了一样,老是滚来滚去,不过到了最后,我还是到达了终点。我心里顿时感到一片轻松。





夜上海论坛  I would like to live in a world that will never grow up

夜上海论坛  It is naive, kind-hearted, do not hurt each other

夜上海论坛  even quarrel, but also quick and good

  even cry, it will soon stop

夜上海论坛  bedroom playground Jiang river

夜上海论坛  stacking toy with our common

夜上海论坛  blue sky, white earth

夜上海论坛  go small windmill

夜上海论坛  small horse, small flowers

夜上海论坛  show the smiling faces of his shyness

夜上海论坛  depression is now the worlds people

夜上海论坛  offensive. Also can not be changed

  especially when the time to send our young people

  into middle age into old age

  our hard life

夜上海论坛  only one night a year

夜上海论坛  temporarily used to spending

  only one night a year

  think of things far away

夜上海论坛  moving and pale


夜上海论坛  人们天真,善良,不互相伤害

夜上海论坛  即使吵架,也很快和好

夜上海论坛  即使哭泣,也很快停止



夜上海论坛  天空蔚蓝,大地洁白



夜上海论坛  展露出羞怯的笑脸


夜上海论坛  厌恶。又无法改变

夜上海论坛  特别是当时间把我们送入青年


夜上海论坛  我们艰辛生活,苦中作乐




夜上海论坛  想起遥远的事物

夜上海论坛  兀自动容,又黯然失色




  The origin of International Childrens Day can be traced back to the early 20th century. In 1909, a teacher named May Tanner in Chicago, USA proposed celebrating Childrens Day on the first Sunday of June to encourage people to pay attention to childrens issues. Shortly thereafter, this idea gained support from UNESCO and became a global Childrens Day.

夜上海论坛  In China, the origin of International Childrens Day can be traced back to 1949. At that time, shortly after the founding of New China, social stability was very important. Therefore, the government has started advocating for concern for childrens issues and also celebrating a special holiday for children. On June 1, 1950, Chinas first celebration of International Childrens Day was held in Beijing.


夜上海论坛  1. 尊重儿童权益


  2. 增强家庭教育意识


  3. 推广学校教育


夜上海论坛  4. 提供儿童文化活动


夜上海论坛  5. 加强国际关系


夜上海论坛  1. Respect childrens rights and interests

夜上海论坛  Children are the future of society, and their rights and welfare should be fully respected and protected. International Childrens Day is to remind people to always pay attention to childrens rights and needs, so that they can grow up in a healthy, happy and safe environment.

  2. Enhance awareness of family education

  Family is the first line of defense for childrens growth. International Childrens Day is an opportunity to make parents and children more intimate, and also remind parents to pay attention to childrens growth and strengthen family education awareness.

夜上海论坛  3. Promote school education

夜上海论坛  School education is another line of defense for childrens growth. International Childrens Day is an opportunity to make students and teachers more intimate and establish a relationship of mutual trust and respect. At the same time, various cultural and artistic activities, fun competitions, and other forms can also be held to enable students to learn happily and improve their learning enthusiasm.

  4. Provide childrens cultural activities

  International Childrens Day is an opportunity to provide various cultural activities for children. These activities not only allow children to feel the festive atmosphere, but also enhance their cultural literacy in various elegant, interesting, and beneficial forms.

  5. Strengthening international relations

夜上海论坛  As a global Childrens Day, International Childrens Day is also an opportunity to promote international friendship. Children from various countries can learn and exchange with each other through this festival, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship. It can help strengthen international cooperation and mutual trust.










