
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-04-28 11:08:53 观后感 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  当认真看完一部影视作品后,相信大家的'收获肯定不少吧,不妨坐下来好好写写观后感吧。现在你是否对观后感一筹莫展呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的《海豚湾》观后感英语,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇1

  I was sad when I was seeing the moive,its the only word that I can say.I can not help crying when Ric go to the meeting with a TV that the video is on.Ric who takes 10 years to create the business and 35 years to destroy it just as he said,I can not image his felling when he saw the action the people in Taiji did to the dolphin .He is already an old man ,however,he is doing the good but dangerous thing that even do harm to his life.

  The dolphins smile always appear in my mind,its so sweet that is not forgotten at all.They love to get touch with our people,they are our family in other word.People is always selfish,we want to have the sweet things that results to the miserable fate of them.They belongs to the sea where they are free and happy.I thought oceanarium is a beautifull place before,but I realize that it is the cost of dolphins happiness.I am concerned that it should not exist any more.

  The truth that the government in Japen ask the children to eat the dolphins meat just for covering the truth surprise me.What are they thinking?The behavior is stupid.

夜上海论坛  Rics team is deed great.But their power is limited.Althought what they did have had an influence to Taiji ,the cruel behavior is still going on.It needs all peoples attention and power.I really hope I can do something useful.

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇2

夜上海论坛  This was a fascinating documentary not only about dolphins in captivity but of the intelligence of dolphins as explained by the original trainer of the dolphins from the television show Flipper. The most interesting part of the documentary is hearing about how the guy who popularized training dolphins turned a few years after he started training dolphins into deciding that it is inexcusable keeping dolphins in captivity. His life story is gripping and the documentary was very compelling and well done. It is hard to watch animal cruelty documentaries and videos but this is very watchable and focuses on the good that the people are doing to help rather than showing nothing but gory video/photos. It was well worth the time to watch.

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇3

夜上海论坛  Dolphin for human single-minded way, in the end is for what? In the shark before the dolphin is a crazy god kill, attack human beings can be described as easy, but it never hurt the dolphins records. The most incomprehensible is that even when people are killed by a dolphin, others present only one side wait and see dolphins, not tit for tat. For the strong spirit of collaboration of dolphins, so that the performance really deeply troubled by zoologists. Very much hope that the Japanese kill dolphins can be an exception for those no longer wait and see the side tooth for a tooth!

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇4

  The documentary "Dolphin Bay" reveals the nightmare of a dolphin and the hell on earth in Taiji Town, a fishing village in southern Japan!

  Taiji town is surrounded by the sea on three sides and has pleasant scenery. Everywhere are buildings and pictures marked by dolphins. New visitors may think this is a beautiful fishing village, a peaceful fishing village that loves dolphins. However, the dolphin suffering season is from September to February. When the dolphin migration army drifted along the coast of Japan, fishermen drove their boats, beat the waves, drove away the dolphins and slaughtered them. The killing tool is very simple, just a gun with barbs. Dolphins toss and scream. The people on board are ecstatic and enjoy the ugly fruit. Such slaughter lasts from September to February of the next year. The total number of dolphins killed in the whole six months is more than 23000!

  Not every Dolphin will die. First, they asked the animal trainers who trained dolphins to select dolphins suitable for performance, and then sold them to aquariums all over the world. Each dolphin is worth 150000. The aquarium then trained to perform "beautiful" for human beings. Such dolphins must have high enough IQ, so every surviving dolphin is the high wall of life built by thousands of dolphins for them.

夜上海论坛  The scene that shocked everyone in the documentary is the blood water of the bay. How much blood does it take to dye the blue blue red and how much human desire can fill the Bay?

  Like the protagonist in the film, no government or organization tries and can really solve this problem. Because like Japan and many other countries that focus on fishing, this is a matter that touches the whole body and touches the fundamental interests.

  After reading it, I was very sad. In addition to being sad for these lovely intelligent creatures, I fell into a kind of confusion. Helpless dolphins, helpless us!

  In response to ecological imbalance, global warming, floods and droughts, when can mankind stop killing, desire and destroying the earth on which we depend!

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇5

夜上海论坛  A few white clouds floated on the boundless blue sky. A flock of seagulls skimmed over the dark blue sea. The figure of several dolphins loomed on the sea and fluctuated with the waves. It was very beautiful.

夜上海论坛  Dolphin is an advanced marine creature with high intelligence and spirituality. Some people become friends with it because it is endowed with spirituality; Some people also take advantage of its high IQ to domesticate it into a popular marine biological star; But some people hunt and kill wantonly because they are greedy for delicious food.

  When countless dolphins were assassinated by humans and a large area of sea water was stained with blood and did not fade for a long time, my heart seemed to be pulled by something. I think it's probably that people's conscience has been awakened! But where is your conscience, the hunter who witnessed all this? You have brewed tragedies one after another. Have you ever thought about how you would feel when you face coercion and inducement, life and death, and blood flow? And those bystanders, can't you stop these people who are confused by money? As for the national government, is it helpless? What about the rich and powerful officials? Can you still feel at ease when these lovely and poor dolphins fall into your belly? Human beings, are they so ruthless that they are indifferent to the bloody sea?

  Man, man! Wake up quickly, stop foolish behavior, stop killing, stop persecution, stop greed. The blue sea and the free bay are where dolphins really need to go.

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇6

夜上海论坛  This morning, the teacher showed us a documentary that touched me deeply - Dolphin Bay!

夜上海论坛  Dolphin bay is about the process in which local fishermen in Dadi Town, Japan drive and kill dolphins every year. Very cruel! I saw a part where fishermen stabbed into the sea with long forks. One dolphin was pierced, two or three... More and more. The original blue sea suddenly became a sea of blood that worried us. My eyes are wet. How can they do this? Dolphins are so lovely and kind. The sea people are really bad and unreasonable.

夜上海论坛  I have a lot to say in my heart: if the dolphins you fishermen hunt are your dear family, best friends and long lost classmates. Will you have the heart to continue to hunt them? Can you bear it? Have you ever thought about how dolphins feel? When you kill the young dolphin, the mother dolphin mourns; When the mother dolphin is killed, the young dolphin is sad. You said that it is your national custom and traditional culture to kill dolphins. You said that Japan allows 12000 dolphins to be killed every year. We only killed 2000 ~ 3000 dolphins, which is less. Hum, ridiculous! Isn't 2000 also a living life? Isn't it also a clever creature who knows how to repay kindness as we humans do?

  There, I want to appeal to people all over the world: Dolphins also have their own homes. Please let dolphins go home and don't kill them!

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇7

夜上海论坛  After watching the movie dolphin bay, my heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

  Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, is a small fishing village with beautiful scenery. However, there is a inhuman scene all year round. Every year, tens of thousands of dolphins pass through this sea area, but their journey stops abruptly in Taiji. Fishermen drove dolphins to places close to the shore. Dolphin trainers from all over the world selected dolphins suitable for training, and a large number of remaining dolphins were driven away by fishermen for no reason. These massacres and crimes are concealed by the government and relevant organizations because of various interests. Under the leadership of famous marine mammal experts, a group of animal protectors risked their lives and broke through many obstacles to enter the Bay, went deep into the scene and recorded the scene of a large number of dolphins slaughtered by the Japanese. The blue-green sea water turned into a shocking red in an instant. I stared at the slaughter of children and parents, the cries of dolphins from existence to nonexistence, leaving only the laughter of Japanese fishermen, and the bodies of dolphins floating in the water.

夜上海论坛  Seeing this scene, my tears unknowingly flowed down, sad for the living environment of dolphins and hateful for the cruelty of mankind. There is only one earth. Once something is lost, it can no longer be recovered. However, local fishermen regard the slaughter of these dolphins as a great wealth. If there is no business, there will be no killing. We will not eat dolphin meat, shark fin, whale meat, etc. Protect animals from harm and let more animals find their happy home.

  Protect animals, start with me!

  《海豚湾》观后感英语 篇8

夜上海论坛  After watching this film, I suddenly realized that this is the only documentary I can bear to watch.

夜上海论坛  I think many people who have seen the documentary have the same feeling. They are angry about human mutilation of dolphins. Maybe people here are more targeted at those fishermen and relevant government officials in Japan. When dolphins die in their hands, they do not feel a trace of sin, which is intolerable to those who are determined to protect animals. In order to expose this fact, a group of animal activists took action. What makes people admire is that they ranked the experience as a film, but the best thing is that the film won the Oscar for best documentary and scored very high.

夜上海论坛  As for whether the film can end the dolphin slaughter of Tai Chi, this should be the most urgent answer for everyone who has watched the film. Whether these protectors can be masters or not, fortunately, they have made efforts, and they have a clear conscience. Lament Richard's persistence and would rather go to jail to protect dolphins. Sometimes, very occasionally, a small thing, a person produces a belief, which affects his life. The little thing that the dolphins he trained died in his arms changed him and everything about him.

  Even if I'm the only one who stands up and speaks, I'll do it. That should be what Richard thought. Fortunately, there are still people to help him. Fortunately, there are many like-minded people. In this society, no one is lonely and can always find travel partners. It's better to have only one. Of course, Richard still wants more people to stand up, which is the purpose of this film. Should not be so numb, should not be so desperate, dialectical point of view, dolphin meat can not be used, killing it is not good for mankind, do not understand why humans should do things that are not good for themselves. The wisdom of dolphins has not been understood by human beings. Dolphins prefer to regard humans as their friends and rescue people at sea in times of danger. As a result, they encounter such an end.

  Environmental protection is an eternal topic. I'm glad to see the figure of Chinese environmentalists in Hoh Xil. There is no killing without trading. This sentence is true, but it does not rule out that some people have fun killing animals. If so, they are really inferior to primitive people.










