
我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-31 11:04:17 演讲稿 我要投稿
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夜上海论坛  各位老师同学,大家早上好!



  10.9是世界视觉日,眼睛使我们认识世界学习知识,相互交流的重要窗口,如果我们失去了明亮的眼睛,我们的世界是黑暗的世界,视力减弱,会给我们的学习和生活带来许多不便。 首先,爱护眼睛,要形成良好的卫生习惯。

夜上海论坛  眼睛与外界接触,容易受各种病菌的感染,要注意平时养成不用手揉眼的好习惯,因为手上有大量的.病菌,揉眼等于直接把病菌种到眼睛上。不揉眼这个好习惯可以把红眼病等传染性眼病拒之眼外。

夜上海论坛  其次,爱护眼睛,要选择好的写字阅读环境。不在晃动的车厢内阅读。有的同学充分利用时间,边走路边看书或在行走的车厢里看书,这样对眼睛很不利。因为车厢在震动,身体在摇动,眼睛和书本距离无法固定,加上照明条件不好,加重了眼睛的负担,经常如此就可能引起近视。


夜上海论坛  在校内我们上课时应注意写字姿势背要直眼睛与书本保持一尺距离按时做眼保健操是疲劳的眼睛放松一下。



  How to Protect Our Eyes

夜上海论坛  Good morning ,Ladies and gentlment.It’s my great honor to be here to share a speech with all of you.My name is Liyuan,I am a postgraduate in NEU and major in civil engineering .As we all known, eye is the window of heart, but if your eyes are not good as before and must wear glasses.Do you think this will have much influence in your life?I want to invite a classmate who wear glasses to give me the answer,..................Ok,Thank you my dear classmate to give me his opinion.Today,I will give you a speech about “How to protect our eyes”,which shall take 10 minutes.I will show my speech from the following three parts.

  The most important part is to protect our eyes in work and study.As we all known,the time is very and very precious in work and study,which means that we don’t have extra time to do other things,let along protect our eyes.But fortunately,the health experts said:”it is an effective way to do eye exercises to protect eyes in work and study,which don’t take much time,but also can get good effect.Actually,doing eye exercises is simple,here are some tips to do it.The first one is to press the Ashi Point.you can use your thumb to press the eyebow lightly.The second is to squeeze the Jingming Point.use your left or right thumb to press the bottom of nose,press first and then squeeze.The third is to knead Sibai point,let the left and right index and middle finger together,the thumb on the near side,supporting on the low jaw depression,then put your middle

夜上海论坛  finger to squeeze.In this part,you must be careful that the point need not move and the area you squeeze isn’t big.The last is to press the temple,you can make your fingers together,use your thumbs to press the temple,and then your index fingers to squeeze from the begining to end along your eyebow.That’s the very simple steps you can use to protect your eyes in work and study.

夜上海论坛  The another important part is to protect eye in diet. Doctor tells us that a good diet is the base of good body. The recent research found that sugar is one of the food that do much harm to eyes. That is because sugar in the sweet needs a lot of vitamin B1 in the human body. While the lack of vitamin B1 will make eyes easier to get tired. At the same time we’d better eat some liver and egg yolk, which contain lots of vitamin A. Other orange and yellow vegetables and fruits are also useful like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato and mango. However more than half people don’t have a balance diet and don’t have a sense to protect their eyes in diet. Especially to some girls, they always don’t eat breakfast in order to keep slim, maybe the idea is good, the way is ueasonable. So actions must be taken immediately, we can eat more liver, vegetables, fish and so on to keep a balance diet.The last but also effective way is to protect our eyes in other aspect.With the far-researching in mechine,there are some mechine you can use to protect our eyes,such as Eye Drops.Some people may feel indifferent to protect eyes,because of this curing mechine.but the

夜上海论坛  mechine also has some side-effect,we must be careful to use it.Some health doctor also suggests that doing exercises can help ue to have health eyes.you can do some sports,such as basketball,table tennis,badminton and so on.So there are a lot of ways you can do to protect your eyes.

  We can also protect our eyes in other aspects. Besides eye exercises, we can also protect vision through some ball games, such as table tennis, basketball, badminton, shuttlecock(毽子) and so on. When taking part in the sports project, we must keep a close eye on the ball that shuttles back and forth, far and near. The eyeballs constantly moving enhanced local blood circulation of eyes so that eyes function improved. Some doctors also suggest that we should wash our eyes regularly. Pour warm water into disinfected washbasin(消毒过的脸盆) and then put your face into the water. Open your eyes in the water and move your eyes in full direction. To begin with, eyes suffer from the water , but as the rotation continues, eyes will slowly feel comfortable. This method can help dust and other harmful materials in eyes be washed away and it can improve the degree of refractive errors(屈光不正), hyperopia(远视) and myopia(近视).

  In conclusion,there is no time to delay to protect our eyes.Actions should be taken in work and study,diet,and other aspect to do it.when we do that,our eyes may be bright as much as before.Ladies and gentlment,it’s high time to take it seriously,to fight it earlier,to protect it

  immediately.Only in that way can we have good eyes,better health,best world. Thank you.



夜上海论坛  大家早上好!当我们抬起头注视着鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起时,你们有没有想过:是什么让我们看到了这激动人心的情景?对,是我们的眼睛!眼睛是心灵的窗户,拥有一双明亮的眼睛是一件多么幸福的事情。今天,我演讲的题目是《爱护我们的眼睛》。


夜上海论坛  有资料显示,我国有五百万盲人,七百万双眼低视力者,单眼低视力者高达四千万人,也就是平均每100个中国人就有三到四个近视眼。形形色色的眼病不仅严重危害了人们的身心健康,也阻碍了人们生活质量的提高。要知道我们人类将近80%的感觉来源于我们双眼,失去清晰的视力,我们就等于失去了近80%的感觉,多么可怕!










夜上海论坛  同学们,让我们行动起来,一起保护视力、防治近视,还自己一个清晰世界,共同去感悟美好生活!谢谢大家!